OOTB's Political Thread . ..

No, they don’t deserve it at all.

Exactly, its not real life. His existence here is a privilege.

Tolerating hate is a cute ideal. Instead it needs to be purged. Let them go be gollum in the wasteland of the internet.
You don't even realize how close your comments and above perspective are to the essence of what being racist means.

The rhetoric you used is exactly what a white supremacist would say, except they'd simply swap the names of the "them" that is a threat to "us."
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Werent you wanting to ban books from high schools just the other day?

But racism totally cool
whether racism is cool or not cool does not give you the right to stifle my opinion and speech about it, just as I don't try to stifle your opinion that the language objected to among adults is somehow perfectly fine for children. I object to children being exposed to such material until they are mature enough to understand and appreciate it for what it is, but I don't want to have your opinion regarding it banned....assuming you too are an adult, something I'm seriously questioning.
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He said black populations turn areas to shitholes.
Then theres all the anti lgbtq slurs he throws out.

Or wait, was it saying that muslims shouldnt be allowed in the country?

Thats just off top my head from TODAY
you stupid m'fvcker. That's it? Please take your virtue-signaling idiocy somewhere else. Seriously. You don't belong here. You're like the board has cancer.
He said black populations turn areas to shitholes.
Then theres all the anti lgbtq slurs he throws out.

Or wait, was it saying that muslims shouldnt be allowed in the country?

Thats just off top my head from TODAY

And none of that is racist. Or homophobic, xenophobic, whatever else phobic you want to cry about. It’s the real world where I don’t have to tip toe around soft bitches like yourself. Kick rocks.
Samuel L Jackson Reaction GIF
So a typical tues in other words. If you’re offended by that wow have you missed out on some good stuff.
Funny, but . . . decent people should be offended by racism, homophobia and xenophobia. It's part of the definition of "decent people."

You aren't obligated to object to indecency, but you certainly shouldn't make light of it.
Funny, but . . . decent people should be offended by racism, homophobia and xenophobia. It's part of the definition of "decent people."

You aren't obligated to object to indecency, but you certainly shouldn't make light of it.

We had a death pool here at one time. Where we had a draft and put rosters together and gambled on who would die first. Decent people is a stretch.

This place ain’t for everybody.
Sometimes the answer to "the patient is losing blood" is "give him more blood."

Sometimes the answer to "the tires still look low" is "put in more air."

Sometimes the answer to "I'm exercising but still not losing weight" is "exercise more."

Sometimes more isn't better, but often it is.
And the statement "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" has always been and always will be one of the world's three biggest lies.

If they didn't fix it the last, oh say ten times, what gives you any confidence that they'll get it right this time? Sometimes the answer is less.

So all of this was pre-2020

Or before Vance had political aspirations that depended on Trumps good graces.

A grown man doesnt go from calling someone America’s hitler to agreeing with him without a gigantic dose of self interest and lack of shame.
Well, technically, you aren't lying. But you sure aren't telling the full truth. Per the article you linked, it was all prior to the election in November 2016. Then he was elected and actually did stuff. Which is also the answer to the stupid responses from the general store owner and noir. They should take some prevagen or something and try to keep up. I said very clearly to follow what he did (not what he said before he was president which is when he commented about banning Muslims) which was ban entry from certain terrorist hotbed countries and the country that was the source of a horrible virus.

So, a genuine thanks for the link because no one else has been kind enough to do so when asked. They all have wanted to act like Vance said these things two or three weeks prior to the vetting process beginning.
Sometimes the answer to "the patient is losing blood" is "give him more blood."

Sometimes the answer to "the tires still look low" is "put in more air."

Sometimes the answer to "I'm exercising but still not losing weight" is "exercise more."

Sometimes more isn't better, but often it is.

are you serious? We know what the mentality is behind the problem, that's why we rag on those irrational liberal thought processes so much. But I've never seen one actually illustrate it like you have here. And I bet you won't see it even when I show it to you.

Sometimes the answer to "the patient is losing blood" is "stop the bleeding."

Sometimes the answer to "the tires still look low" is "check inside the door to see how much they're supposed to have."

Sometimes the answer to "I'm exercising but still not losing weight" is "eat less junk food."

