This isn't really "political", but Barron Trump has had one helluva growth spurt during his dad's tenure!
so you're imagining that the few opinions I have expressed here must be all the opinions that I have. You really are a special sort of pigeon hole yourself and I base that on the opinions you expressed in here. So either you’re a partisan sheep or a liar. Take the pick. Either way you come out way more stupid than me.
oh and thanks for the selfie. Y’all make a cute couple
I dunno. The kid is TALL. Maybe Melania has some tallness genes, too! He looks eastern European, doesn't he?DJT is like 6'4'' and his son towers over him at only 14 years old. Is this photoshopped?
I dunno. The kid is TALL. Maybe Melania has some tallness genes, too! He looks eastern European, doesn't he?
Yeah, he looks kinda introspective. I dunno. Hard to tell. And, what a family! Hardly The Waltons! Seems like they'd prey on the weaker child!I feel bad for President's kids these days. Being in the spotlight as an awkward teenager must be awful.
How much worse did you expect???
This election is gonna be so entertaining.
P.S. My laptop was muted when this video first popped up and I expected MUCH worse when I unmuted...this doesn't make my ears bleed.
How much worse did you expect???
so you're imagining that the few opinions I have expressed here must be all the opinions that I have. You really are a special sort of stupid.
you just said I pigeonholed myself as an 'alt right repub trumper', and previously you alluded to my being a 'fringe dwelling right winger' among other ill-considered epithets....all derived from the few opinions I have voiced here. If you considered that I might have other opinions, you couldn't sensibly have drawn those conclusions. Idiot. Funny that you and others accuse me of injecting politics into everything when it seems it's you who are eager and prone to assigning political labels to those who dare to disagree with your stupidity.never said that. Only someone really stupid would claim I did. But feel free to share any liberal, democratic stances you have on issues any time you like. Or better yet tell us about the time you attacked one of the conservative republican poasters in here in the manner you attack the dems and moderates.
you just said I pigeonholed myself as an 'alt right repub trumper', and previously you alluded to my being a 'fringe dwelling right winger' among other ill-considered epithets....all derived from the few opinions I have voiced here. If you considered that I might have other opinions, you couldn't sensibly have drawn those conclusions. Idiot. Funny that you and others accuse me of injecting politics into everything when it seems it's you who are eager and prone to assigning political labels to those who dare to disagree with your stupidity.
I already feel free to share any and all sorts of opinions and I don't need an invitation from you to do so. I just need what I consider to be an appropriate opportunity.
Lastly, only a complete moron draws conclusions based on a lack of evidence. Just because I don't voice disagreement with other posters does not mean that I agree with them. You really are a special case.
This isn't really "political", but Barron Trump has had one helluva growth spurt during his dad's tenure!
hating Trump is a result of hate for America.
so yes then on the pigeonholing . Thanks. Only someone truly stupid would have done it and then denied it within a few no then. Thanks
So then you pigeonhole based on ONE opinion, making my case unshakeable. I ask you once AGAIN, how stupid are you?Lol I rest my case. We’re done here.
so yes then on the pigeonholing . Thanks. Only someone truly stupid would have done it and then denied it within a few posts.
So then you pigeonhole based on ONE opinion, making my case unshakeable. I ask you once AGAIN, how stupid are you?
Are you really not aware of how you have made your social and political characterization ABUNDANTLY CLEAR? You've pigeonholed yourself, quite fervently. Not to mention revealing that you allow message board interactions affect you so much that you feel the need to punch things yes then on the pigeonholing . Thanks. Only someone truly stupid would have done it and then denied it within a few posts.
So then you pigeonhole based on ONE opinion, making my case unshakeable. I ask you once AGAIN, how stupid are you?
Joe Biden cozied up to China in order to secure wealth for his son. He coerced the firing of a prosecutor in Ukraine in order to do the same there, while sacrificing integrity, trust, and American interests. Trump tried to dig the truth out and was impeached for his trouble. The choice is Trump or Biden. Convince me or any reasonable person that 1) a hate for Trump isn't based on a hate for America, and that 2) you aren't truly stupid. You can do neither.somewhere light years away from being stupid enough to think hating trump stems from hating America. Lol. Baaaaa baaaaa. Oh but I’m unfairly pigeon holing you again I guess. Obviously people other than right wing fringe dwellers would claim such right? Right?
