PJ Washington OV

Not this board CJ is mostly on 4 corners. Did not read it that way but I am bad to speed read his post. NOBODY beats Clint on recruits. Period
Mikey, the I don't remember the last time Clint was wrong on a commitment to UNC. I learned long ago not to doubt him on anything.
Tell ya about clint. He Is uber careful with his info and whos leaning where. If he says someones in the lead or looking good etc its because he knows it for a fact. Hes prob been wrong but in The 12 yrs i've been following him i cant remember him missing badly. in fact hes so careful that he usually hedges his bet when he doesnt need to. If someones leaning a little according to clint chances are he knows the kid is leaning a lot. And when he says its a done it.

eta i'm not saying hes calling pj a lean anywhere. This is a general statement.
I could not have said it better. I don't go back 12 years, but I go back several years.
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IN an interesting development, Billy Preston, after agreeing to attend late night at the Phog has announced that he is re-opening his recruiting. Now it has long been felt that this kid wants Ky to recruit him and while Ky is not mentioned in this link you have to ask, if he is re-opening his recruitment then there is some program that he likes more than Kansas that is now talking to him. So gee, I wonder who that program would be?

Would it also be the same program that is strongly involved with Nick Richards, could it be the program much rumored to be who Preston really wants? Would you not say that if Kansas was such a strong leader for him, gets him to commit to coming to late Night at Phog would it not be shocking for him to announce that he is opening his recruiting back up, is there any other explain for this other than some other program is closer to his heart?
IN an interesting development, Billy Preston, after agreeing to attend late night at the Phog has announced that he is re-opening his recruiting. Now it has long been felt that this kid wants Ky to recruit him and while Ky is not mentioned in this link you have to ask, if he is re-opening his recruitment then there is some program that he likes more than Kansas that is now talking to him. So gee, I wonder who that program would be?

Would it also be the same program that is strongly involved with Nick Richards, could it be the program much rumored to be who Preston really wants? Would you not say that if Kansas was such a strong leader for him, gets him to commit to coming to late Night at Phog would it not be shocking for him to announce that he is opening his recruiting back up, is there any other explain for this other than some other program is closer to his heart?
well "nothing from nothing leaves nothing".
Cal will just convince them both that "platooning" is best for them and they both end up at UK. We all keep saying that unc has all this pt available etc etc but lets not forget Uk has also been able to get plenty of guys to buy into their system and accept well reduced PT than theyd get at other schools. I dont understand it but its happened.
The chatter up here (basically just coaches I talk to who know his family) say that Duke's the heavy lean. Some of the more negative people in his ear want UK but Mo is very academically driven (thus Harvard being a real player). They say Duke gives him the best of both worlds.

If he commits to duke and only stays one year, then his being "academically driven" is complete garbage.
excerpt from an interview with P.J.'s dad:

How did the UNC official compare to the one to Kentucky the weekend before? Was there anything very different?

"Nope. They are all start to blend in about the same to be honest with you," Washington said. "When you go on officials they all are like the same thing. Every school. At this level they are all good options. You really can't go wrong. Now, if you asked me the difference between North Carolina, Kentucky, and say VCU or Western Kentucky it might be a little different. You are talking amazing programs. The ACC. You can't go wrong."

Next up for Washington is official visits to Arizona (Oct. 21) and Texas (Oct. 28). He plans to make a decision some time following his last official visit.
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excerpt from an interview with P.J.'s dad:

How did the UNC official compare to the one to Kentucky the weekend before? Was there anything very different?

"Nope. They are all start to blend in about the same to be honest with you," Washington said. "When you go on officials they all are like the same thing. Every school. At this level they are all good options. You really can't go wrong. Now, if you asked me the difference between North Carolina, Kentucky, and say VCU or Western Kentucky it might be a little different. You are talking amazing programs. The ACC. You can't go wrong."

Next up for Washington is official visits to Arizona (Oct. 21) and Texas (Oct. 28). He plans to make a decision some time following his last official visit.
Translation: Don't expect anything of substance from the Washingtons during the visitation process, as has been posted here already... and he hasn't told anyone uk or anyone else is leading.
IN an interesting development, Billy Preston, after agreeing to attend late night at the Phog has announced that he is re-opening his recruiting. Now it has long been felt that this kid wants Ky to recruit him and while Ky is not mentioned in this link you have to ask, if he is re-opening his recruitment then there is some program that he likes more than Kansas that is now talking to him. So gee, I wonder who that program would be?

Would it also be the same program that is strongly involved with Nick Richards, could it be the program much rumored to be who Preston really wants? Would you not say that if Kansas was such a strong leader for him, gets him to commit to coming to late Night at Phog would it not be shocking for him to announce that he is opening his recruiting back up, is there any other explain for this other than some other program is closer to his heart?

