OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You said one group of people were more important than another group when it comes to being killed. It wasn't me who originally connected your answer to race, but your follow up reply to someone else was a little discriminatory. That could have been a subconscious thing though.
Is there any reason to distinguish "blacks killing blacks" or any other ethnicity? It sorta reminds me of my mom when she used to share her grocery store experiences like this: "This colored girl rang me up and she was so nice." It's a fairly benign, generational racism that I'm used to, and I have actually managed to make her aware of and she doesn't do it anymore... with me, anyway.
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So I also remember some people complaining but I think if you polled the country on if the smoking indoors ban is a good thing you'd get a resounding yes, even smokers I know don't want people smoking inside.

And yeah - the amount that any semblance of universal healthcare that we have here in the states costs us taxpayers is minimal. Again, seems like very selective anger over what costs the average person $20 a year.

Just like people getting angry about something that has a 1 in 11,125 chance of death, right?
I believe there was SOME disgruntlement when smoking indoors was made illegal. But, it didn't matter.

People battling diabetes, alcoholism, or obesity, or emphysema are apparently making my life shorter because of my money going toward their health care and not my own. I wasn't aware of that before.

You really weren't aware that when the government takes your money and gives it to someone else, that reduces your ability to pay for your own care?

If you really weren't aware of that, then a whole lot of stuff has just become crystal clear.
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You really weren't aware that when the government takes your money and gives it to someone else, that reduces your ability to pay for your own care?

If you really weren't aware of that, then a whole lot of stuff has just become crystal clear.
I was being facetious. And, it's not a lot of money and it goes both ways. Quit acting like you're struggling financially in some lame attempt to prove a lame point.
Just like people getting angry about something that has a 1 in 11,125 chance of death, right?

Ah, so we shouldn't be concerned that mass shootings are happening is your stance?

That's an interesting one there.
Ah, so we shouldn't be concerned that mass shootings are happening is your stance?

That's an interesting one there.

You be concerned with what worries you, I will spend my time worrying about things that have greater than a 0.00008989% chance of killing me.

But don't expect me to get worried about something with odds that low.
I was being facetious. And, it's not a lot of money and it goes both ways. Quit acting like you're struggling financially in some lame attempt to prove a lame point.

Oh, so now you wish to make a judgement on my personal finances? Seems about right. How about this for a judgement- I doubt you care about taxes because something tells me you aren't paying any on sales of guitars via Ebay. So maybe you should sit this one out?

$20 to me is a lot more concerning than something that has a 0.00008989% chance of killing me. You do you though.
Oh, so now you wish to make a judgement on my personal finances? Seems about right. How about this for a judgement- I doubt you care about taxes because something tells me you aren't paying any on sales of guitars via Ebay. So maybe you should sit this one out?

$20 to me is a lot more concerning than something that has a 0.00008989% chance of killing me. You do you though.
No, actually internet sales tax has made its way into online sales sites for good. So, your judgment was wrong.

How did you arrive at 0.00008989% chance?
You be concerned with what worries you, I will spend my time worrying about things that have greater than a 0.00008989% chance of killing me.

But don't expect me to get worried about something with odds that low.

So you only care about mass shootings if you’re the victim?
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No, actually internet sales tax has made its way into online sales sites for good. So, your judgment was wrong.

How did you arrive at 0.00008989% chance?

How about income tax?

Here's the chart:

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So, they're murdering the same number of people with knives as people using assault weapons, in these single instances? Damn... they're like super ninjas or something.
I'm not sure. Like I said, I didn't read his link. He said that the murder rate was higher. Maybe killing 10 people in one attack is better than killing 10 people, but having to break it into two separate attacks. Seems like 10 dead people are 10 dead people to me. I could be completely wrong about this, because I'm just trying to interpret what @NoleSoup4U was trying to say. I might be way off.

Is there any reason to distinguish "blacks killing blacks" or any other ethnicity? It sorta reminds me of my mom when she used to share her grocery store experiences like this: "This colored girl rang me up and she was so nice." It's a fairly benign, generational racism that I'm used to, and I have actually managed to make her aware of and she doesn't do it anymore... with me, anyway.
Normally no, but I'm trying to find a difference as to why some of these deaths are more important than others to some people. If we are going to discuss a solution to a problem, you need to know the variables. Race seems to be a factor based on the stats. It could just be a coincidence though.
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When did I say race? I was actually the one who said stop making it about race because gang members and those who murder each other in cities are of all races. Please show me where I said this is about race.
It wasn't my intention to connect it to race at first. I just meant discriminatory as it relates to the two groups. You were discriminating about people in the inner city by calling them thugs that no one cares about. In my ETA, I did mention it possibly being a subconscious race thing as to why you seemed to think victims of mass shooting are more important than those "thugs". You never really gave a solid reason as to why lives in mass shootings were more important than those in Chicago.
How about income tax? What about it? I file them every year. I'm not the one one with my hand on my wallet, using it as an excuse to basically say "to hell with worrying about the thousands of people getting mowed-down. I'm already on the hook for the senior citizens with diabetes." If it's not likely to happen to you, then BFD.

Oh ok. So it's fine for you to make an assumption about my finances but I shouldn't make any about yours. Got it.
It wasn't my intention to connect it to race at first. I just meant discriminatory as it relates to the two groups. You were discriminating about people in the inner city by calling them thugs that no one cares about. In my ETA, I did mention it possibly being a subconscious race thing as to why you seemed to think victims of mass shooting are more important than those "thugs". You never really gave a solid reason as to why lives in mass shootings were more important than those in Chicago.