Sometimes more isn't better. You should have stopped there.
Hey is the president or the president elect the commander and chief? I forget
commander AND chief? Yeah you're up on your knowledge of the presidency alright. It's commander IN chief, knothead, and the president is commander in chief once he takes office and stops being the president-elect. Man, that was a tough one, bet you thought you really had something. there.

Meanwhile, I notice you haven't said much about the definition I posted. Wonder why. Oh that's right, it's because it agrees with me. Maybe you should grow some balls and admit you're just a chump.
I dont want the forum shut down.

Dicks IP being banned would be enough. Im not about this tolerate any speech bullshit. Standards, however low, exisit.

Why? Because he LOVES this shit. Racists like that deserve no safe space.

You think youll change any of these guys minds? You wont.
You need to do a little research on the history of OOTB. Look into the OP of this thread. His name was BillyL. He was banned for life because some of these very people went to the MOD's about him. He was one of the first, myself included, who raised the alarm about Trump before he even won a primary. He just hated Trump and kept warning them about him. As the saying goes, karma is a bitch.
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Donald Trump is campaigning in Asheville today. Considering he'll blurt out a bunch of stupid shit, we all know what that means . . . North Carolina is about to turn BLUE.

Yeah, I read the city of Asheville made him pay up front for the cost of him coming.

Donald Trump is campaigning in Asheville today. Considering he'll blurt out a bunch of stupid shit, we all know what that means . . . North Carolina is about to turn BLUE.

Well, looky there. Trump hasn't even touched down yet and already he's affecting the polls in our state:


North Carolina - Harris +2
You need to do a little research on the history of OOTB. Look into the OP of this thread. His name was BillyL. He was banned for life because some of these very people went to the MOD's about him. He was one of the first, myself included, who raised the alarm about Trump before he even won a primary. He just hated Trump and kept warning them about him. As the saying goes, karma is a bitch.

Revisionist history. I wouldn’t expect your dementia riddled brain to remember it correctly.
People paying attention will see Trump as a two-time loser. Will "lost" people ever see Trump as a loser? Like ->
I was referring to the politicians paying attention. The far right ones might still call him, but the others will call up people who can win. If Trump loses, then that won't be him. Also, I don't think him saying the election is stolen will be as effective this time. Obviously his base will eat it up, but I think the GOP voters outside of his base will be tired of it. Even if they believe it, I don't think it's something people want to spend another four years fighting. But all this is speculation right now. Still no guarantee he loses.
You need to do a little research on the history of OOTB. Look into the OP of this thread. His name was BillyL. He was banned for life because some of these very people went to the MOD's about him. He was one of the first, myself included, who raised the alarm about Trump before he even won a primary. He just hated Trump and kept warning them about him. As the saying goes, karma is a bitch.
I can't really go into the specifics of how I know, but I promise you Billy dug his own grave. It had nothing to do with other posters or his position on Trump.
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I'm just catching up on this whole "words hurt" conversation. Some of you are ridiculous. If you can't stand the heat, then use the ignore feature instead of whining like a bunch of women.

And I'd also like to point out this wasn't an issue until a couple of visitors showed up. Even people like @gunslingerdick and @Heels Noir could go back and forth without people getting in their feelings.
I'm just catching up on this whole "words hurt" conversation. Some of you are ridiculous. If you can't stand the heat, then use the ignore feature instead of whining like a bunch of women.

And I'd also like to point out this wasn't an issue until a couple of visitors showed up. Even people like @gunslingerdick and @Heels Noir could go back and forth without people getting in their feelings.

Boom. Nailed it.

For those that need the backstory, here you go:

This board was once moderated like all the other forums. Billy went off the deep end for whatever reason and started spamming the board with anti-Trump stuff. I don't believe anyone complained to the mods but even if they did, it was a moderated board at that time. @tarheel0910 can give the details on why Billy ultimately did himself in. I don't know. But at that point, @andrew jones and @heelbent came to us and gave us the choice of basically shutting the board down or allowing the Lord Of The Flies environment it is today. We all chose the latter. Andrew and Heelbent made it clear the board would not be moderated. By this point, this board really only consisted of 20-25 regular poasters. And while we don't all agree on much, we all agreed that we were fine being unmoderated here. I think the good majority of us that were in on that decision have stayed around since which is evidence that we were happy to be left alone and allowed to run the board as we see fit.