Wow whenever a recruit reopens i cant help but think shenanigans are going on.
Cal will just convince them both that "platooning" is best for them and they both end up at UK. We all keep saying that unc has all this pt available etc etc but lets not forget Uk has also been able to get plenty of guys to buy into their system and accept well reduced PT than theyd get at other schools. I dont understand it but its happened.

Here is the thing with Ky, they have been holding off Richards & Preston waiting to see what Bamba was going to do, bamba reaching out to Michigan on his own seems to have been a jolt to Kal and is IMO why Preston re-opening his recruitment after having agreed to attend Phog Night, is important IMO. Ky has also been holding off Vanderbilt but it is getting really late to keep holding him off and I think it was getting to close to letting Preston slip to Ks as reason Preston out of the blue re-opens things up.

Something else you have to consider with Ky, they have Bam, SJK, and heck is his name, kid most expect to be the more likely one & done for Ky from this class, brain freeze. But, I am very confident SJK is not going one & done and even most do not agree, I really question if Bam will be one & done. Bam is not a big offensive guy and he is not great size for a NBA center or power forward. He is a big time motor guy but I am not sold the NBA will love him so much until he develops some scoring moves. When we were recruiting him I felt he was a 2 and maybe 3yr guy and I still see him that way. If you add bam and SJK to say a snag of Richards and Preston all the sudden you have to wonder how PJ or Vanderbilt would fit in to that mix?

IDK, maybe PJ and his dad now believe they want him to be recruited as a wing, I would be surprised if that were the case but who knows. Tell ya what would also surprise me, that PJ or his dad were to say anything while now in the official visit cycle that would indicate any programs that he visits leads at this point.

^ Now I better go ahead and apologize right now for having said the above, even thou it is just my opinion, some are bent to see it as my being disloyal and disrespectful and I sure do not want to walk on anyone's sensitivities...LOL
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excerpt from an interview with P.J.'s dad:

Now, if you asked me the difference between North Carolina, Kentucky, and say VCU or Western Kentucky it might be a little different. You are talking amazing programs. The ACC. You can't go wrong."

Did Kensucky join the ACC? I think not! :D
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Here is the thing with Ky, they have been holding off Richards & Preston waiting to see what Bamba was going to do, bamba reaching out to Michigan on his own seems to have been a jolt to Kal and is IMO why Preston re-opening his recruitment after having agreed to attend Phog Night, is important IMO. Ky has also been holding off Vanderbilt but it is getting really late to keep holding him off and I think it was getting to close to letting Preston slip to Ks as reason Preston out of the blue re-opens things up.

Something else you have to consider with Ky, they have Bam, SJK, and heck is his name, kid most expect to be the more likely one & done for Ky from this class, brain freeze. But, I am very confident SJK is not going one & done and even most do not agree, I really question if Bam will be one & done. Bam is not a big offensive guy and he is not great size for a NBA center or power forward. He is a big time motor guy but I am not sold the NBA will love him so much until he develops some scoring moves. When we were recruiting him I felt he was a 2 and maybe 3yr guy and I still see him that way. If you add bam and SJK to say a snag of Richards and Preston all the sudden you have to wonder how PJ or Vanderbilt would fit in to that mix?

IDK, maybe PJ and his dad now believe they want him to be recruited as a wing, I would be surprised if that were the case but who knows. Tell ya what would also surprise me, that PJ or his dad were to say anything while now in the official visit cycle that would indicate any programs that he visits leads at this point.

^ Now I better go ahead and apologize right now for having said the above, even thou it is just my opinion, some are bent to see it as my being disloyal and disrespectful and I sure do not want to walk on anyone's sensitivities...LOL

If PJ is making his decision after his final OV. If it's Kentucky, it has to wait, right? You would think he would wait to see who returns and goes for that team. Richards is taking his OV to Kentucky this weekend.
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So just playing catch up here...we should root for Richards to go to UK shouldn't we? That would make it less likely that PJ would go there? How would it effect Bamba? Might it send him to dook? What dominoes fall if Richards signs up at UK sooner than later? And is that possible or should I quit dreaming?
excerpt from an interview with P.J.'s dad:

How did the UNC official compare to the one to Kentucky the weekend before? Was there anything very different?

"Nope. They are all start to blend in about the same to be honest with you," Washington said. "When you go on officials they all are like the same thing. Every school. At this level they are all good options. You really can't go wrong. Now, if you asked me the difference between North Carolina, Kentucky, and say VCU or Western Kentucky it might be a little different. You are talking amazing programs. The ACC. You can't go wrong."

Next up for Washington is official visits to Arizona (Oct. 21) and Texas (Oct. 28). He plans to make a decision some time following his last official visit.
...and why not share some of the rest of it. It's a free article --- came across my twitter feed.

"A large part of the visit was the chance to truly get to know Coach Roy Williams. Washington raved about the personal approach and the intimacy of that aspect of their time in Chapel Hill.*
'Some of the things that I have I been telling people is that Coach Williams is a good guy," Washington explained. "He is a down-to-earth type of guy. (P.J) did have a good time, I can tell you that. He had a great time. Roy is a very personable guy.'"

