OOTB's Political Thread . ..

As a conservative and a veteran, I believe true strength lies in defending the vulnerable. It's in protecting your family. It's in standing up for our constitution and our democracy. That is the soul of being a conservative. It used to be the soul of being a Republican. But Donald Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party.
- Adam Kinzinger, 2024 National Democratic Convention
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As a conservative and a veteran, I believe true strength lies in defending the vulnerable. It's in protecting your family. It's in standing up for our constitution and our democracy. That is the soul of being a conservative. It used to be the soul of being a Republican. But Donald Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party.
- Adam Kinzinger, 2024 National Democratic Convention
Adam Zinzinger=Low T
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have my quarterly meeting with my fa monday and i’m super curious about this…seems like it’s targeted to billionaires.

and this
Thanks for linking that, this article makes great points.

1990 66 billionaries
2023 ~750 billionaires

Income inequality is getting greater and greater. The rich are getting richer, and they're often getting richer simply thru inheritance (esp the step-up). A wealth tax will help with our nation's debt.

And the quotes from our forefathers was interesting too.

Thanks for linking that, this article makes great points.

1990 66 billionaries
2023 ~750 billionaires

Income inequality is getting greater and greater. The rich are getting richer, and they're often getting richer simply thru inheritance (esp the step-up). A wealth tax will help with our nation's debt.

And the quotes from our forefathers was interesting too.
Democrats, always willing to reach into someone else's pocket.
He's going to tell you it's ****ing retarded. If he doesn't, you should probably be looking for a different FA.
Biden's plans, she has alluded to supporting, only impact 100 million and up. So like 10,000 people. What is 'tardy about a wealth tax on people worth over 100 million? Especially the inheritance oriented stuff.

The liquidity issue could be dangerous stock-market wise (if uber-rich were forced to sell stock), but perhaps this could be slowly scaled? This might be a big hiccup in the plan.

Consumption taxes would be better, but they're hard to implement in this global economy. But making a billionaire become an 800 millionaire isn't going to stifle our economy.

The rich are just getting richer while wages stagnate for everyone else. The main reason they're rich is because our great nation is a prosperous one due to many state/fed actions the last few hundred years (infrastructure and other investments), so we should all benefit.
I poasted that yesterday but crickets...
Boy o boy were you spot on about this. 818,000 jobs gone. They never existed and they cooked the books. You'd think that Kamalanomics would be getting questioned about this. But you weren't just talking about this board, the media ignored it as well.

Of the three major networks, CBS and NBC completely ignored the report in their evening programming. ABC ran a whopping 19 seconds on it. Otherwise, it was wall to wall coverage of the coronation. Later, ABC brought it up again a second time on ABC News Live, the network’s free live-streaming channel which I'm guessing no one watches. They were interviewing democrat Gina Raimondo who was previously the governor of Rhode Island, but has served as the US SECRETARY OF COMMERCE since 2021. Here's what she said and they expect us to believe anything they tell us????? She's our freaking commerce secretary!!!!! Are you kidding me????

Biden's plans, she K has alluded to supporting, only impact 100 million and up. So like 10,000 people. What is 'tardy about a wealth tax on people worth over 100 million? Especially the inheritance oriented stuff.
Sure, it'll only apply to the 10,000 wealthiest people in our country.

And, we'll all be able to keep our existing doctors as well.

You might as well be honest and tell all of us to drop our pants and bend over.
Biden's plans, she has alluded to supporting, only impact 100 million and up. So like 10,000 people. What is 'tardy about a wealth tax on people worth over 100 million? Especially the inheritance oriented stuff.

The liquidity issue could be dangerous stock-market wise (if uber-rich were forced to sell stock), but perhaps this could be slowly scaled? This might be a big hiccup in the plan.

Consumption taxes would be better, but they're hard to implement in this global economy. But making a billionaire become an 800 millionaire isn't going to stifle our economy.

The rich are just getting richer while wages stagnate for everyone else. The main reason they're rich is because our great nation is a prosperous one due to many state/fed actions the last few hundred years (infrastructure and other investments), so we should all benefit.
You ever get a job from a poor man/woman?

Americans not voting on policy, if true, is such a damning indictment on the electorate. I guess we'll find out in November how true that statement is. I'm generally of the belief that the average voter is a moron, so I can see this being true, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.
Americans not voting on policy, if true, is such a damning indictment on the electorate. I guess we'll find out in November how true that statement is. I'm generally of the belief that the average voter is a moron, so I can see this being true, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.

