OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Look I'm not afraid of trans people I don't care what they do I don't even care what restroom they use. A true trans person somewhat looks like a man or woman and no one would even notice them in what ever restroom they choose to use!

But when you start making these laws that you have to let anyone use any restroom they want because they FEEL like a woman or man on that day you open the door for perverts to use this to be perverts or pedophiles.

I'm not against it just because it hate those people I have my reasons. To each his or her own, its none of my business but when a full blooded grown MAN comes out of a restroom or goes into a restroom that my 14 year old daughter or wife is in it becomes my business.

Not everyone hates people because they disagree! If the chance of something bad could happen doesn't bother you should really reconsider your stance. That's if your married and have kids and if you don't someday you may understand it a little better!

For the record I respect your response and judging by it you are content to allow trans people to live as they are. Many still do not hold that view.

In actuality I agree, I don’t think laws need to be on the books about which bathroom people use. But I also think there’s very little to fear from a grown man pretending to be a woman to do perverted shit.
I'm not a liberal.

P.S. I think you automatically assuming someone not agreeing with Trump makes them a liberal is the real "thick skull" attitude.
I didn't say you were a liberal. I said what you posted represents the liberal thought process. I think your presumption about what I thought regarding Trump in a post that isn't at all about Trump is because of the real thick skull you have.
I really liked McCain. Didn't hate Obama just if there is a Republican I like he'll get the nod because I'm fiscally conservative and that's what is most important to me. I didn't like Romney and I thought Obama did well from 08-12 so went blue in 2012.

So I like(d) Biden as VP and I think he's super qualified and relatively moderate which is also very important to me....however, I do think his mental capacity is fading and until he shows me otherwise I don't know if I can vote for him. I'd have to really like his VP candidate and so far I don't really love the options being thrown around for it.

you like kamala?, as in enough in 2020?
I didn't say you were a liberal. I said what you posted represents the liberal thought process. I think your presumption about what I thought regarding Trump in a post that isn't at all about Trump is because of the real thick skull you have.

For someone who rails against people for making broad, sweeping presumptions you sure make a lot of them yourself.
In my opinion "liberal" is a misnomer and an inaccurate way to paint someone's political beliefs. We are all 'liberals' to some degree because at our core we believe in democracy, rule of law, and rights of all people. That in itself is liberal. What's the opposite of that? North Korea, Putin's Russia, CCP China- all places who have no concept of such things.

The Founders were 'liberal' by the standards of their era. When the world other than Holland were ruled by Kings, Emperors, tribal chiefs, and dictators. They set the tone for a better future, ideals shared by all.

Granted that ideal has not been given or shared among all in our history, (the definition has expanded over time to include previously excluded groups) but it's the ideal that has survived over the course of time.

There will always be complications and nuances in democracy. That's why they typically don't last long. But 'liberal' thinking in the classical sense brought about the way of life we have now.

The biggest disagreement is how to run and keep the democracy- which have now been rigidly conformed into the ideologies of Republicans and Democrats in 2020. Which sucks.
In my opinion "liberal" is a misnomer and an inaccurate way to paint someone's political beliefs. We are all 'liberals' to some degree because at our core we believe in democracy, rule of law, and rights of all people. That in itself is liberal. What's the opposite of that? North Korea, Putin's Russia, CCP China- all places who have no concept of such things.

The Founders were 'liberal' by the standards of their era. When the world other than Holland were ruled by Kings, Emperors, tribal chiefs, and dictators. They set the tone for a better future, ideals shared by all.

Granted that ideal has not been given or shared among all in our history, (the definition has expanded over time to include previously excluded groups) but it's the ideal that has survived over the course of time.

There will always be complications and nuances in democracy. That's why they typically don't last long. But 'liberal' thinking in the classical sense brought about the way of life we have now.

The biggest disagreement is how to run and keep the democracy- which have now been rigidly conformed into the ideologies of Republicans and Democrats in 2020. Which sucks.
Good damn post
In my opinion "liberal" is a misnomer and an inaccurate way to paint someone's political beliefs. We are all 'liberals' to some degree because at our core we believe in democracy, rule of law, and rights of all people. That in itself is liberal. What's the opposite of that? North Korea, Putin's Russia, CCP China- all places who have no concept of such things.

The Founders were 'liberal' by the standards of their era. When the world other than Holland were ruled by Kings, Emperors, tribal chiefs, and dictators. They set the tone for a better future, ideals shared by all.

Granted that ideal has not been given or shared among all in our history, (the definition has expanded over time to include previously excluded groups) but it's the ideal that has survived over the course of time.

There will always be complications and nuances in democracy. That's why they typically don't last long. But 'liberal' thinking in the classical sense brought about the way of life we have now.

The biggest disagreement is how to run and keep the democracy- which have now been rigidly conformed into the ideologies of Republicans and Democrats in 2020. Which sucks.

This is all 1000% accurate but you're going to trigger 90% of this board because they think they're the most anti-liberal things in the history of man.
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Really that the best you can come up with they! If someone kills someone with a gun they go to prison the is perfectly legal to kill a baby with abortion im some state after its born living. Keep tootin that gun horn.

