Grayhead, you cannot deny the impact the conservative religious folk in this country have over their communities and by extension the youth in those areas. By preaching uncompromising abstinence or even that there’s only one kind of relationship that matters, you’re only making the subject more taboo and thus more likely for kids to experiment dangerously.
No rational person would advocate for 14-18 year olds to do as they please. But if kids those ages had a better understanding of how unprotected sex and other forms of intimacy impact their lives if done irresponsibly, unwanted pregnancies would certainly go down. That requires broader sex education, not shying away from it.
As for abortion that’s a whole other debate, but as
@uncboy10 alluded to, banning the practice outright would only cause more problems. And as a side note if men could get pregnant, abortion would be legal without question lol.