OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Same goes for Bill Kristol. He is constantly tweeting and retweeting stuff to slam Trump. And, frankly, I find Kristol to be a far bigger threat to the whole world, not just the USA. It makes me conflicted.

One thing we can absolutely agree on is that those Neocons have been pushed out of power and need to stay that way. The whole Lincoln Party shit is embarrassing, and I hope (and doubt) that Biden would keep them out of his administration if he were to win. They are a force for evil and have no constituency in the American voter.

David French, Jennifer Rubin, George Conway are some others. There are literally more Neocon media members than there are people voting for their policies. It's disgusting.
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For those who despise Trump, who think he is the devil incarnate, a clown, a conman grifter who cheated his way into the office of the presidency, consider this: At least he didn't spend $2 trillion murdering 2.5 million people in Iraq.
One thing we can absolutely agree on is that those Neocons have been pushed out of power and need to stay that way. The whole Lincoln Party shit is embarrassing, and I hope (and doubt) that Biden would keep them out of his administration if he were to win. They are literally a force for evil and have no constituency in the American voter.

David French, Jennifer Rubin, George Conway are some others. There are literally more Neocon media members than there are people voting for their policies. It's disgusting.
I see people like David Frum, and others in that "group", even George W Bush, and people from his administration (or affiliated), who are coming out hard against Trump. But, a lot of these, sort of, establishment-type neo-con/PNAC people, who I believe to be insidious.

I never hear about new troop deployments to some middle eastern country. I never hear about Israel. I dunno... it makes me wonder sometimes.
For those who despise Trump, who think he is the devil incarnate, a clown, a conman grifter who cheated his way into the office of the presidency, consider this: At least he didn't spend $2 trillion murdering 2.5 million people in Iraq.
But... he is a clown and a con-man grifter. He's been one all of his life. If I thought he actually KNEW wtf he was doing, and showed disdain for the Federal Reserve by exhibiting actual knowledge of what it does, how it came into being, etc., I might be able to handle his assholic behavior. But, he doesn't know anything. He's winging this entire thing.

I believe Obama humiliated him at that White House Press dinner and he decided right then- "I'll show you, mutherfvcker" - and he ran for president, and never really thought about BEING PRESIDENT. But, he knows how to bullshit people and he was popular because of how many Americans are sick of the status quo, career Washington political cesspool. But, Trump has made his entire brand from the system being what it is. He's corrupt as hell, he has a totally binary view of the world and life, in general. It's a shame he's not more intelligent.

ETA: And, you're right, he didn't spend X trillion killing people in Iraq. But... he's spent exponentially more in his term and he's a half-wit who has no idea how to handle running a country. He's wired to run things like a dictator. But, trying to defend his qualifications by saying "well, at least he didn't commit genocide", doesn't really make him look good. "Your honor, I killed these people, yes. But, at least it was quick and painless and not torture."
But... he is a clown and a con-man grifter. He's been one all of his life. If I thought he actually KNEW wtf he was doing, and showed disdain for the Federal Reserve by exhibiting actual knowledge of what it does, how it came into being, etc., I might be able to handle his assholic behavior. But, he doesn't know anything. He's winging this entire thing.

I believe Obama humiliated him at that White House Press dinner and he decided right then- "I'll show you, mutherfvcker" - and he ran for president, and never really thought about BEING PRESIDENT. But, he knows how to bullshit people and he was popular because of how many Americans are sick of the status quo, career Washington political cesspool. But, Trump has made his entire brand from the system being what it is. He's corrupt as hell, he has a totally binary view of the world and life, in general. It's a shame he's not more intelligent.

Maybe. So what? Sometimes it takes a narcissistic idiot to do what needs to be done. Do you think a more conventional candidate would have told the entire Neocon wing to F*** off? Do you think a more conventional candidate would have upended Neoliberal trade policies? Do you think a more conventional candidate would have cracked down on immigration? (some of you may see this as a negative, but I'm pretty sure history will be on my side on this one). Would a more conventional candidate upend years of regulations favoring the unceasing growth and power of major cities?

The glory of Trump is that he is creating a new party in front of our eyes. He is not the perfect standardbearer, trailblazers rarely are.

Sometimes I think Democrats hate him for this reason alone. Republicans reforged their party. Democrats tried in 2008 and got a centrist who looks good in a suit.
i have intentionally watched fox news during points tonight to hear some sort of rebuttal...however, nothing, zero headline has occurred.

so either they are ignoring and are pushing “continue to talk about biden and foreign policy and being pro abortion” or they are sharting trying to figure out what’s next.
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Wow... dude, you drank a whole keg of Trump-Cult Koolaid!

