@strummingram I'm not going to bother to go back and quote all your posts, but your "I'm just gonna choose peace and love in my heart" plan ain't gonna work, dude. It may make you feel better but it isn't going to stop extremists from killing people in America. So you look extremely naive with your constant repetition of "
I choose to be peaceful." Well that's great, others do not choose the same. Would it be awesome if they did? Yes. But they don't and they won't.
@chick_bleeds_carolina_blue awww the poor widdle Muslim was made fun of at work??
Too fuggin bad. Be a man and either A) suck it up, B) punch the bullies in the face and settle it mano y mano, or C) report them to your company's HR. Him potentially being bullied is zero excuse for shooting one person, much less 50+. I was bullied as a kid in elementary school because one of my hands is noticeably different than normal because of a birth defect. Did I turn into a mass murderer as an adult? Uhhh, no. It just hardened me and thickened up my skin. Did it upset me a lot at the time? Absolutely. But I sacked up and got over it. People who commit violent atrocities like this because of ANY reason are weak, cowardly, disgusting human beings.
The verbal word is NOT cause to hurt someone. That's basic law. Someone can walk up to you and call you a bitch 1,000 times in a row and it gives you ZERO legal cause to harm them. Sorry, life is tough. Sticks and stones, love.
@Blue2010 's story about bullying is a much better example than mine.