OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Why? Why?

I'll ask a third time, why on earth would SHE be there? I got repeatedly scolded for claiming that she was anything more than an insurance policy in case the old man kicked it.

Doesn't she have a teleprompter to read somewhere?
You people grasping at straws is funny as hell.
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You people grasping at straws is funny as hell.
You people suggesting that we people are grasping at straws is sad as hell.

And exactly how would one define "you people"? Those who actually care about our policies and things like cause and effect? It's a shame that life has a way of getting in the way of hope and joy.

What's worse is I'm asking a legitimate question and you have no answer other than a general smear. Straight out of the playbook. Can't answer something? Scream an insult, claim racism, suggest sexism, demand censorship, push the end of democracy, etc. Why is she there? Is this suddenly going to be her administration or something? Is she gonna be the last person in the room just like the debacle of Afghanistan?

If she's going to be present, and claim involvement, she's got to own it. And that includes the negatives. If pointing out this absurdity is grasping at straws, I'm gonna need a box full.
PawPaw and Kamala on their way to the situation room! Sorry Joe had to cut his 3 week vacation short but I guess he feels like Americans being killed is enough to pull him back in to the office.
fake news. We know that they were already there, working 24/7 on a solution to the Gaza problem.. Kamala said so.

That damn Trump is such a liar.
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You people suggesting that we people are grasping at straws is sad as hell.

And exactly how would one define "you people"? Those who actually care about our policies and things like cause and effect? It's a shame that life has a way of getting in the way of hope and joy.

What's worse is I'm asking a legitimate question and you have no answer other than a general smear. Straight out of the playbook. Can't answer something? Scream an insult, claim racism, suggest sexism, demand censorship, push the end of democracy, etc. Why is she there? Is this suddenly going to be her administration or something? Is she gonna be the last person in the room just like the debacle of Afghanistan?

If she's going to be present, and claim involvement, she's got to own it. And that includes the negatives. If pointing out this absurdity is grasping at straws, I'm gonna need a box full.
I have no idea wtf you’re melting down over. She’s the fuking vp. Why wouldn’t she be in the situation room with the mid East on the verge of Armageddon? Jesus fuking Christ dude.

wtf GIF
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I have no idea wtf you’re melting down over. She’s the fuking vp. Why wouldn’t she be in the situation room with the mid East on the verge of Armageddon? Jesus fuking Christ dude.

wtf GIF
yeah, now we can all relax knowing that the brain trust is hammering out a solution. I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say about the rocket surgery now taking place....

"There is something called 'war' going on in a place called Gaza. Gaza is a long way away from here and it is next door to a place called Israel. Israel and Gaza don't like each other. War is when a lot of people who don't like each other start fighting. I have been working 24/7 to try to figure out what 'what can be, unburdened by what has been' actually means because we think the answer is in there somewhere, and President Biden is trying to find the bathroom. Oops, never mind. .......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........"
Why? Why?

I'll ask a third time, why on earth would SHE be there? I got repeatedly scolded for claiming that she was anything more than an insurance policy in case the old man kicked it.

Doesn't she have a teleprompter to read somewhere?
beats the hell out of me. But why the hell is HE there might be the better question.
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yeah, now we can all relax knowing that the brain trust is hammering out a solution. I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say about the rocket surgery now taking place....