The United States of America...sponsored by Brawndo, the thirst mutilator.
1990 66 billionaries
2023 ~750 billionaires
I won't argue that the wealth gap isn't widening, but this needs to be adjusted for inflation. $1B today was $410M in 1990, so to be apples to apples we'd need to see how many >$410M 'aires there were in 1990.

Also, the amount of innovation that has occurred since 1990 and its impact on society is arguably greater and of more value than all innovation in the country prior to 1990. That innovation ramp up should naturally produce more individuals with many many times the amount of wealth of the average unskilled worker, or worse, lazy unemployed couch potato, who are largely unchanged in value-addedness since that time.
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Americans not voting on policy, if true, is such a damning indictment on the electorate. I guess we'll find out in November how true that statement is. I'm generally of the belief that the average voter is a moron, so I can see this being true, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.
The US is slowly becoming a bunch of emotional snowflakes.
Great. So neither Pence nor Harris should be entrusted with the Presidency since they both ****ed up the main thing they were directed to handle.
The white guy we don't need to worry about but as for the black woman, it looks like Vegas has her as a two-touchdown favorite.
The white guy we don't need to worry about but as for the black woman, it looks like Vegas has her as a two-touchdown favorite.
I know as one of the "not so testosterone-laden" bois, you probably don't know much about football, so I'll excuse the misunderstanding of what a two-touchdown favorite is. But certain books have Trump as the betting favorite, while others have Harris as the favorite, and in both directions it's at most ~52%-48%. That's what those of us males with more traditional amounts of testosterone, and those who actually understand what the F they're talking about in regards to betting markets, would call a "pick game".
You ever get a job from a poor man/woman?
Forcing Walmart heirs to be slightly less insanely rich isn't going to make them unable to buy megayachts and whatever other economic inputs they have.

And importantly, the poors will keep shopping at walmart.
So is the intelligence gap among voters. Harris is up .2 more points today.

Harris lead over Trump
July 24 - +0.8
July 31 - +1.2
August 7 - +1.9
August 14 - +2.6
August 21 - +3.3
August 23 - +3.5

Speaking of an intelligence gap... keep focusing on the national popular vote polling average. Something that means absolutely dick in terms of who is going to win the election.
I won't argue that the wealth gap isn't widening, but this needs to be adjusted for inflation. $1B today was $410M in 1990, so to be apples to apples we'd need to see how many >$410M 'aires there were in 1990.

Also, the amount of innovation that has occurred since 1990 and its impact on society is arguably greater and of more value than all innovation in the country prior to 1990. That innovation ramp up should naturally produce more individuals with many many times the amount of wealth of the average unskilled worker, or worse, lazy unemployed couch potato, who are largely unchanged in value-addedness since that time.
That innovation is largely happening because of "America". Smart phones, 3d printing, EVs, genetic modification, etc are all great innovations, but our debt is ballooning.

And trickle-down sounded good in the Reagan years, but it's a myth.
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I won't argue that the wealth gap isn't widening, but this needs to be adjusted for inflation. $1B today was $410M in 1990, so to be apples to apples we'd need to see how many >$410M 'aires there were in 1990.
Fair point. But inflation-adjusted how many centi-billionaires were there? Or how many were there worth 10+ billionaires?

- The richest top 0.1% has seen its share of American wealth nearly triple from 7% to 20% between the late 1970s and 2016, while the bottom 90% has seen its share of wealth decline from 35% to 25% in that same period. And it greatly worsened after 2017 tax cuts for the rich.
- The richest 130,000 families in America now hold nearly as much wealth as the bottom 117 million families combined.

There are ways to prevent the stifle of innovation while also helping tackle national debt. Instead of taxing unrealized cap gains someone had the idea of taxing 6% annually of "wealth" over a billion, and 2% wealth over 50 million (this would be a million that someone would need to cough-up).
Forcing Walmart heirs to be slightly less insanely rich isn't going to make them unable to buy megayachts and whatever other economic inputs they have.

And importantly, the poors will keep shopping at walmart.
I have to agree. If you CAN take money from someone you SHOULD take it. It isn't fair otherwise. And what would they be missing? A slightly smaller yacht? A few less acres for that second home to sit on? A little less money to invest in this country? A little less incentive to make such investments? This is certainly progressive thinking.

That innovation is largely happening because of "America". Smart phones, 3d printing, EVs, genetic modification, etc are all great innovations, but our debt is ballooning.
here we go again. Too much in debt? Just get more money to pay a tiny bit of it off just to say you did. Don't do anything meaningful about spending. Acknowledge that the patient is bleeding to death, but just give give him more blood and don't try to stop the bleeding. There'll always be more blood, and the rich have too much anyway. You gotta love that progressive thinking.

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