OOTB's Political Thread . ..

RKF, for one.
I would believe RKF before I'd believe RFK, Jr. I agree there.

Who is RKF, anyway?

RFK, Jr. is an ideal ally for Trump's circus tent. I'm not even sure why it matters that he allegedly asked for a cabinet position from the Harris campaign. He'll sel his values for whatever concessions he can muster. That is obedience Trump admires.
Do you believe that RFK Jr really found a dead bear?

That ****er is looney tunes. I wouldn't believe anything he had to say.

I'm not sure that Harris' campaign would be trusted by MAGA world, either.

If you don't know who or what you would trust, that's a conundrum for you, not me.
Well, he didn't "find" a bear, the story goes that he was driving behind a car that hit the bear. Here's a link from NPR so you should believe it. The interesting part is that a bear cub WAS found that fits the narrative. Was it him? Who the f knows.

I just know that I'm not gonna believe a DNC spokesperson or a Harris campaign spokesperson on virtually anything that benefits them. That's their conundrum.
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"Democratic National Committee spokesperson Matt Corridoni told The Hill in a statement."

I guess you missed reading the part where @gunslingerdick asked you to "provide something of credibility to back up" your claims. I hate to tell you, but a DNC spokesperson or someone from the hyena's campaign are the polar opposite of credible. But just like your candidate, keep on swallowing.
Of course you're not going to believe that anything from the Democratic Party or Kamala Harris is credible. Yet you attribute quotes or rumors that come from the FOX News propaganda network as the gospel truth.

I would believe RKF before I'd believe RFK, Jr. I agree there.
Well, he didn't "find" a bear, the story goes that he was driving behind a car that hit the bear. Here's a link from NPR so you should believe it. The interesting part is that a bear cub WAS found that fits the narrative. Was it him? Who the f knows.

I just know that I'm not gonna believe a DNC spokesperson or a Harris campaign spokesperson on virtually anything that benefits them. That's their conundrum.
Ahhh... so, you're open to buying his bear story. Yay! All it takes is an endorsement of Trump and... hell... maybe that cray bear story happened!

I'm sure you will only believe the propaganda source that tells you what you like to be told. Confirmation bias is a real thing. As I said, I really don't know why it matters who RFK offered his resignation to in return for a cabinet position. He's off-balance on a good day. It amazes me that he ever got enough people to support him this far!
Ahhh... so, you're open to buying his bear story. Yay! All it takes is an endorsement of Trump and... hell... maybe that cray bear story happened!

I'm sure you will only believe the propaganda source that tells you what you like to be told. Confirmation bias is a real thing. As I said, I really don't know why it matters who RFK offered his resignation to in return for a cabinet position. He's off-balance on a good day. It amazes me that he ever got enough people to support him this far!
Come on Strum, you're better than this. Don't let your pretend neutrality but reality of being in the D pocket ruin your ability to follow the board.

I've been on RFK and the bear from the moment it broke. Ask @blazers . It's crazy enough of a story that it may have actually happened. That's got nothing to do with your hatred of or my support for orange's policies regardless of the two shitty people from which we have to choose.

And I agree that confirmation bias is very much a real thing that is often overlooked. I'd throw recency bias in there as well. But stop with the "RFK offered his resignation to in return for a cabinet position." How is it that you think you know that happened? I think his resignation or more accurately suspension of his campaign was happening either way for money reasons, but as to the issue of endorsement in return for something, how is it that you know it was for a cabinet position? Because the DNC spokesperson said that's what he wanted from Kackula? And why would anyone trust Trump to follow through on such an offer?

So, I'll ask the question back to you in a different form. You actually trust a DNC spokesperson? What if an RNC spokesperson said that never happened? Who WOULD you trust?
Come on Strum, you're better than this. Don't let your pretend neutrality but reality of being in the D pocket ruin your ability to follow the board.

I've been on RFK and the bear from the moment it broke. Ask @blazers . It's crazy enough of a story that it may have actually happened. That's got nothing to do with your hatred of or my support for orange's policies regardless of the two shitty people from which we have to choose.

And I agree that confirmation bias is very much a real thing that is often overlooked. I'd throw recency bias in there as well. But stop with the "RFK offered his resignation to in return for a cabinet position." How is it that you think you know that happened? I think his resignation or more accurately suspension of his campaign was happening either way for money reasons, but as to the issue of endorsement in return for something, how is it that you know it was for a cabinet position? Because the DNC spokesperson said that's what he wanted from Kackula? And why would anyone trust Trump to follow through on such an offer?

So, I'll ask the question back to you in a different form. You actually trust a DNC spokesperson? What if an RNC spokesperson said that never happened? Who WOULD you trust?
Hey! It's probably more likely that RFK identifies with DJT a helluva lot more than he ever would identify with anything the Democratic Party offers.

