OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Wow I’m surprised given the make up of the court. Glad to see it though. I admit I chuckled when I read that skydiver story
I'm not too surprised. Unlike most people I read some of Neil's opinions before being confirmed, so it seems to fit. He's a guy who looks at wording and that's basically what this case boiled down to. Just shows that most people who said he would be some right wing nut job didn't actually know anything about his rulings. It was just hate for Trump.
Nah. It's clearly a racist ad. Old white guy chasing a black guy going for a run. Just a repeat of what happened in Georgia.

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Scary? I've found them quite profitable.
I've been investing in the market over 40 years and I've never seen anything like the last few months. Take Hertz,for example, a bankrupt company’s shareholders have zero value. After filing, their stock dropped to 40 cents a share, then it jumped to 5 or 6 bucks a share and is still trading in the 2 or 3 dollar range. Crap like that is scary.
I've been investing in the market over 40 years and I've never seen anything like the last few months. Take Hertz,for example, a bankrupt company’s shareholders have zero value. After filing, their stock dropped to 40 cents a share, then it jumped to 5 or 6 bucks a share and is still trading in the 2 or 3 dollar range. Crap like that is scary.

Oh listen, I've pulled out most of my money last week because I agree that we're about to hit a shitstorm. You can't have 25 million unemployed and not see the impact of that.

That said, I'd be curious to see job numbers for June. When you go from 25 million to 10 million people will focus on the 15 million people who found jobs again, not the 10 million still unemployed.
Oh listen, I've pulled out most of my money last week because I agree that we're about to hit a shitstorm. You can't have 25 million unemployed and not see the impact of that.

That said, I'd be curious to see job numbers for June. When you go from 25 million to 10 million people will focus on the 15 million people who found jobs again, not the 10 million still unemployed.
Yeah, I know.
I swear to God I’ve been listening For half an hour to trump talk about some executive order he supposedly giving about the police and I have no clue what in the **** he’s talking about

“I’m giving an executive order some saying the greatest executive order on the planet it’s an executive order that will help the police more than any executive order ever has it’s an executive order that will make our police the greatest police in the history of the world it’s amazing people tell me all the time how great my executive orders are just the other day A woman said I really really love your executive orders in fact I am so proud of my executive orders”
from the comments below a youtube video wherein Biden lying about Tara Reade is thoroughly dissected....

Jake Hatchett
2 weeks ago
2016: Hillary was the worst candidate for President in the history of the United States.

2020: I raise you Joe Biden.

I agree, and this is why I will again vote for Trump. But the ads are reminding me of the highly entertaining cutthroat trench warfare Jesse Helms and the Congressional Club waged against his opponents when Helms was vying for the Senate. I thought it was way overboard at that time, but I have of late been hoping for a return of that sort of no-holds-barred campaigning. No pussy-footing. Looks like we might get just that. Hitting below the belt is not only allowed but encouraged. Just keep it truthful is all I ask.

Also you:

pretty funny coming from the commie/lib conservative. Which one indeed.

VERY predictable, BTW. My only question was which one of three or so would put his tedious predictability on display.

Trump's lies are fairly innocuous and anyone who cares about substance disregards them in order to appreciate the essence of what he says. Biden, and dems in general, prevaricate deviously in order to slip something in the old tailpipe. Trump is careless with the truth. Biden and his ilk are careful with their deceptions.
pretty funny coming from the commie/lib conservative. Which one indeed.

VERY predictable, BTW. My only question was which one of three or so would put his tedious predictability on display.

Trump's lies are fairly innocuous and anyone who cares about substance disregards them in order to appreciate the essence of what he says. Biden, and dems in general, prevaricate deviously in order to slip something in the old tailpipe. Trump is careless with the truth. Biden and his ilk are careful with their deceptions.
God man, you’ve got it bad, get some help..
I dislike Trump much more today than I did 4 years ago. But I'm also more certain I'll vote for him today than I was 4 years ago.

I actually think this is a super fair assessment and one that I'm sure a lot of people share.

I'm actually curious, would there be a democrat that you would vote for over Trump? Not any of the primary candidates (they were all pretty awful) but someone who was moderate enough and not a complete douche. I know that's fantasy world but I'm curious if you'd cross lines...especially because I don't see any democrat ever being friendly to gun laws.
I voted for a democrat before. Once. I voted for Harvey Gantt in 1996 when he ran against Jesse Helms for a senate seat. It was easy for me though because I knew the Gantt family personally as my mom and his wife had taught together and were friends and Helms was such an unlikable guy - especially to a 21 year old. And frankly, I didn't know anything then.