It takes an evil human to kill a baby that is breathing after aborting it. The doctor, mother, and anyone that supports that is pure trash.
Can you share a link to where healthy babies are being murdered after delivery?
Can you share a link to where healthy babies are being murdered after delivery?

I didn't say healthy babies I said babies. There are states that there are no cap for how late term it can be, and other states have laws where they say the limit is viability. Well I have a nephew that was born at 23 weeks he could fit in the palm of your hand he was so small. He is now 6'4" 18 years old and is perfectly normal. There are cases of babies being born even earlier and survived.

There babies aborted everyday that are still breathing and are allowed to die on a table. I'm not saying they are born and mom are looking at them and then deciding to kill it.

Couple of points a baby aborted at 36 week in a state with no limit, can be 100% healthy until someone drags it out and it dies or if it is still breathing once on the outside and kills it.

I'm not interested in debating it because your going to tell me "its the mother choice" "what gives you the right to tell a woman" or "its not baby its a fetus for a clump of cells"

Regardless if that baby was alive 5 minutes ago inside the mother and now its laying on a table dead because of an outside force it murder!
For someone who rails against people for making broad, sweeping presumptions you sure make a lot of them yourself.
here we go again. OK, genius, where is the alleged presumption?

In my opinion "liberal" is a misnomer and an inaccurate way to paint someone's political beliefs. We are all 'liberals' to some degree because at our core we believe in democracy, rule of law, and rights of all people. That in itself is liberal. What's the opposite of that? North Korea, Putin's Russia, CCP China- all places who have no concept of such things.

The Founders were 'liberal' by the standards of their era. When the world other than Holland were ruled by Kings, Emperors, tribal chiefs, and dictators. They set the tone for a better future, ideals shared by all.

Granted that ideal has not been given or shared among all in our history, (the definition has expanded over time to include previously excluded groups) but it's the ideal that has survived over the course of time.

There will always be complications and nuances in democracy. That's why they typically don't last long. But 'liberal' thinking in the classical sense brought about the way of life we have now.

The biggest disagreement is how to run and keep the democracy- which have now been rigidly conformed into the ideologies of Republicans and Democrats in 2020. Which sucks.

wait, so you're saying that everything is relative? Next you'll be informing us that a rose, by any other name, is the same.
This is all 1000% accurate but you're going to trigger 90% of this board because they think they're the most anti-liberal things in the history of man.

It’s all in the context of modern America. I think a better descriptor of the left would be “progressive” while the right is sort of whatever Trump wants it to be- call it conservative, isolationist, protectionist, etc.

What worries me is that people on either side of the isle increasingly see their ideological opponents not as fellow citizens with differing political views, but enemies not to be trusted. Love or hate Trump I think he has exacerbated that tension. It didn’t originate with him but it’s become worse since he took office.
here we go again. OK, genius, where is the alleged presumption?

wait, so you're saying that everything is relative? Next you'll be informing us that a rose, by any other name, is the same.

That’s not even remotely what I said. I’m saying that being liberal by its definition is something every American is. You are not a left wing person or a progressive, but you still believe in the principles of this country which are unequivocally liberal.

Meaning I don’t think using “liberal” is an accurate descriptor of the left in 2020.
That’s not even remotely what I said. I’m saying that being liberal by its definition is something every American is. You are not a left wing person or a progressive, but you still believe in the principles of this country which are unequivocally liberal.

Meaning I don’t think using “liberal” is an accurate descriptor of the left in 2020.
I believe Liberal and Conservative are polarities, like Hot and Cold.

People who believe they are one OR the other, all the time, are denying the responses and favor of the other polarity within themselves. Then, over time, you condition yourself, I would think.
It’s all in the context of modern America. I think a better descriptor of the left would be “progressive” while the right is sort of whatever Trump wants it to be- call it conservative, isolationist, protectionist, etc.

What worries me is that people on either side of the isle increasingly see their ideological opponents not as fellow citizens with differing political views, but enemies not to be trusted. Love or hate Trump I think he has exacerbated that tension. It didn’t originate with him but it’s become worse since he took office.

John Locke, one of..if not the Godfather of liberalism, wrote literally what the staunchest conservatives say here all the time. The most important thing government should be doing is protecting my freedoms.
That’s not even remotely what I said. I’m saying that being liberal by its definition is something every American is. You are not a left wing person or a progressive, but you still believe in the principles of this country which are unequivocally liberal.

Meaning I don’t think using “liberal” is an accurate descriptor of the left in 2020.
that's exactly what you said, you're just not remotely aware of it. Now how about that presumption thing?
that's exactly what you said, you're just not remotely aware of it. Now how about that presumption thing?

You’re putting words into my mouth yet again. If you believe in the concepts of freedom and democracy, you are liberal by definition. If you do, congrats.

That is not the same thing as holding a political affiliation or platform.

