OOTB's Political Thread . ..

First of all, it's only October. 2019. To say any one of the Democratic candidates is the likely nominee is premature.

Paraphrased: "Don't make any predictions/assumptions of future outcomes where there is a possibility of doubt"

Second, Donald Trump, if he had any chance at all of being reelected, just lost the 2020 election yesterday as Turkish forces were attacking the Kurds in northern Syria. Of all the stupid things Trump has done since taking office, pulling our troops in Syria and allowing what will become a bloodbath (not to mention in effect setting 12,000 or more ISIS murderers on the loose) is by far his most heartless and idiotic move yet.

Paraphrased: "Here's a prediction/assumption of a future outcome in which I'm assuming everyone feels the way I do"
I said appears likely. That means as of today it looks like she will win. She will get most of Bernie's support when he drops out.

What is happening in Syria is horrible. Most Americans don't give a shit about the Kurds though, so to say he lost anything due to that is just wrong.

I’ve just been waiting for trump supporters to admit they don’t actually care about innocent people getting killed over an idiot decision made by trump. It’s obvious they don’t give a shit about the Kurds. Or anyone else for that matter. Being an asshole has become a point of pride for these people.
I’ve just been waiting for trump supporters to admit they don’t actually care about innocent people getting killed over an idiot decision made by trump. It’s obvious they don’t give a shit about the Kurds. Or anyone else for that matter. Being an asshole has become a point of pride for these people.
I'm not a Trump supporter. The point I was trying to make is that when it comes to voting for president no one, not just Trump supporters, are going to care. Voters aren't going to say to themselves, "well, I was going to vote for Trump but the Kurds." You're fooling yourself if you think that will happen.
I'm not a Trump supporter. The point I was trying to make is that when it comes to voting for president no one, not just Trump supporters, are going to care. Voters aren't going to say to themselves, "well, I was going to vote for Trump but the Kurds." You're fooling yourself if you think that will happen.

The only reason, since Hoover in 1932, that a President hasn't been relected is because the economy went to shit their first term. I wonder if impeachment changes that.
The only reason, since Hoover in 1932, that a President hasn't been relected is because the economy went to shit their first term. I wonder if impeachment changes that.
Yeah, like always the economy is the key. The wildcard being impeachment. It will be an interesting case study. If the economy is doing well and he doesn't get impeached, then I'm not sure if anyone currently running can beat him.
I'm not a Trump supporter. The point I was trying to make is that when it comes to voting for president no one, not just Trump supporters, are going to care. Voters aren't going to say to themselves, "well, I was going to vote for Trump but the Kurds." You're fooling yourself if you think that will happen.

I know you're not. I was agreeing with you about Trump supporters not giving a shit about the Kurds.

According to what I've learned about the field of public choice, the two primary factors are the economy and security, which is measured by the public confidence in the president's ability to manage a military conflict. This situation should cause that confidence to take a hit for any rational voters who aren't already committed to trump.
. Voters aren't going to say to themselves, "well, I was going to vote for Trump but the Kurds."
It's expected that record numbers will turn out to vote in the next election, and in one fell swoop you have narrowed down potentially 160 million Americans to one single mindset.

As uncboy points out, many Trump supporters probably don't give a shit if genocide is committed against these faceless American allies, of course most Trump supporters don't have any common sense to begin with. However, I'll bet there are moderate Republicans and more than a few independents who will be kicked in the gut watching those who fought alongside us against ISIS being wiped out thanks to Donald Trump and Donald Trump alone.
It's expected that record numbers will turn out to vote in the next election, and in one fell swoop you have narrowed down potentially 160 million Americans to one single mindset.

As uncboy points out above, many Trump supporters probably don't give a shit if genocide is committed against American allies, of course most Trump supporters don't have any common sense to begin with. However, I'll bet there are moderate Republicans and more than a few independents who will be kicked in the gut watching those who fought alongside of us against ISIS being wiped out thanks to Donald Trump and Donald Trump alone.

You're talking about like 0.1% of the voting population.

I like to think I'm more informed than 95% of Americans (as most of us in this thread are) and I honestly won't think twice about the Kurds when I go into a voting booth. Plus, I'm a moderate Republican that you mentioned.

Economy, economy, economy.
You're talking about like 0.1% of the voting population.
I don't know how you came up with that number but I would argue it's a tad bit conservative. And there's more to this than just the blood of Kurdish victims. Consider the 12,000 or more imprisoned ISIS soldiers who may be freed, essentially erasing much of the progress made over the last several years.

Remember, Trump made this decision after consulting one person, the President of Turkey. Talk about a loose cannon.
I don't know how you came up with that number but I would argue it's a tad bit conservative. And there's more to this than just the blood of Kurdish victims. Consider the 12,000 or more imprisoned ISIS soldiers who may be freed, essentially erasing much of the progress made over the last several years.

Remember, Trump made this decision after consulting one person, the President of Turkey. Talk about a loose cannon.

I think you're overestimating the knowledge and intelligence of the average American voter.
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You're talking about like 0.1% of the voting population.

I like to think I'm more informed than 95% of Americans (as most of us in this thread are) and I honestly won't think twice about the Kurds when I go into a voting booth. Plus, I'm a moderate Republican that you mentioned.

Economy, economy, economy.

Which is kind of strange considering the president isn’t running the economy. And the president enabling genocide seems like a pretty big red flag.
It's expected that record numbers will turn out to vote in the next election, and in one fell swoop you have narrowed down potentially 160 million Americans to one single mindset.
You're the one who narrowed it down to the Kurds not me.
Yeah, we've said it here a few times, the President hasn't had much to do with the economy since the New Deal.

But again, the average voter always equates the President to the economy.