I’ve got beautiful oceanfront property in Kansas to sell this guy.

@ProfessorOwl - I find it interesting when Trump loving conservatives bash W. these days. Have you always felt this way? You’ll probably say yes but something tells me you were hanging those Bush Cheney signs in 2004.

That’s one of the things that is weird with die hard Trump supporters, they reject everything else.

Nuance is one of those things that intelligent people always consider. The thought “well, I’m sure it’s some of this and some of that” or “this person is ok, not great but not terrible” is usually true in 99% of things. However, in today’s thinking, nuance is dead.

I think Trump has taken this flame and dropped a gasoline filled atomic bomb on it. Everyone is a “very good person” or a “very bad person” to Trump depending on if they agree with Trump. Everything is black and white with issues for politicians.

It not only sucks but it’s just dumb.
The Atlantic is one of the most respected publications on the planet. Reporting what Trump says and does is not defaming him, he does that himself.
it's decidedly and heavily one-sided; and if that gains your respect, don't expect me to be surprised.
Um... no, I don't think so. I dunno what you think "needs to be done." But, Trump isn't doing anything except looking after Donald Trump.
you're trying too hard. You practically defined narcissism with your description, which is what the poster you responded to was saying. And if in looking after himself Trump is dragging America along with him, that's the point that you thick-skulled anti-Trumpers just can't comprehend. Or probably just don't want to. We don't care who or what is driving the bus. We don't care if he scratches his balls and spits chaw all over the window, or spends as much time looking at himself in the mirror as he does at the road. We just want the bus driver to have us headed in the right direction, or maybe more to the point, headed less in the wrong direction than the other choice of driver.

It's amazing how willingly people can misundersand a simple reality when they have an agenda, even a pointless one like the Trump-bashers have.
you're trying too hard. You practically defined narcissism with your description, which is what the poster you responded to was saying. And if in looking after himself Trump is dragging America along with him, that's the point that you thick-skulled anti-Trumpers just can't comprehend. Or probably just don't want to. We don't care who or what is driving the bus. We don't care if he scratches his balls and spits chaw all over the window, or spends as much time looking at himself in the mirror as he does at the road. We just want the bus driver to have us headed in the right direction, or maybe more to the point, headed less in the wrong direction than the other choice of driver.

It's amazing how willingly people can misundersand a simple reality when they have an agenda, even a pointless one like the Trump-bashers have.
you're trying too hard
I’ve got beautiful oceanfront property in Kansas to sell this guy.

@ProfessorOwl - I find it interesting when Trump loving conservatives bash W. these days. Have you always felt this way? You’ll probably say yes but something tells me you were hanging those Bush Cheney signs in 2004.

That’s one of the things that is weird with die hard Trump supporters, they reject everything else.

Nuance is one of those things that intelligent people always consider. The thought “well, I’m sure it’s some of this and some of that” or “this person is ok, not great but not terrible” is usually true in 99% of things. However, in today’s thinking, nuance is dead.

I think Trump has taken this flame and dropped a gasoline filled atomic bomb on it. Everyone is a “very good person” or a “very bad person” to Trump depending on if they agree with Trump. Everything is black and white with issues for politicians.

It not only sucks but it’s just dumb.

I personally never voted for George Bush. I do generally support Republican candidates though.

I think people misunderstand the right's relationship with Trump. It is and has always been transactional. Particularly the "Trump Republicans" as opposed to the free trade/neocon wing.

As long as Trump continues to advance the agenda (an agenda that basically no one else will touch), his support will be quite fanatical. Personality, morals, sanity, decorum, virtue, all essentially irrelevant.

BUT, if he were to genuinely stop advocating for *the right things*, his support would totally evaporate. If, for instance, he were to go on television and say that white people becoming a minority in 2043 is a good thing, he would be done as a politician.
Trump himself might not be a neo-con who directly wasted $ and lives on invading Iraq, but he's dumb enough to hire hawks like Bolton who would start war with iran for no great reason.
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Trump himself might not be a neo-con who directly wasted $ and lives on invading Iraq, but he's dumb enough to hire hawks like Bolton who would start war with iran for no great reason.

Are we currently at war with Iran? Bringing in Bolton was a ploy to make Iran/NK more amenable to negotiation. It didn't work, Bolton got ditched.

