OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Only a few areas in life cause the same level of strife as religion.
from what I can tell, most of the strife that religion creates is with those who are constantly and inexplicably compelled to rail against it. It's so puzzling to me because while I am also no fan of organized religion, I see no reason to do battle with those who are. You do what you do and believe what you believe and I'll do the same, kind of thing.
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from what I can tell, most of the strife that religion creates is with those who are constantly and inexplicably compelled to rail against it. It's so puzzling to me because while I am also no fan of organized religion, I see no reason to do battle with those who are. You do what you do and believe what you believe and I'll do the same, kind of thing.

Then you’re not looking hard enough. While I agree that many atheists try too hard to either disapprove or argue against those on the other side, religious conflict still sheds a great deal of blood elsewhere- Central Africa, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Indonesia, Myanmar, etc.

That’s why freedom of worship is so important. Keeps people from killing each other.

I also think Evangelicals have more of a tendency to push their beliefs than most atheists but that’s just based on my own experience.
Little girls are still subjected to genital mutilation and all kinds of other sick practices all over the world because of religion. They have acid thrown in their faces if they try to go to school. They face honor killings and public beatings for premarital sex or even being raped.

There is sectarian violence spanning across entire regions because of religion.

Gay people are subjugated and mistreated, and in many cases even killed because of religion.

Children are raped by priests, and then the Catholic Church relocates them or shelters them from prosecution at the Vatican.

The Catholic Church went all across Africa preaching about how condoms are a sin in the middle of the worst parts of the AIDS epidemic.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Religion does more harm than any other thing that humans have invented and it isn’t even close. If anyone is dumb enough to claim that the “strife” caused by atheists and anti-theists compares to any of that, then that’s their problem. Some people want to shout about their religion from the rooftops but if anyone questions their ridiculous beliefs then they cry foul. If religion would stop fukkin up society then maybe we wouldn’t have anything to push back against.
from what I can tell, most of the strife that religion creates is with those who are constantly and inexplicably compelled to rail against it. It's so puzzling to me because while I am also no fan of organized religion, I see no reason to do battle with those who are. You do what you do and believe what you believe and I'll do the same, kind of thing.

yea what fantasy world do you live in where religious people mind their own business
I won't argue that. But by the same token, Christianity has done more good than anything humans have ever created.

Except for the wheel, combustible engines, irrigation, electronics, penicillin, airplanes, clocks, computers, telephone, language, printing press, refrigeration, food preservation, polio vaccine....
So what you are saying is you want a president that can do it all?
this is one of the dumber questions I've ever been asked about a post I made. But if that's what you think, after I explicitly stated the exact opposite, please continue on with your quest to achieve total cluelessness. You seem to be well on your way to success.
yea what fantasy world do you live in where religious people mind their own business
evidently I live in the same fantasy world that you do, where some derive bizarre conclusions from words that don't indicate the same. All I said was that I mind my own business and that I see no reason for anyone else to do otherwise regarding religion; because the stress I see is on the part of those who are curiously bothered by the religious. I suffer no such stress because I don't give a shit if someone chooses to be religious or not. I made no reference to it, but if the religious aren't minding their own business, I don't see that causing them to lose sleep at night or to neurotically post much in the way of nonbeliever-related anxiety. Maybe I'm missing it.
The wheel was invented by christians? lol okay
this is one of the dumber questions I've ever been asked about a post I made. But if that's what you think, after I explicitly stated the exact opposite, please continue on with your quest to achieve total cluelessness. You seem to be well on your way to success.

Ok. My point still stands. More than half of the things you enjoy in life were born from Christianity. You can argue that (and I’m sure you will try) but we both know that’s true. So do us both a favor and save your futile attempt for a different discussion.

Well wouldn’t the primary question be were they invented because of their inherent belief in Christianity? Or the culture in which they grew up in? It’s an interesting debate.
Ok. My point still stands. More than half of the things you enjoy in life were born from Christianity. You can argue that (and I’m sure you will try) but we both know that’s true. So do us both a favor and save your futile attempt for a different discussion.

I don’t know what “born from Christianity” entails. I’m sure you’ll change it along the way to fit your narrative though. But let’s compromise. Tell me what born from Christianity means then tell me one thing you enjoy in life thats born from it.
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I don’t know what “born from Christianity” entails. I’m sure you’ll change it along the way to fit your narrative though. But let’s compromise. Tell me what born from Christianity means then tell me one thing you enjoy in life thats born from it.
I'd need to see the full list of things that you enjoy in life, too. Then we can get an accurate count of the "more than half" statistic.
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The only reason we're not the best at something is because we don't care enough to be. That's what I've said about myself and America for years.

I completely agree. If we trained our best athletes to play soccer like every other country does then we'd be star spangled freaking awesome at it.

That said, I still feel our 1,000th best athlete should be better than Portugal's top 11.
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I completely agree. If we trained our best athletes to play soccer like every other country does then we'd be star spangled freaking awesome at it.

That said, I still feel our 1,000th best athlete should be better than Portugal's top 11.

Soccer is ingrained in those countries from the minute little boys can kick a ball. Here it’s a fourth or fifth option much of the time.
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Are any of the Biden voters here worried about him not being able to last for a full term, if elected? I don't think we have that many Biden people here. Mostly just MAGA and "I'm gonna pass" voters. @prlyles and @carolinablue34 are the only two people who I think might vote for him.
I don't really want to vote for Trump because personally I think he's a petty little spoiled dude that can't handle an ounce of criticism and can't admit when he's wrong. I think he's crass, profane and diminishes the office with his antics at times.

I also try to realize he's not a career politician and hasn't been groomed and polished to be. He got pissed off, threw his hat in the ring and somehow the message he brought resonated with enough of us to win.

I can't support the Democrats political agenda and I simply will not sit it out. I honestly don't think Joe Biden can pull enough votes to his side or generate enough excitement among the non-comitted to defeat the President.
I don't really want to vote for Trump because personally I think he's a petty little spoiled dude that can't handle an ounce of criticism and can't admit when he's wrong. I think he's crass, profane and diminishes the office with his antics at times.

I also try to realize he's not a career politician and hasn't been groomed and polished to be. He got pissed off, threw his hat in the ring and somehow the message he brought resonated with enough of us to win.

I can't support the Democrats political agenda and I simply will not sit it out. I honestly don't think Joe Biden can pull enough votes to his side or generate enough excitement among the non-comitted to defeat the President.
I would vote for half-rotten road kill if I thought it would serve our purposes better than anything else on the ticket. It's hard for me to understand the mentality, or lack thereof, of voting against or for something based on a smell test.
Are any of the Biden voters here worried about him not being able to last for a full term, if elected? I don't think we have that many Biden people here. Mostly just MAGA and "I'm gonna pass" voters. @prlyles and @carolinablue34 are the only two people who I think might vote for him.
Not a supporter, but I‘m taking the money that he strokes out prior to the election.

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