You won’t catch me overestimating the intelligence of the average voter. But I thought you were saying that’s the issue that you’re going to vote on.
You won’t catch me overestimating the intelligence of the average voter. But I thought you were saying that’s the issue that you’re going to vote on.

No, I said I won't be thinking about the Kurds when I step into the booth. Then said economy economy economy for the average voter.

For me, I vote usually Republican because fiscal ideals is my most important issue. I'm very much against a liberal plan that includes taking more of my money to give it to people who don't work as hard as I do.

That said, I'm also a history guy so when I see someone deface the election process and then the oval office, that really clouds my mind. So I left my Presidential ballot blank then I voted mostly Republican (although I actually really liked Hakeem Jeffries as my congressman so I voted for him) for things I didn't know as well (State Assembly people, etc.).

With that said, I voted for Obama in 2012. I thought he did a good job and deserved the second term. McCain before him. Then Bush before him.

I generally want young people in office (40-55). I think younger people are generally more willing to compromise which is vital to being President. I also think new blood is always good. My favorite President is the youngest of all time, Teddy.

Not sure what I'll do in 2020. Similarly to Hillary, I hate all the dem front runners so that's not an option. Probably leave it blank again.
Not sure what I'll do in 2020.

No, I said I won't be thinking about the Kurds when I step into the booth. Then said economy economy economy for the average voter.

For me, I vote usually Republican because fiscal ideals is my most important issue. I'm very much against a liberal plan that includes taking more of my money to give it to people who don't work as hard as I do.

That said, I'm also a history guy so when I see someone deface the election process and then the oval office, that really clouds my mind. So I left my Presidential ballot blank then I voted mostly Republican (although I actually really liked Hakeem Jeffries as my congressman so I voted for him) for things I didn't know as well (State Assembly people, etc.).

With that said, I voted for Obama in 2012. I thought he did a good job and deserved the second term. McCain before him. Then Bush before him.

I generally want young people in office (40-55). I think younger people are generally more willing to compromise which is vital to being President. I also think new blood is always good. My favorite President is the youngest of all time, Teddy.

Not sure what I'll do in 2020. Similarly to Hillary, I hate all the dem front runners so that's not an option. Probably leave it blank again.


I’m not sure why people act like the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility. Deregulating Wall Street doesn’t exactly scream fiscal responsibility. Neither does subsidizing firms by deregulating them and allowing them to externalize costs like pollution.

Also the whole “taking my money to give it to lazy people” bit is a tired cliche to me. People repeatedly ignore the data and fixate on the welfare queen caricature. Most people who take public assistance are on it for a short period of time. The lazy people benefiting from the social safety net are a minority.

I think it’s nice to get young people in office because in general they seem to be more in touch with current issues. But it’s not really an issue that I consider when I’m voting. I care more about the issues. If their platform reflects an outdated attitude then I’m not interested anyways.
Of course I care about the topic. I genuinely want to know why my statement is wrong. Obviously I don't want to go around thinking @heelmanwilm isn't pretty much down the middle if he isn't. I'm always open to learning more. Especially from @NoleSoup4U and you as well. You are always so enlightening.

@heelmanwilm is a good man, but he isn't "down the middle". At some point you'll have to prove that.
@NoleSoup4U ,

A bit of advice, @tarheel0910 is trolling you. He doesn’t care about the topic at hand. He’s simply trying to argue with you and then giggle about it with a few others. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of engaging.

Oh, I don't care about trolls. I just respond to posts. You have to anger someone in order to troll them. Nobody can anger me.
Well, words do matter. That's what started this whole thing. You didn't like my choice of words. Why do you think my statement is wrong? If I didn't know any better I would think you didn't actually have this evidence you say you have. You would never do something like that though. I'm sure once you log back on today, you will provide us with the evidence and show everyone how right you are and why you are a top five poster here.

I accept your resignation.

Word to the wise, @gunslingerdick is part of those "few others." I'd be concerned about who's offering you advice here. You might be getting set up!

I'm my own man. I respect almost everyone on this board. I don't hate anyone on this board. I'm just here to argue the facts. If you knew me in real life, you would understand. Nothing on this board is going to get me angry.
I like to think I'm more informed than 95% of Americans (as most of us in this thread are) and I honestly won't think twice about the Kurds when I go into a voting booth. Plus, I'm a moderate Republican that you mentioned.

Economy, economy, economy.
One of us is confused. First you say you're in the top 95% of American voters, but then you suggest the average voter equates the president to the economy. Which is it, are you above average or just pretending to be?
So, since Trump, and his family, realized that Vietnam was an abomination the guys can't respect those who were forced to give their lives by the same "deep state" that he's fighting against? You, sir...are either a hypocrite, or a moron. I'll let you decide which it is.

Bro Trump wasn't fighting in Vietnam, WW1, WW2, Revolutionary War, etc. That guy isn't sacrificing his life for anything.
My bad, I thought you were a teacher. It still doesn't change the fact that you're wrong.

That's just an opinion. Opinions have no weight in an argument. You're a guy who stalks a UNC message board even though you don't like UNC, you should know better.
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That's just an opinion. Opinions have no weight in an argument. You're a guy who stalks a UNC message board even though you don't like UNC, you should know better.

So, your defense of my response of your opinion is, "It's just an opinion?" At this point, I'm pretty happy that you weren't a teacher. ;)
Hmm... that's not really evidence, but I'm still standing by waiting for you to prove me wrong.

I needed evidence to accept your resignation? I think not.

You aren't stupid, dude. Do some extra research. Sure, it means you have to expend some of your resources to watching videos you wouldn't normally watch, but it just comes down to what you want most. To get educated, you need to sacrifice other aspects of your life.

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