I've made abundantly clear those positions I have expressed. Only the truly and heelman for example...would contend that those positions are enough to pigeonhole me politically. You ignore, for example, that I have stated that I am a registered democrat. There are any number of subjects that haven't even been broached by me, but dolts jump to conclusions based on a dot or two.Are you really not aware of how you have made your social and political characterization ABUNDANTLY CLEAR? You've pigeonholed yourself, quite fervently. Not to mention revealing that you allow message board interactions affect you so much that you feel the need to punch things IRL.
Joe Biden cozied up to China in order to secure wealth for his son. He coerced the firing of a prosecutor in Ukraine in order to do the same there, while sacrificing integrity, trust, and American interests. Trump tried to dig the truth out and was impeached for his trouble. The choice is Trump or Biden. Convince me or any reasonable person that 1) a hate for Trump isn't based on a hate for America, and that 2) you aren't truly stupid. You can do neither.
I'm honored to be included with you as being "only the truly stupid." It's like having a ticket to a lifeboat on the Titanic!Lol you couldn’t pigeonhole yourself any better If I wrote the scripture
Okay... I'll need a minute here...Trump tried to dig the truth out and was impeached for his trouble.
I've made abundantly clear those positions I have expressed. Only the truly and heelman for example...would contend that those positions are enough to pigeonhole me politically. You ignore, for example, that I have stated that I am a registered democrat. There are any number of subjects that haven't even been broached by me, but dolts jump to conclusions based on a dot or two.
And then you double down on the stupidity. I never said message board interactions made me want to punch things. I said dealing with idiots like you in real life made me need to pummel morons like you on message boards. You must be punch-drunk.
Okay... I'll need a minute here...
Trump tried to DIG THE TRUTH OUT? I would love to hear this. Please elaborate. But, remember my intellectual shortcomings. No 50 cent words necessary.
He just loves America. Whatever THAT means. I'm still waiting for "America" to have a universal meaning... aside from geographically.“trump tried to dig the truth out” BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
man that’s the funniest shit I’ve read in weeks
omg but he’s not a right wing trump supporter remember!
He just loves America. Whatever THAT means. I'm still waiting for "America" to have a universal meaning... aside from geographically.
I'm not butthurt, I'm just pointing out that you're an idiot, and I state that emphatically. You, however, seem to be pretty upset that I'm pointing out how limited you are. My advice is that if don't want that pointed out, try not to be so limited.idgaf if you’re registered Green Party . I’ve been on this board for like a dozen years or so and I can state emphatically without any hesitation and with 100% certainty that your posts are as far right and as fascist boot licking right wing fringe dwelling ultra conservative Republican as has ever been on this board. So don’t get all butt hurt when you get labeled as such. It’s your own fault.
I'm not butthurt, I'm just pointing out that you're an idiot, and I state that emphatically. You, however, seem to be pretty upset that I'm pointing out how limited you are. My advice is that if don't want that pointed out, try not to be so limited.
Once again, I'm not sure this is political, but it's funny. I'm pretty sure Tar Heels will be changed at some point. I dared not let myself even think it.
These token gestures keep coming.
I don't think anything is safe at this point.
Neither had 99% of the world. Just like the serpentine walls at UVA that even their black AD wasn't offended by until she was alerted that she should be.I had NEVER heard of this!
It's like 6-degrees-of-separation with anything is racist. I gotta believe that just as many black Florida fans did the gator chomp and were totally oblivious (as everyone was) to the possible, tangential association.
Good thing that video ended. I think holmes was about to get dragged by grandpa.
I'm not trying to upset you. But since you brought that up, you are obviously upset. Why do you feel the need to try to make me believe that you're laughing? Just more evidence of what I'm trying to tell you; you are limited and your spewage indicates it. You're a drivel machine.Dude i haven’t laughed this hard in weeks. Believe me smarter and more clever people than you have tried to “upset” me in here and yet I just keep laughing. Come on....tell me again how hating trump is hating america