Then @Newoikkin shows up, rocks the boat because his little feelings were hurt and here we are, with even the most ardent @gunslingerdick haters taking the side of telling him to STFU or leave. It looks like this did not work out the way he thought it was going to.

Andrew doesn't want to be bothered by this board that has so few regular poasters. For years he was going unbothered. The noob, instead of trying to earn his stripes on the board and assimilate to our culture, comes in and tries to tell us how we need to be. That's not how it works.

But through my discussion with Andrew yesterday, I know he will shut this board down if people keep making a stink. So if you come to log on one day and you can't, you'll know who to thank for that. And it certainly won't be me who has been the same guy here for the last 2 decades.
I'm just catching up on this whole "words hurt" conversation. Some of you are ridiculous. If you can't stand the heat, then use the ignore feature instead of whining like a bunch of women.

And I'd also like to point out this wasn't an issue until a couple of visitors showed up. Even people like @gunslingerdick and @Heels Noir could go back and forth without people getting in their feelings.
Thank you. Things had heated up in the morning and one particular poster who has been here for ten seconds was weighing in on every issue, introducing race as a factor. At one point, my reply to them even specifically pointed out this trend and suggested trying to see beyond that singular focus. The saddest part of that stance is that always seeing it in everything and asserting it in every issue is that it undercuts the reality of it being a very real factor in specific instances. Apparently though, it didn't matter because the poster had been triggered.

I had to do some "life" and was away from the board for several hours. When I came back, I read that Jussie Smollett's feelings were so hurt, apparently by Gun's posts, that they went to Andrew screaming, surprise, surprise: racism. Now, don't get me wrong, there were and are posts that go over the line of common decency and racism is no exception to that problem. But that's when a reply calling them out is in order. Debate that issue if it's appropriate. That's the beauty of the board being a "safe space" for dialogue.

But now, Jussie wants to act like he/she/it won because Andrew weighed in threatening a shut down. He's not going to police anyone and get them to modify their behavior or point of view. AJ shouldn't have to deal with this BS and the easy answer is going to be to simply close the forum. Having problems with it means this is his only answer.

Jussie thinks that's winning, but the reality is it only makes the situation worse because no one changes their mind or considers a different perspective in a vacuum. I beg to differ with the idea that no one here changes their minds. Personally and many other times I have read where people here have informed others and come to agreement or at least had to concede on issues. That doesn't happen without the board. Frankly, I think Jussie owes the board an apology.
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you trump fans will prob dismiss this as hatin’ and I get that but I’m telling you trump is absolutely BLOWING IT. He refuses to stay on message and just insists on slinging insults and conspiracy theories
Yeah, I read the city of Asheville made him pay up front for the cost of him coming.
asheville is a bizarre demographic. You have the city of Asheville and black mtn which are as blue as blue can be. Surrounded by the mtns full of die hard republicans. Gonna be fun.
I can't really go into the specifics of how I know, but I promise you Billy dug his own grave. It had nothing to do with other posters or his position on Trump.
While I was around for the days of Billy L, I didn't frequent OOTB or even post for that matter. I've always wondered about the legend regarding him losing it. There is always the Paul Harvey side of things with the rest of the story. I suspected it was never this simple and while I understand the need for keeping some things private, the confirmation is appreciated.
you trump fans will prob dismiss this as hatin’ and I get that but I’m telling you trump is absolutely BLOWING IT. He refuses to stay on message and just insists on slinging insults and conspiracy theories

asheville is a bizarre demographic. You have the city of Asheville and black mtn which are as blue as blue can be. Surrounded by the mtns full of die hard republicans. Gonna be fun.
Fun. Sad. Scary. Irrelevant.
asheville is a bizarre demographic. You have the city of Asheville and black mtn which are as blue as blue can be. Surrounded by the mtns full of die hard republicans.
You just described the demographics of most of our country. Most cities are very blue, particularly on the coasts, and everything else is red. It's why things were setup as a republic and not a democracy. The founders were smart enough to realize there needed to be a balance so that the city slickers where population is concentrated didn't get to run roughshod over everyone else.
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You dip shit, Phillip Ray. Everyone here has had that retarded 'Report' feature used on them more than a few times; billyl as much as anyone. Have you been perma-banned because of it? Now sit down and keep quiet while adults figure this shit out.
Careful. Someone is gonna report you for using that banned word before "'Report' feature". And you used the "S" word twice. I mean, feelings and all.

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