As for the wall, it's a symbol of immigration hawkishness in general. His administration is definitely making an effort to reduce illegal immigration. IIRC, the wall itself is actually being built.

He has a generally Republican agenda, with some key deviations. He's non-interventionist in war and generally wants to avoid foreign entanglements. He's skeptical of free trade and the globalization of our economy. He's against the unfettered stream of illegal immigration that both parties have allowed for the past several decades.

I believe these positions are absolutely critical for the success of the US in the 21st century. So yea, I support him, and I support remaking the Republican party to espouse these principles.
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I personally never voted for George Bush. I do generally support Republican candidates though.

I think people misunderstand the right's relationship with Trump. It is and has always been transactional. Particularly the "Trump Republicans" as opposed to the free trade/neocon wing.

As long as Trump continues to advance the agenda (an agenda that basically no one else will touch), his support will be quite fanatical. Personality, morals, sanity, decorum, virtue, all essentially irrelevant.

BUT, if he were to genuinely stop advocating for *the right things*, his support would totally evaporate. If, for instance, he were to go on television and say that white people becoming a minority in 2043 is a good thing, he would be done as a politician.
Sucks being a minority, doesn't it?

Prithee, what are "the right things?"
Trump himself might not be a neo-con who directly wasted $ and lives on invading Iraq, but he's dumb enough to hire hawks like Bolton who would start war with iran for no great reason.
Tell me more about that ‘war’ with Iran.
As for the wall, it's a symbol of immigration hawkishness in general. His administration is definitely making an effort to reduce illegal immigration. IIRC, the wall itself is actually being built.
Bolton ain't the only hire that didn't work out.
As for the wall there has been plenty of repair (hundred+ miles) but I think actual new length of wall is like 16 total miles. Mexico paid for zero of those 16.
you are truly mindless. And you're trying too hard.
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Man, when Michael Cohen's book comes out, it's going to be fuuuu-un shit! His niece's book was priceless.

His candor over the veterans is even better. Now, conservatives- who are dyed-in-the-wool worshipers of anything military- have to create a bullshit story so they can swallow Trump's total disregard for anything military. His eldest son wanted to either go to West Point or join a branch of the military, and Donald and Ivana threatened to disown him if he did. "Military is for the peasants", or something to that effect.

But, a little teaser from the new Cohen book refers to the evangelicals and religious right that are convinced that God & Baby Jesus custom-made The Donald to bring the "lowered" back into favor.

“Trump held a meeting at Trump Tower with prominent evangelical leaders, where they laid their hands on him in prayer. Afterward, Trump said: ‘Can you believe that bulls--t? Can you believe people actually believe that bulls--t?’”

He never disappoints! Those people would lick his butt clean after his Big-Mac-Poops and he denigrates them when they're not looking.
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And rioting without fear of consequences. Don’t forget about that one. That’s what I’m waiting on. I can’t wait to destroy some unsuspecting businesses for no reason at all.
You are seeing small businesses being destroyed every day because of Trump’s lack of leadership during this whole virus thing.
It's all Trump's fault, isn't it? Even the shitty candidates the dems keep lining up against him. You would think a cardboard cut-out could beat the man in a landslide.
Your cardboard cut-out would do a better job to.
You are seeing small businesses being destroyed every day because of Trump’s lack of leadership during this whole virus thing.
The virus is the reason they are failing. Not trump. The whole world shutting down will do that for you. You can say what you want, but he was willing to hit the restart button earlier. He knows how valuable our economy is. Quit looking to assign blame when we have a pandemic derailing everything in its path.
The virus is the reason they are failing. Not trump. The whole world shutting down will do that for you. You can say what you want, but he was willing to hit the restart button earlier. He knows how valuable our economy is. Quit looking to assign blame when we have a pandemic derailing everything in its path.
I agree with some of what you say but a leader would have everybody working toward a common goal and Trump hurt the country and cost us lives in that regard.
I agree with some of what you say but a leader would have everybody working toward a common goal and Trump hurt the country and cost us lives in that regard.

Prove it. A leader would be trying to save the country from democrats and commies
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I agree with some of what you say but a leader would have everybody working toward a common goal and Trump hurt the country and cost us lives in that regard.
You said trimp was hurting these businesses. His common goal was to get it back as soon as possible. Lives would be lost either way. And we are well below the original death predictions that was being spouted at the start. Noone knew what to do. You act like he intentionally killed people and crashed the economy at the same time. When we shut down, that killed it. This virus has done enough damage for some to never get back to any form of normal. And some of that is local government decisions, not trumps decisions.