OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You’re scared @blazers. I can tell. You must have seen the MSG rally and know that Trump is going to win big.
I'd bet $ that Harris wins, but it isn't guaranteed, so of course i'm scared. There is a chance a senile, demented, narcissistic mobster with dictator leanings, who is swayed only by fawning and sycophantic grifters, might win the pres.

I'm not sure if you'll admit it but I know you are scared too. You are afraid that Harris will win, due to cheating, and more pets will be eaten by tranny immigrants.
The only reason this ad was made is because the trump campaign believes all maga supporters are women hating incel racists.

In their defense, they are correct.
Live look at the board libs:

I have no problem with a Dem, indy or conservative-voting-for-Harris discussing some word salad moments from Harris. But a Trump voter?????
By this logic, CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC shouldn’t discuss Trump’s speaking engagements?
No, it is you who needs to pay attention to posts and get outside of your bubble. Inflation is NOT DOWN. It's just not as far UP as it was. Going from really bad to not as bad or even ok is not the same as "down".

It's like idiot D politician's and the media when they claim that an R has "reduced" an agency's budget or made them do "cuts" when the previous projected annual increase in budget went from 18% to "only" 10%. That's not a cut in the budget of 8% as would be claimed or reported. It's still going up and increasing by 10%. That can only be considered an increase under any version of math. To say otherwise is a lie and it really doesn't matter that in the other countries budgets for similar items went up by 12%. I don't really care what someone in France pays for gas, eggs, or electricity.
Only Dims can’t see this. Sheeple.
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BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties.
This is just more proof of how secure our elections are. Notice that the cheating was discovered before the election, not after.
Who's arguing?

I simply pointed out that you're a dumbass and a hypocrite because you keep stating that it's illegal to bet on the election. People, including yourself, do things all the time that are technically illegal. It doesn't mean it's not happening.
is it not typical? He starts an argument over your statement and when you show him up for having done so, he picks an argument over your responding with an an argument of your own. The loser tactics the lefties here (and everywhere) display is completely predictable.
This is just more proof of how secure our elections are. Notice that the cheating was discovered before the election, not after.
no proof at all, just an indication of two things; one is that thanks to Trump and his vehement protest over the validity of the last prez election, election officials are NOW going to be on their toes looking for these fraudulent activities and two, that such activities were widespread in the last election just as I have been pointing out.

In that last election that was touted as being the fairest ever executed, the legitimacy of ballots was tested at the point of vote-count and not the point of application for and filling out of absentee ballots.