"There is something called 'war' going on in a place called Gaza. Gaza is a long way away from here and it is next door to a place called Israel. Israel and Gaza don't like each other. War is when a lot of people who don't like each other start fighting. I have been working 24/7 to try to figure out what 'what can be, unburdened by what has been' actually means because we think the answer is in there somewhere, and President Biden is trying to find the bathroom. Oops, never mind. .......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........"
Sounds about right. Hopefully with trump we can rest easy knowing something like the following would be the case. “In 24 hours I will bring peace to the midlin ease, it will be the greatest peace ever, people say to me “wow your peace is so big, so yuge” I will put an end to the hummus invasion. Cause I Have a special relationship with nettingyahoo. I’ll say “hey, benji!” (He likes it when I call him that) “hey benji…time to stop bombing the…..did you know when I talk it’s like I don’t know something happens and the killer whales wash up and it’s like “hey…the bombing stopped” and then there’s no more hummus and we will be able to say merry Christmas again. No more happy holidays. Cause you know… who wants hummus for Christmas. Crooked Hillary and sleepy joe and komrade Kamala…they don’t like Christmas. They want small boxes of tic tacs…. but no more. We will stop the fighting and put Obama in jail.”
Sounds about right. Hopefully with trump we can rest easy knowing something like the following would be the case. “In 24 hours I will bring peace to the midlin ease, it will be the greatest peace ever, people say to me “wow your peace is so big, so yuge” I will put an end to the hummus invasion. Cause I Have a special relationship with nettingyahoo. I’ll say “hey, benji!” (He likes it when I call him that) “hey benji…time to stop bombing the…..did you know when I talk it’s like I don’t know something happens and the killer whales wash up and it’s like “hey…the bombing stopped” and then there’s no more hummus and we will be able to say merry Christmas again. No more happy holidays. Cause you know… who wants hummus for Christmas. Crooked Hillary and sleepy joe and komrade Kamala…they don’t like Christmas. They want small boxes of tic tacs…. but no more. We will stop the fighting and put Obama in jail.” much peace....
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Sounds about right. Hopefully with trump we can rest easy knowing something like the following would be the case. “In 24 hours I will bring peace to the midlin ease, it will be the greatest peace ever, people say to me “wow your peace is so big, so yuge” I will put an end to the hummus invasion. Cause I Have a special relationship with nettingyahoo. I’ll say “hey, benji!” (He likes it when I call him that) “hey benji…time to stop bombing the…..did you know when I talk it’s like I don’t know something happens and the killer whales wash up and it’s like “hey…the bombing stopped” and then there’s no more hummus and we will be able to say merry Christmas again. No more happy holidays. Cause you know… who wants hummus for Christmas. Crooked Hillary and sleepy joe and komrade Kamala…they don’t like Christmas. They want small boxes of tic tacs…. but no more. We will stop the fighting and put Obama in jail.”
LOL at nettingyahoo
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Sounds about right. Hopefully with trump we can rest easy knowing something like the following would be the case. “In 24 hours I will bring peace to the midlin ease, it will be the greatest peace ever, people say to me “wow your peace is so big, so yuge” I will put an end to the hummus invasion. Cause I Have a special relationship with nettingyahoo. I’ll say “hey, benji!” (He likes it when I call him that) “hey benji…time to stop bombing the…..did you know when I talk it’s like I don’t know something happens and the killer whales wash up and it’s like “hey…the bombing stopped” and then there’s no more hummus and we will be able to say merry Christmas again. No more happy holidays. Cause you know… who wants hummus for Christmas. Crooked Hillary and sleepy joe and komrade Kamala…they don’t like Christmas. They want small boxes of tic tacs…. but no more. We will stop the fighting and put Obama in jail.”
Maybe Biden and Harris were deciding how much more money to send to Iran. That was a great strategy the last time.
Sounds about right. Hopefully with trump we can rest easy knowing something like the following would be the case. “In 24 hours I will bring peace to the midlin ease, it will be the greatest peace ever, people say to me “wow your peace is so big, so yuge” I will put an end to the hummus invasion. Cause I Have a special relationship with nettingyahoo. I’ll say “hey, benji!” (He likes it when I call him that) “hey benji…time to stop bombing the…..did you know when I talk it’s like I don’t know something happens and the killer whales wash up and it’s like “hey…the bombing stopped” and then there’s no more hummus and we will be able to say merry Christmas again. No more happy holidays. Cause you know… who wants hummus for Christmas. Crooked Hillary and sleepy joe and komrade Kamala…they don’t like Christmas. They want small boxes of tic tacs…. but no more. We will stop the fighting and put Obama in jail.”

That's legitimately how it would go down. But you can only make fun of it so much if it works. And I feel Trump could get it to work.

In other words, no one cares to hear about the labor pains. People just want to see the baby.
Glad you're coming around. Now tell us about her policies. And while wars are breaking out all over the world tell us about all the wars between 2016 and 2020.
'policies? We ain't got no policies. We don't need no policies. We don't have to show you any stinking polices!'

I defy anyone trusting the Harris-Waltz tribe to try to point out any substantial difference between these movie bandits and the ones (H-W) that are currently hiding their true intent from you. They sure as hell couldn't be any more obvious than the bandits in the clip, but you idiots are going to vote for her anyway. How can that level of stupidity even be explained?
I defy anyone trusting the Harris-Waltz tribe to try to point out any substantial difference between these movie bandits and the ones (H-W) that are currently hiding their true intent from you.
Gold Hat never stood a chance against the formidable Bogart in the film, whereas in reality the tables are turned and Trump doesn't stand a chance against the formidable Harris. That's the most substantial difference I can think of.
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Trump Isn't Anti-War. It’s Time to Debunk This Dangerous Myth​

From ramping up drone strikes, to escalating foreign wars, to participating in a genocide, Trump has always been a hawk – not a dove.
I'm a lot more republican than Trump. As a matter of fact, I'm more than all the MAGA's that post here. They belong to Trump, not the republican party.
I have no idea wtf you’re melting down over. She’s the fuking vp. Why wouldn’t she be in the situation room with the mid East on the verge of Armageddon? Jesus fuking Christ dude.

wtf GIF
Thank you very much. Had you gotten the reference, this has been my exact argument. Not only would she be in the situation room, she's claimed repeatedly that she was involved in all these decisions. In regard to Afghanistan, she claimed to "be the the last person in the room" with Joe.

