OOTB's Political Thread . ..

this comment pretty much sums up my take on priests and their opinions.....

"When I hear you denounce Catholic Priests who have molested and victimized young boys in their parish, then we'll talk,"

I don't really understand this statement. Do you think I (or anyone on OOTB) are pro-molesting young boys? Farm animals are one thing but relax on accusing me of condoning child rape.
"The pledge from the president came on Twitter, after Charlie Kirk, the founder of the conservative group Turning Point USA, wrote Tuesday that Stone “will serve more time in prison than 99% of these rioters destroying America”

maybe he's a justice President, at least in a comparative sense.

lol “rioters destroying america”
lol “rioters destroying america”
missing the point as usual. Suppose it was a single rioter and he was only destroying a tiny part of America, like your part perhaps. Who would you rather see spend a lot of years in jail, now that we've reduced the scale to something you can hopefully comprehend?
I don't really understand this statement. Do you think I (or anyone on OOTB) are pro-molesting young boys? Farm animals are one thing but relax on accusing me of condoning child rape.
so you are molesting farm animals. I knew it. Have a seat over there.

Otherwise, though, WTF are you even talking about? And what is pro-molesting? Does that mean you're no longer an amateur at molesting?
missing the point as usual. Suppose it was a single rioter and he was only destroying a tiny part of America, like your part perhaps. Who would you rather see spend a lot of years in jail, now that we've reduced the scale to something you can hopefully comprehend?

I’m laughing at the hyperbole is all.
It was 76 years ago today that the heroes of WW2 landed at Normandy to destroy the REAL fascists and Master Race merchants. For those of you, the millennials and all the rest who have been indoctrinated to HATE America and consider IT the real problem in the world... may be just maybe pause and give thanks to those brave men who gave you the FREEDOM to protest and hate on this great nation

Ah who am I kidding those kids are clueless and could not care less about D day

GOD Bless the D Day warriors
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The simple fact is your opinion doesn’t matter. You’re wasting your time....

I agree. That makes my opinion much like your existence. But you'll continue to live and offer your worthless opinions while I offer I'd say you're the one idiotically and pointlessly wasting his time posting like a simp.
It was 76 years ago today that the heroes of WW2 landed at Normandy to destroy the REAL fascists and Master Race merchants. For those of you, the millennials and all the rest who have been indoctrinated to HATE America and consider IT the real problem in the world... may be just maybe pause and give thanks to those brave men who gave you the FREEDOM to protest and hate on this great nation

Ah who am I kidding those kids are clueless and could not care less about D day

GOD Bless the D Day warriors
There’s a difference between hating Trump and hating America
I spent yesterday fishing at Sharron Harris with my oldest son and grandson and we talked about my granddad and his brothers who all served in WWII. My great uncle Eston was in France weeks before D-Day having linked up with the French Resistance Forces to create chaos before the landings. Tough dude.
Hate? I disagreed with a lot of what Obama did but I don't hate him. I think Hillary is disgusting...but I don't hate her.

People that hate Trump have problems beyond anything he's done.

The hate for trump goes beyond policy. The guy bragged about sexually assaulting women. That alone is enough to make me hate anyone, regardless of their politics.

Ah yes, another stupid, out of context reference to that essay.

It was a fictional critique on internalized gender stereotypes. Not even remotely similar to bragging about how you can get away with sexual assault if you're rich.

0/10 for a pathetic attempt at whataboutism.
Ah yes, another stupid, out of context reference to that essay.

It was a fictional critique on internalized gender stereotypes. Not even remotely similar to bragging about how you can get away with sexual assault if you're rich.

0/10 for a pathetic attempt at whataboutism.
If you have proof you should turn it over to authorities. There are a lot more pathetic little pu$$ies out there that want him gone.
If you have proof you should turn it over to authorities. There are a lot more pathetic little pu$$ies out there that want him gone.

Proof that he’s a POS? The quote is proof enough for anyone with a functioning moral compass.
Weird way to honor those guys, but whatever works I guess.

Was just about to say that. Seemed like OP was less interested in honoring the memory of D-day soldiers, and more interested in taking shots at the so-called America haters.

I got sidetracked myself. 0 star thread.
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The hate for trump goes beyond policy. The guy bragged about sexually assaulting women. That alone is enough to make me hate anyone, regardless of their politics.
You need to get hate out of your heart young man. It only hurts you.

And you can't get into Heaven with it there. ;)
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As the Op let me respond. It was getting late in the day and NO ONE had bothered to even mention DDay. I am a lover of History and grateful to all who given the ultimate to keep America and BTW the WORLD as free as possible.

As I watched numerous statues of men like Churchill and Lincoln defiled and rioters galore turning cities into smoldering piles of ash, I got more than a little pissed off.

If not for those brave and gallant men who sacrificed it all on the 6th of June 76 years ago, the Master Race may very well have won. I can assure ALL the BLM crowd , the Antifa bomb throwing anarchists', And everyone else falling all over themselves apologizing for sins they never had anything to do with, they would NEVER have been around to feel so victimized. Their fathers, mothers and everyone else like them, would have long ago been destroyed.
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As the Op let me respond. It was getting late in the day and NO ONE had bothered to even mention DDay. I am a lover of History and grateful to all who given the ultimate to keep America and BTW the WORLD as free as possible.

As I watched numerous statues of men like Churchill and Lincoln defiled and rioters galore turning cities into smoldering piles of ash, I got more than a little pissed off.

If not for those brave and gallant men who sacrificed it all on the 6th of June 76 years ago, the Master Race may very well have won. I can assure ALL the BLM crowd , the Antifa bomb throwing anarchists', And everyone else falling all over themselves apologizing for sins they never had anything to do with, they would NEVER have been around to feel so victimized. Their fathers, mothers and everyone else like them, would have long ago been destroyed.
We actually have a politics thread (the popcorn thread) so you can blow off some steam there if you feel the need. But I agree that those guys changed history for the better and they deserve to be remembered for that.
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Hey @heelbent, can you change titles of threads? Maybe we should change the title of the popcorn thread so new posters or posters who don't post here much, know where to post political stuff. I've tried to contact the guy who started the thread, but I can't get him to respond for some reason.
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There’s a difference between hating Trump and hating America
that's exactly right. Hating Trump is not synonymous with hating America. Hating Trump is one thing, hating America is another. But hating Trump is a result of hate for America.
The hate for trump goes beyond policy. The guy bragged about sexually assaulting women. That alone is enough to make me hate anyone, regardless of their politics.
honest question. Do you hate Bill Clinton?
910 is right...this thing has gotten way off track of what the thread title was about.

If it's going to just be political I'm going to redirect it to the Popcorn thread
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Here's a pretty cool video review of the historical aspects of Saving Private Ryan.

I never knew about the balloon fake tanks and trucks that were used to fool the Germans!

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