I don't know if it was a cabinet position. I'm sure there was some kind of transaction. This is politics. And, I agree... why would anyone trust Trump to follow through? If RFKJr is told to GFH, he can go back to bears and brain worms. He can't say he wasn't warned.

ETA: It must be impossible for you guys to think that someone could really be apathetic toward BOTH of these "parties" and/or "sides." I'd be willing to bet that EVERYONE on here, if we went issue-by-issue, would be able to agree on a happy medium. But, there's no fun in that. If we don't get to argue and hurl insults, what's the point. Where would you offer your clever names like "Kackula." You're not 12 anymore... right?
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From the @pooponduke school of skepticism: How do you know dead people don't feel anything? Have you ever been dead before? Did someone in the Kamala campaign tell you this and now you're swallowing it?
He may have feelings... the feelings live on through his children, maybe. They are not digging their brother's behavior and choices. I was looking forward to first lady Cheryl Hines. I have a guilty pleasure for the movie RV.
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You know, it is the ultimate of ironies that you constantly rail on Trump for doing things like name calling when it is your go to move for everything and everyone.

More importantly, do you really think that no one notices that you never seem to be able to answer an actual, direct question without resorting to some sort of diversion, like name-calling? You see, the idea here is if you take a position or stake a claim, you should be able to defend it, not just go all third grade with a word you heard your cousin use once.
I know, right? What a jerk.

Seriously, my peeve with him is that all he is about is thumbing his nose at the opposition. I don't mean take issue with and be critical of the opposition in a serious way, I mean his chortling like some fifth-grader at every little perceived bump and bruise, even made up ones.
He may have feelings... the feelings live on through his children, maybe. They are not digging their brother's behavior and choices. I was looking forward to first lady Cheryl Hines. I have a guilty pleasure for the movie RV.
I've got a sneaking suspicion we'd all enjoy a few guilty pleasures with Ms. Hines.
Come on Strum, you're better than this. Don't let your pretend neutrality but reality of being in the D pocket ruin your ability to follow the board.

I've been on RFK and the bear from the moment it broke. Ask @blazers . It's crazy enough of a story that it may have actually happened. That's got nothing to do with your hatred of or my support for orange's policies regardless of the two shitty people from which we have to choose.

And I agree that confirmation bias is very much a real thing that is often overlooked. I'd throw recency bias in there as well. But stop with the "RFK offered his resignation to in return for a cabinet position." How is it that you think you know that happened? I think his resignation or more accurately suspension of his campaign was happening either way for money reasons, but as to the issue of endorsement in return for something, how is it that you know it was for a cabinet position? Because the DNC spokesperson said that's what he wanted from Kackula? And why would anyone trust Trump to follow through on such an offer?

So, I'll ask the question back to you in a different form. You actually trust a DNC spokesperson? What if an RNC spokesperson said that never happened? Who WOULD you trust?
I remember you lol'ing at the bear story. I also remember you accusing the DNC of nefariously rejecting this quack as a serious candidate that left leaning voters would actually favor.
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I've got a sneaking suspicion we'd all enjoy a few guilty pleasures with Ms. Hines.
There's also an underrated film called Waitress, that she was in with Keri Russell... and Andy Griffith! It was an independent film, I think. The woman who wrote and directed it (and played a smaller role in the film), died not long after the film wrapped. Anyway, Hines was good in that film, too.

This is so true.

"Pete Buttigieg made a very salient comment after the convention about the benefit to the country and the republican party with a Harris win. We all can move on from Trumpism and the republicans can regroup to offer reasonable, moderate conservative candidates again. It will be much better for us all to have the republican party jettison their crazies and get back to candidates that want to serve the country rather than their own interests."
Well, he didn't "find" a bear, the story goes that he was driving behind a car that hit the bear. Here's a link from NPR so you should believe it. The interesting part is that a bear cub WAS found that fits the narrative. Was it him? Who the f knows.

I just know that I'm not gonna believe a DNC spokesperson or a Harris campaign spokesperson on virtually anything that benefits them. That's their conundrum.
Rfk himself said he approached Harris campaign in the same manner he approached trumps after suspending his campaign
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This is so true.

"Pete Buttigieg made a very salient comment after the convention about the benefit to the country and the republican party with a Harris win. We all can move on from Trumpism and the republicans can regroup to offer reasonable, moderate conservative candidates again. It will be much better for us all to have the republican party jettison their crazies and get back to candidates that want to serve the country rather than their own interests."
know how I know this is just commie propaganda? @Heels Noir and @blazers 'liked' it.

What's being suggested and hoped for here is for the republican party to cooperate in the slide into socialism.
here ya go @strummingram. A nod to your POV but a pretty good expression of mine as well. This is not to say I'm in lockstep with Trump or everything Gabbards says, it's just to say that there are clear choices to make, and that the choice matters even at peon level...