Back about Aug 20/21, @tarheel0910 was banging me up and down on this exact point. I was calling BS because of her claims, and he keep arguing/telling me, no, no, that she just the VP and has had absolutely no role or had any involvement besides sitting there on the sidelines waiting for the president to ride off to that beach in the sky. No matter what angle I took, his reply was essentially, nope, she's just an insurance policy like any other VP and has had no greater role than anyone else.

So, you and I agree. She was in the situation room, she has been in the situation room, and she has been involved and claimed involvement throughout the Biden/Harris administration. As a result, she doesn't just get to ignore the shittyness of the past four years and act like someone else has been serving as the decision making VP. She's wants a slogan of A New Way Forward and We Aren't Going Back? I agree. There is no way we should should continue with the policies of the last four years of which she has been part. I mean, " Jesus fuking Christ dude", pay attention.
This is about as irrelevant as anything you've ever tried to link. When you compare two things, they are supposed to be same issue. It would be like you claiming you scored 40 points at the Y against 8th graders compared to player X who only averaged 15 a game in the NBA.

Riddle me this, how wars did Trump get us into and how many people were killed during the final withdrawal from a theater of war? I'll save you the trouble of some stupid reply. The answers are zero and zero. Just stop now and don't give in to the urge of posting something even dumber than your last one.

Just because Trump came into office when we were involved in a full blown war, and Biden came in after Trump was getting us out, you think that somehow lessens the debacle that was the physical withdrawal that killed our troops and left billions of dollars of equipment behind. Have you really forgotten all those people falling off that plane three years ago?
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Gold Hat never stood a chance against the formidable Bogart in the film, whereas in reality the tables are turned and Trump doesn't stand a chance against the formidable Harris. That's the most substantial difference I can think of.
so you can't say that Harris isn't a deceptive bandit but you can liken her to a paranoid lunatic? I wasn't even considering that angle.
Just because Trump came into office when we were involved in a full blown war, and Biden came in after Trump was getting us out, you think that somehow lessens the debacle that was the physical withdrawal that killed our troops and left billions of dollars of equipment behind. Have you really forgotten all those people falling off that plane three years ago?
Most people who have seen this happen before would tell you this withdrawal went pretty well. Read up on the fall of Saigon and see how that went.
When you compare two things, they are supposed to be same issue.
Is that a plea for me to make my comparisons easier for you to understand? My comparison in fact related American troops lost in combat during the last two administrations. Are you really too dense to pick up on that?

Furthermore, comparisons of dissimilar "issues" is oftentimes appropriate to highlight the stark differences between them, but it should never be attempted by those with small, inadequate minds. In other words, stick to comparing apples to apples.
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Thank you very much. Had you gotten the reference, this has been my exact argument. Not only would she be in the situation room, she's claimed repeatedly that she was involved in all these decisions. In regard to Afghanistan, she claimed to "be the the last person in the room" with Joe.

Back about Aug 20/21, @tarheel0910 was banging me up and down on this exact point. I was calling BS because of her claims, and he keep arguing/telling me, no, no, that she just the VP and has had absolutely no role or had any involvement besides sitting there on the sidelines waiting for the president to ride off to that beach in the sky. No matter what angle I took, his reply was essentially, nope, she's just an insurance policy like any other VP and has had no greater role than anyone else.