As far as voting for a democrat now, I can't see it. The party has become so far to the left that I just can't imagine anyone running on a platform that I would buy into. But if you found a dem that wouldn't mention guns, would sheepishly admit to supporting women's reproductive rights and even acknowledge that it's a difficult stance for the candidate to reconcile in their own mind, squashed PC culture as much as they could, beat the drum for all Americans and not just certain demographics, promised to curb spending and let me keep more of what I've worked for, set up community nonprofit organizations to help meet the needs of citizens rather than the govt, incentivized companies to bring jobs back from overseas, and scoffed at the idea of defunding law enforcement agencies then I would possibly entertain the idea of voting for that candidate.

Oh yeah, they'd have to be open to shutting down the borders. And when I say that, I don't mean illegal immigration. I'm actually in favor of stopping all immigration for the time being.

Yeah - all makes sense. Appreciate the thoughtful response, can't say any of it is irrational at all.
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pretty funny coming from the commie/lib conservative. Which one indeed.

VERY predictable, BTW. My only question was which one of three or so would put his tedious predictability on display.

Trump's lies are fairly innocuous and anyone who cares about substance disregards them in order to appreciate the essence of what he says. Biden, and dems in general, prevaricate deviously in order to slip something in the old tailpipe. Trump is careless with the truth. Biden and his ilk are careful with their deceptions.
Did you really just say the dems lie worse than the repubs?
see one of my last responses, you'll know which one appplies.
I have no idea what the **** that means. I suspect you’re just trolling with your claim (god I hope so) but I will say this if you or anyone else thinks that either one political party has some sort of moral high ground on lying you’re a goddamn mother****ing idiot. judge yourself accordingly
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I dislike Trump much more today than I did 4 years ago. But I'm also more certain I'll vote for him today than I was 4 years ago.

i’m close to that thought. Four years ago I would’ve never considered the possibility of voting for him and I really didn’t dislike him nearest much as I do now. I just didn’t think he was qualified. Now I’d say it’s 50-50 that I’ll vote for him Despite the fact that I’ve grown to really dislike him as a person
I have no idea what the **** that means. I suspect you’re just trolling with your claim (god I hope so) but I will say this if you or anyone else thinks that either one political party has some sort of moral high ground on lying you’re a goddamn mother****ing idiot. judge yourself accordingly
LOL, like I would judge ANYthing by what comes out of your piehole.
LOL, like I would judge ANYthing by what comes out of your piehole.

Oh believe me I wouldn’t expect you to for one second and like I’ve said before when fringe dwelling right wingers or left wingers for that matter think that about me then I know I’m prefukingcisely right where I need to be.
Oh believe me I wouldn’t expect you to for one second and like I’ve said before when fringe dwelling right wingers or left wingers for that matter think that about me then I know I’m prefukingcisely right where I need to be.
There's a place for everybody. Yours is spewing self-indulgent blather on a message board.
I should write your replies and save you the trouble. I know what you're going to blather before you do.

Oh but i suppose an alt right repub trumper’s replies wouldn’t be predictable huh? At least I can say that I have opinions that fall on both sides of the political spectrum. Have you ever had an opinion not ladled into your brain by your political party or Fox News? All I hear is “baaa baaa baaa”. Lol. Nice little sheepy.
Oh but i suppose an alt right repub trumper’s replies wouldn’t be predictable huh? At least I can say that I have opinions that fall on both sides of the political spectrum. Have you ever had an opinion not ladled into your brain by your political party or Fox News? All I hear is “baaa baaa baaa”. Lol. Nice little sheepy.

sheep lover, eh? Here's a little something for you to chew on, on those rare occasions when you aren't blathering. Don't forget to imagine that's me you're rimming.

How stupid is someone who pats himself on the back for having a spectrum of opinions but tries to pigeonhole someone else's opinions without knowing what most of them are. In other words, how stupid are you?
sheep lover, eh? Here's a little something for you to chew on, on those rare occasions when you aren't blathering. Don't forget to imagine that's me you're rimming.

How stupid is someone who pats himself on the back for having a spectrum of opinions but tries to pigeonhole someone else's opinions without knowing what most of them are. In other words, how stupid are you?

you pigeon hole yourself and I base that on the opinions you expressed in here. So either you’re a partisan sheep or a liar. Take the pick. Either way you come out way more stupid than me.

oh and thanks for the selfie. Y’all make a cute couple

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