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here ya go @strummingram. A nod to your POV but a pretty good expression of mine as well. This is not to say I'm in lockstep with Trump or everything Gabbards says, it's just to say that there are clear choices to make, and that the choice matters even at peon level...

That streak in her hair is a dead give away of how she’s got aHEAD. Right?
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Of course you're not going to believe that anything from the Democratic Party or Kamala Harris is credible. Yet you attribute quotes or rumors that come from the FOX News propaganda network as the gospel truth.

Focus is important on the issue of who or what to believe.

You, all those in your circle, the media, sm, agencies, the D Party, and especially Kamala Harris have lied to us for months and months, if not years and years. And the man is still sitting in the Oval Office finishing out his term, "making" decisions, signing EO's, and generally hurting us throughout the world.

As such, any credibility that one should have previously assigned to these various individuals/groups walked out the door with Joe's senility. Power makes us do interesting things. The crazy part is, had someone in that sphere not insisted on getting Trump to agree to an early, early debate, the coverup would still be ongoing. Call me cynical, but I don't think any of this was by accident. Someone, in a future book, will explore and reveal this process and who was behind it. Any guesses?
here ya go @strummingram. A nod to your POV but a pretty good expression of mine as well. This is not to say I'm in lockstep with Trump or everything Gabbards says, it's just to say that there are clear choices to make, and that the choice matters even at peon level...

I know I'll eventually end up watching that whole thing, but boom, she took less than two and half minutes to get to the real problem.
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Rfk himself said he approached Harris campaign in the same manner he approached trumps after suspending his campaign
If this is true, I'd love to read that interview. I've only seen claims from DNC, campaign people, or "sources" that this happened. I mean, logically, it likely did happen in some form (it was his last, best chance for using his position at this moment), but I've not heard him break it down. Mostly, what I've read is that his people attempted to setup a meeting through her people and he was summarily rejected. That's a far cry from him demanding a cabinet position as has been pushed now that he's in Trump's camp.

Whether he's crazy as a bedbug or legitimate in his thinking, one cannot deny that he's got a name and comes from a family that's one of the great Democratic families of history. No one can seriously deny as well that the door was anything but soundly and firmly shut in his face - from the beginning. The Biggest Tent party doesn't seem to be so accommodating anymore. I'm not so sure that if JFK came along today that he'd even be a dem.
It will be much better for us all to have the democratic party jettison their crazies and get back to candidates that want to serve the country rather than their own interests.

ETA: The problem then would be the large reduction in size and power that the party would wield.
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If this is true, I'd love to read that interview. I've only seen claims from DNC, campaign people, or "sources" that this happened. I mean, logically, it likely did happen in some form (it was his last, best chance for using his position at this moment), but I've not heard him break it down. Mostly, what I've read is that his people attempted to setup a meeting through her people and he was summarily rejected. That's a far cry from him demanding a cabinet position as has been pushed now that he's in Trump's camp.

Whether he's crazy as a bedbug or legitimate in his thinking, one cannot deny that he's got a name and comes from a family that's one of the great Democratic families of history. No one can seriously deny as well that the door was anything but soundly and firmly shut in his face - from the beginning. The Biggest Tent party doesn't seem to be so accommodating anymore. I'm not so sure that if JFK came along today that he'd even be a dem.
He met with all presidential campaigns to discuss how to unify Americans. That comes from the interview I saw with him.
He met with all presidential campaigns to discuss how to unify Americans. That comes from the interview I saw with him.
Which is a far, far cry from supposedly reaching out, demanding a cabinet position, and being flatly rejected by the queen. Who knows what to believe about any of this?
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I remember you lol'ing at the bear story. I also remember you accusing the DNC of nefariously rejecting this quack as a serious candidate that left leaning voters would actually favor.
The point to strum's claim is that my initial comment, etc. on beargate had nothing to do with him coming into Trump's sphere before my interest was piqued. I'm still chuckling about it. I mean, have there actually been other bears ever found in Central Park (not counting 150 years ago or whatever)?

Quack or serious, you can't deny the rejection and what they did. He's had to sue them. It was all part of the carefully orchestrated runup to ensuring that Joe had no opposition that might expose some, ahem, dirty little secrets and eventually that led to the bloodline ascension of the queen to her current status (that blood being green of course).
The point to strum's claim is that my initial comment, etc. on beargate had nothing to do with him coming into Trump's sphere before my interest was piqued. I'm still chuckling about it. I mean, have there actually been other bears ever found in Central Park (not counting 150 years ago or whatever)?

Quack or serious, you can't deny the rejection and what they did. He's had to sue them. It was all part of the carefully orchestrated runup to ensuring that Joe had no opposition that might expose some, ahem, dirty little secrets and eventually that led to the bloodline ascension of the queen to her current status (that blood being green of course).
But DeMoCrAcY
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