So, you and I agree. She was in the situation room, she has been in the situation room, and she has been involved and claimed involvement throughout the Biden/Harris administration. As a result, she doesn't just get to ignore the shittyness of the past four years and act like someone else has been serving as the decision making VP. She's wants a slogan of A New Way Forward and We Aren't Going Back? I agree. There is no way we should should continue with the policies of the last four years of which she has been part. I mean, " Jesus fuking Christ dude", pay attention.
A presidents VP would be in the situation room when facing a crisis. And everyone involved would be held accountable for the decisions made to a certain extent. But ultimately all blame and credit falls on the president as he makes the final decision. So tarheel is right in that regard. As VP in this sort of situation she is there to advise. Not to make policy. Who knows if she advised for or against any decisions made. But it’s fair to criticize everyone “in the room” for the decisions that came out of it. To a certain extent.
Most people who have seen this happen before would tell you this withdrawal went pretty well. Read up on the fall of Saigon and see how that went.
you're an even bigger idiot than I thought, and that's saying something. Just because the fall of Saigon went as it did, it doesn't mean that a repeat performance of the chaos is necessary or somehow acceptable in any such withdrawal. Afghanistan and Vietnam have their comparisons, but the withdrawal from Afghanistan itself hardly compares with the evacuation of Saigon in terms of unnecessary bungling. It's amazing what stupidity a Biden apologist can come up with in lamely trying to defend him.

Biden f'ed this up by inexplicably stepping up the pace of the withdrawal itself and turning it into a melee, instead of sticking with the orderly plan that had been outlined by Trump in agreement with Taliban leaders.

What should be pointed out here is how the dems have heaped disaster on this country by covering up and foisting on us the increasing senility and ineptitude of the man who should never have been dog catcher, let alone president. But they will fix this for us by electing an even bigger nincompoop.
Afghanistan and Vietnam have their comparisons, but the withdrawal from Afghanistan itself hardly compares with the evacuation of Saigon in terms of unnecessary bungling.
Revisionist history by a notorious Trump apologist. Imagine that.

Gerald Ford was in Palm Springs playing golf as the world watched Saigon fall in the spring of '75. Meanwhile, Trump played a significant role in screwing up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cue bluetoe's denial.

President Trump ordered direct talks with the Taliban without consulting with our allies and partners or allowing the Afghan government at the negotiating table. In September 2019, President Trump emboldened the Taliban by publicly considering inviting them to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11. In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021.

During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration, the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies. Indeed, there were no such plans in place when President Biden came into office, even with the agreed upon full withdrawal just over three months away.

As a result, when President Biden took office on January 20, 2021, the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country. At the same time, the United States had only 2,500 troops on the ground—the lowest number of troops in Afghanistan since 2001—and President Biden was facing President Trump’s near-term deadline to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021, or the Taliban would resume its attacks on U.S. and allied troops.

Revisionist history by a notorious Trump apologist. Imagine that.

Gerald Ford was in Palm Springs playing golf as the world watched Saigon fall in the spring of '75. Meanwhile, Trump played a significant role in screwing up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cue bluetoe's denial.

President Trump ordered direct talks with the Taliban without consulting with our allies and partners or allowing the Afghan government at the negotiating table. In September 2019, President Trump emboldened the Taliban by publicly considering inviting them to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11. In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021.

During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration, the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies. Indeed, there were no such plans in place when President Biden came into office, even with the agreed upon full withdrawal just over three months away.

As a result, when President Biden took office on January 20, 2021, the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country. At the same time, the United States had only 2,500 troops on the ground—the lowest number of troops in Afghanistan since 2001—and President Biden was facing President Trump’s near-term deadline to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021, or the Taliban would resume its attacks on U.S. and allied troops.

wait, Trump was playing a significant role in something to do with Afghanistan while Gerald Ford played golf in 1975? Sounds reasonable to me.

MEANWHILE, "In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021. In return, the Taliban agreed to participate in a peace process and refrain from attacking U.S. troops and threatening Afghanistan’s major cities—but only as long as the United States remained committed to withdraw by the agreement’s deadline."

Oops, looks like somebody missed a deadline doesn't it. Don't think you're providing me with more ammo here, I only failed to mention this before because I didn't think it was necessary to make my point. But thanks anyway.

Your paper reads like it was written by Jen Psaki. Talk about apologists, why did you even bother with this.

ETA; here, try this one from your 'unbiased' CNN, instead of the one you offered from the White House.

"Sharper criticism of Biden admin actions than earlier White House document​

The State Department’s report contains much sharper criticism around the Biden administration’s actions than the White House summary document released in April. That document blamed the Trump administration’s decisions for creating the conditions that led to the chaos of the evacuation, and did not overtly admit any mistakes."
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wait, Trump was playing a significant role in something to do with Afghanistan while Gerald Ford played golf in 1975? Sounds reasonable to me.

MEANWHILE, "In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021. In return, the Taliban agreed to participate in a peace process and refrain from attacking U.S. troops and threatening Afghanistan’s major cities—but only as long as the United States remained committed to withdraw by the agreement’s deadline."

Oops, looks like somebody missed a deadline doesn't it. Don't think you're providing me with more ammo here, I only failed to mention this before because I didn't think it was necessary to make my point. But thanks anyway.