I live in a city with a lot of gang violence. I have gang members hanging out at the train station 3 blocks away from me. Google gang shooting Newport Mall, that was half a mile from my house.

If you can’t see the difference between a gang member being shot by another gang member and a 9 year old kid dying at a Gaelic festival then I don’t really have much else to say.
I'm not sure. Like I said, I didn't read his link. He said that the murder rate was higher. Maybe killing 10 people in one attack is better than killing 10 people, but having to break it into two separate attacks. Seems like 10 dead people are 10 dead people to me.
I don't think murder rates are the same outcome as total numbers murdered. I guess what really matters is how a society determines what affects it and how much, or how little, and why. And, if it takes "white people dying in masses" to get it changed, well, that's unfortunate, but hopefully it's finally going to get better. Being pissed that it took white people dying to get there is going to happen, but some people are feigning being pissed in an attempt to keep the status quo.

Someone who is a heroin addict and eventually dies is, in a distinct way, committing suicide. Same with alcohol or smoking, whatever. It's typically a slow process. When a person takes a shotgun and puts it in their mouth... that's fast, and it's messy, and it is seen as more appalling to society, from what I can tell. We don't call heroin addict's deaths as suicide, usually. Even and overdose is called an overdose, maybe a possibility of suicide. Everything born, eventually dies. I guess while we're here, we try to make the means by which we take our curtain call as acceptable as possible, maybe?
Oh ok. So it's fine for you to make an assumption about my finances but I shouldn't make any about yours. Got it.
Make as many as you want. As I said, I'm not the one using my wallet and my bottom line to justify snubbing these archaic gun attitudes. That's been your angle.
Make as many as you want. As I said, I'm not the one using my wallet and my bottom line to justify snubbing these archaic gun attitudes. That's been your angle.

no, you are using MY wallet to justify your positions. Kindly stop.
I live in a city with a lot of gang violence. I have gang members hanging out at the train station 3 blocks away from me. Google gang shooting Newport Mall, that was half a mile from my house.

If you can’t see the difference between a gang member being shot by another gang member and a 9 year old kid dying at a Gaelic festival then I don’t really have much else to say.

Of course there is a difference. One is most likely black or hispanic while the other is white. You only seem to care about the white one.

Why are you racist?
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Of course there is a difference. One is most likely black or hispanic while the other is white. You only seem to care about the white one.

Why are you racist?

How many times do I need to say there are every race of gang members and that when I say gang I literally mean a person in a gang, nothing at all with the color of his or her skin.

Read dude.
I think it's also about lowering the body counts. If a person is using a knife to carry out a mass killing, then the likelihood of killing 20 and injuring 20 more is not very high.

What about pipe bombs? Do they kill more or less people than an "assault rifle"?
How many times do I need to say there are every race of gang members and that when I say gang I literally mean a person in a gang, nothing at all with the color of his or her skin.

Read dude.

I am supposed to read your stuff and take you literally but Trump and his supporters are racist.

Do I have this correct?
That's BS and you know it. You brought that angle into your argument, not me.

Yes, I am talking about my money, not your money. I don't presume to speak to you how to spend your tax-free money- why should you be able to tell me how to spend my fully taxed income?
This is a great poast. I guess I don't understand why people think that evil will just give up if we take away their favorite weapon.

"I was going to rob, rape and murder some folks today but I just learned that I can't use my trusty AR-15 anymore. Drats! I guess I'll turn to a positive lifestyle now."

It could happen, I guess.
That's like saying "Well, if we cure these diseases, there are just going to be more we have to cure. It's not like nature will just be on our side from here on out. Just cope with the symptoms and die with as much dignity as possible."
Yes, I am talking about my money, not your money. I don't presume to speak to you how to spend your tax-free money- why should you be able to tell me how to spend my fully taxed income?
I never presumed anything, you volunteered it and keep falling-back on how you're already being shaken-down to keep poor people in good health.
I think the point he's trying to make is that people just started killing people in different ways, which offsets any benefit of getting rid of guns. If the ultimate goal is to lower the homicide rate, then it didn't work. If your sole purpose is just to make sure people are killed through other methods, then it worked. That's what I got from it. I might be completely misunderstanding his point though.

We don't know if it lowered the homicide rate or not since we don't have a control group. I think the rate would be higher with more gun deaths. Most of the murders in the list appear to be one offs vs. 2-3 people per incident.
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If you can’t see the difference between a gang member being shot by another gang member and a 9 year old kid dying at a Gaelic festival then I don’t really have much else to say.
Like I said before, a lot of these people being killed are not gang members. They are just innocent kids and adults. You are making two assumptions. First, you are assuming that these are all gang members and second, you're assuming that the people in the mass shootings are all great people. There was a kid that died this weekend in Chicago (I think he was 5) to go along with more than 50 people who were shot and others who were killed. Many of them just innocent people. If you don't understand how killing an innocent kid is just as bad no matter where you are I don't really have much else to say.
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Translation: "I purposely exaggerated the number for shock value and to make my point stronger. It's a debate tactic I use quite often and I'm ashamed of myself for doing it especially because I work very hard to create my online persona as one that values the truth."
Hey, I had the humility to say I was wrong. Hundreds is tolerable, right?
We don't know if it lowered the homicide rate or not since we don't have a control group. I think the rate would be higher with more gun deaths. Most of the murders in the list appear to be one offs vs. 2-3 people per incident.
That's a solid point. It's really hard to say for certain what the exact numbers would be without a control group.
Beat me to it. Those things are extremely cheap and easy to make. They don't get the same news coverage as the AR-15, so it doesn't have the same copy cat issue.
When people set-off pipe bombs and kill... a few... people, you're saying that doesn't make the news?

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