It is a misleading insult for you to call someone a “lib” when pretty much everyone in this country is.
You’re putting words into my mouth yet again. If you believe in the concepts of freedom and democracy, you are liberal by definition. If you do, congrats.
That is not the same thing as holding a political affiliation or platform.

It is a misleading insult for you to call someone a “lib” when pretty much everyone in this country is.
That’s what people like him do, they are truly trash and you shouldn’t waste your time on them.
Liberal today has morphed into something different than the fore fathers time. I think some on here are labeled incorrectly. I think most bite into each party concept as they chose. The ones on the farfringe sides will argue no matter what. I think most people live in the middle. That's where I reside. Although I tend to lean right due to some policies and stances the candidate takes. I vote for what I feel fits best for my life. Being a small business owner, I look to protect that. I look to protect my freedoms at almost any cost. I don't want big government and I do want a strong military. I do not want them used as pawns in global chess games. I feel the past 3 potus did what they felt best for this country. I feel they failed in some areas and succeeded in others. The success outweighed the bad. I voted for 2 of them and will be voting for trump.

I could never in a millions years get behind another Clinton. As I stated before, she is why we have trump. People did not want her. I feared for my future with her at the helm. More so than trump. He hasn't invaded any countries, and has worked to manage our trades globally into more favorable scenarios for us. Yes it was unnerving. We really need to bring back our companies and production here. The US needs to be in control of her self. Not being handled by other countries
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I didn't say healthy babies I said babies. There are states that there are no cap for how late term it can be, and other states have laws where they say the limit is viability. Well I have a nephew that was born at 23 weeks he could fit in the palm of your hand he was so small. He is now 6'4" 18 years old and is perfectly normal. There are cases of babies being born even earlier and survived.

There babies aborted everyday that are still breathing and are allowed to die on a table. I'm not saying they are born and mom are looking at them and then deciding to kill it.

Couple of points a baby aborted at 36 week in a state with no limit, can be 100% healthy until someone drags it out and it dies or if it is still breathing once on the outside and kills it.

I'm not interested in debating it because your going to tell me "its the mother choice" "what gives you the right to tell a woman" or "its not baby its a fetus for a clump of cells"

Regardless if that baby was alive 5 minutes ago inside the mother and now its laying on a table dead because of an outside force it murder!
I have a special needs child that was supposed to be born healthy but suffered from a birth injury. Doctors told my wife he was severely damaged and were unsure if he would make it 2 weeks let alone 2 years. The option to abort was available by means of taking him off of life support. Ultimately, she decided to push forward. He is 14 today. Confined to a wheel chair. Can’t talk. Can’t walk. Has a feeding tube. Limited use of his limbs. She loves him more than anything in this world but wonders if she made the right choice.

The law was designed for situations like this. And when people who have no experience with a child like him politicize this issue, she loses her mind.

People who haven’t lived it cannot understand the emotional, financial, and physical toll of both the parent and child.
I have a special needs child that was supposed to be born healthy but suffered from a birth injury. Doctors told my wife he was severely damaged and were unsure if he would make it 2 weeks let alone 2 years. The option to abort was available by means of taking him off of life support. Ultimately, she decided to push forward. He is 14 today. Confined to a wheel chair. Can’t talk. Can’t walk. Has a feeding tube. Limited use of his limbs. She loves him more than anything in this world but wonders if she made the right choice.

The law was designed for situations like this. And when people who have no experience with a child like him politicize this issue, she loses her mind.

People who haven’t lived it cannot understand the emotional, financial, and physical toll of both the parent and child.

Is he able to communicate at all? Does he show emotions? Not trying to get too personal, just wondering. Thanks for sharing that.
It must be exhausting to go around thinking that everyone who is pro choice supports babies being murdered.
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I have a special needs child that was supposed to be born healthy but suffered from a birth injury. Doctors told my wife he was severely damaged and were unsure if he would make it 2 weeks let alone 2 years. The option to abort was available by means of taking him off of life support. Ultimately, she decided to push forward. He is 14 today. Confined to a wheel chair. Can’t talk. Can’t walk. Has a feeding tube. Limited use of his limbs. She loves him more than anything in this world but wonders if she made the right choice.

The law was designed for situations like this. And when people who have no experience with a child like him politicize this issue, she loses her mind.

People who haven’t lived it cannot understand the emotional, financial, and physical toll of both the parent and child.
Your situation is hard. I also commend you for giving your kid a chance. Thank God he is well loved. You guys are good parents.

And its situations like this that warrant a true medical opinion given the diagnosis. Only hard core right folks would say never do it.
For my take, its people using abortion as birth control, looking to correct a mistake that gets me. I am almost certain that those folks outweigh people like you guys who have a legitimate reason to make that kind of choice. I would have done the same as you guys. Thats a true choice to make. These partial birth abortions are not humane in my book.

We are contributors to an organization called "Save the Storks." The furnish plush mobile medical vehicles that sit outside of abortion clinics and offer free checkups for women prior to having an abortion. 9 out of 10 women who agree to the checkup change their mind once they see the baby and hear its heartbeat. They also offer free neonatal care for those who choose to keep their child.

You guys are doing good with your kid.