Your paper reads like it was written by Jen Psaki. Talk about apologists, why did you even bother with this.

ETA; here, try this one from your 'unbiased' CNN, instead of the one you offered from the White House.

"Sharper criticism of Biden admin actions than earlier White House document​

The State Department’s report contains much sharper criticism around the Biden administration’s actions than the White House summary document released in April. That document blamed the Trump administration’s decisions for creating the conditions that led to the chaos of the evacuation, and did not overtly admit any mistakes."
There's plenty of blame to go around. It isn't surprising that Trump's #1 crotch remora is unwilling to accept any for her favorite man crush.

Trump Isn't Anti-War. It’s Time to Debunk This Dangerous Myth​

From ramping up drone strikes, to escalating foreign wars, to participating in a genocide, Trump has always been a hawk – not a dove.

My favorite part of your article:

“And yet, I keep meeting people – in leftwing circles, in Muslim-American circles, in Arab-American circles, and beyond – who tell me that they’re voting for Trump in November…”
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There's plenty of blame to go around. It isn't surprising that Trump's #1 crotch remora is unwilling to accept any for her favorite man crush.
LMAO. So now it isn't revisionist history, it's share the blame. Back up much? It's exactly like I said and you're still my bitch. You will always be my bitch.
More evidence of social media bias is coming out.

“Amazon insists that its Alexa voice-enabled assistant does not have any political opinions — and that Alexa’s responses explaining why someone should vote for VP Kamala Harris were a mistake.

On Tuesday, users on social media shared videos showing Alexa providing disparate responses to the question “Why should I vote for Donald Trump?” and “Why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” When asked about voting for Trump, Alexa replied, “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate.” But when asked about voting for Harris, Alexa in some cases gave a detailed list of reasons why someone should vote for the Democrat in November’s presidential election — including that she is a “strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment.” Fox News Digital also compiled varying responses to the questions, which the outlet said depended on the model of Amazon device being used.”

“In one video widely shared by users on X, Alexa had previously responded to the question “Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” with the following response: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment. As the first female vice president, Harris has already broken down a major gender barrier, and her career in politics has been characterized by a commitment to progressive ideals and a focus on helping disenfranchised communities.”

Amazon has said that it was an error and has been resolved. Riiiiiight.
More evidence of social media bias is coming out.

“Amazon insists that its Alexa voice-enabled assistant does not have any political opinions — and that Alexa’s responses explaining why someone should vote for VP Kamala Harris were a mistake.

On Tuesday, users on social media shared videos showing Alexa providing disparate responses to the question “Why should I vote for Donald Trump?” and “Why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” When asked about voting for Trump, Alexa replied, “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate.” But when asked about voting for Harris, Alexa in some cases gave a detailed list of reasons why someone should vote for the Democrat in November’s presidential election — including that she is a “strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment.” Fox News Digital also compiled varying responses to the questions, which the outlet said depended on the model of Amazon device being used.”

“In one video widely shared by users on X, Alexa had previously responded to the question “Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” with the following response: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment. As the first female vice president, Harris has already broken down a major gender barrier, and her career in politics has been characterized by a commitment to progressive ideals and a focus on helping disenfranchised communities.”

Amazon has said that it was an error and has been resolved. Riiiiiight.
No political bias...
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More evidence of social media bias is coming out.

“Amazon insists that its Alexa voice-enabled assistant does not have any political opinions — and that Alexa’s responses explaining why someone should vote for VP Kamala Harris were a mistake.

On Tuesday, users on social media shared videos showing Alexa providing disparate responses to the question “Why should I vote for Donald Trump?” and “Why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” When asked about voting for Trump, Alexa replied, “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate.” But when asked about voting for Harris, Alexa in some cases gave a detailed list of reasons why someone should vote for the Democrat in November’s presidential election — including that she is a “strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment.” Fox News Digital also compiled varying responses to the questions, which the outlet said depended on the model of Amazon device being used.”

“In one video widely shared by users on X, Alexa had previously responded to the question “Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” with the following response: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment. As the first female vice president, Harris has already broken down a major gender barrier, and her career in politics has been characterized by a commitment to progressive ideals and a focus on helping disenfranchised communities.”

Amazon has said that it was an error and has been resolved. Riiiiiight.
Have you ever noticed how these "glitches" and software "problems" always seem to go in one direction?

Have you ever noticed how they don't just get "corrected" by the employees of the companies before they are unleased on the electorate and are only sanitized after they are "discovered" by end users? Thank goodness for Elon providing a platform to keep everyone else in line.
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