*note: hmm... not exactly one of those "all indications" that having him going to uk


"Washington's father did not reveal too many details about the ins-and-outs of everything he and Roy talked about. He said that Roy likes to keep the interactions on these official visits pretty close and away from the media**. 'He said that (P.J) is going to be a forward. He likes the mismatches. They really haven't had a player like P.J. in awhile, so that would be interesting if P.J. were to choose that school.'"

**note: opposite of Calipari and UK, as I posted earlier.

I wouldnt take too much of what his Dad says to heart. From everything Ive read and every interview he does he seems very media savvy and knows how to play all the angles...just my opinion.
I wouldnt take too much of what his Dad says to heart. From everything Ive read and every interview he does he seems very media savvy and knows how to play all the angles...just my opinion.
The point is that this PJ-to-uk hype isn't coming from the family.
And if he had said anything that good about Calipari? Good Lord, the hand-wringers on here would have had a bitching-and-moaning contest :eek:
I think we stand a great chance, but the only thing I have found is where PJ followed Cals son on twitter. I'm not savvy with those accounts and things but I did hate seeing that. The article with Wash SR was great. "ACC"
I think we stand a great chance, but the only thing I have found is where PJ followed Cals son on twitter. I'm not savvy with those accounts and things but I did hate seeing that. The article with Wash SR was great. "ACC"
He also started following some of our guys on instagram.
I was puzzled by the part of that article that said no one was available from the business school to speak with PJ. during his visit. How can that be? Why would we not have a formal presentation planned?
So just playing catch up here...we should root for Richards to go to UK shouldn't we? That would make it less likely that PJ would go there? How would it effect Bamba? Might it send him to dook? What dominoes fall if Richards signs up at UK sooner than later? And is that possible or should I quit dreaming?

Yea, i think Richards to UK helps us, because then what does Cal do? Does he still go after Bamba and make Washington feel like he isnt a priority?
Yea, i think Richards to UK helps us, because then what does Cal do? Does he still go after Bamba and make Washington feel like he isnt a priority?
Well, I'll tell ya... that sort of thing got Calipari in PJ's doghouse earlier this year... and he's been putting on the current full-court press to catch up with Texas and us ever since. Even assuming uk is strongly back in it for PJ, if Cal pulls another stunt like that he can kiss the Washingtons goodbye.
Yes, please...;)
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One thing I noticed and it could be irrelevant but... PJ did tweet more pro UK stuff during his visit than he did during the UNC visit.

JMO, but I think Paul Sr. really likes UNC and maybe is more so in our corner right now than PJ is.
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Thought that was because it was their premium content. Oh well, maybe I'll get mine slapped too, then.
Still sorta wondering why you left out the directly relevant parts though....
...and why not share some of the rest of it. It's a free article --- came across my twitter feed.

"A large part of the visit was the chance to truly get to know Coach Roy Williams. Washington raved about the personal approach and the intimacy of that aspect of their time in Chapel Hill.*
'Some of the things that I have I been telling people is that Coach Williams is a good guy," Washington explained. "He is a down-to-earth type of guy. (P.J) did have a good time, I can tell you that. He had a great time. Roy is a very personable guy.'"

*note: hmm... not exactly one of those "all indications" that having him going to uk


"Washington's father did not reveal too many details about the ins-and-outs of everything he and Roy talked about. He said that Roy likes to keep the interactions on these official visits pretty close and away from the media**. 'He said that (P.J) is going to be a forward. He likes the mismatches. They really haven't had a player like P.J. in awhile, so that would be interesting if P.J. were to choose that school.'"

**note: opposite of Calipari and UK, as I posted earlier.
Translation: Don't expect anything of substance from the Washingtons during the visitation process, as has been posted here already... and he hasn't told anyone uk or anyone else is leading.
So if nothing was of substance , then what does it matter what I left out?

Neither you or I know what he may have told someone. He may have a special relationship with some recruiting guru. I make no claims to knowing.

It would improve your credibility if you didn't make statements like "he hasn't told anyone uk or anyone else is leading" when you don't really know.
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So if nothing was of substance , then what does it matter what I left out?

Neither you or I know what he may have told someone. He may have a special relationship with some recruiting guru. I make no claims to knowing.

It would improve your credibility if you didn't make statements like "he hasn't told anyone uk or anyone else is leading" when you don't really know.
It was nothing of substance as to WHO LEADS. THAT was the POINT.

And you make no claims? Ok. Just a lot of negative assumptions... and your selective quote of the only part of that article that wasn't positive for Carolina is par for the damned course. Cherry-picking the one part that, out of context as it was, made it look like everything at the Carolina visit was blah-blah ho-hum, when the fact is the interview was glowing about Roy. Seriously, what's wrong with you? Are you THAT determined to support a negative narrative?. I just don't get it. o_O

And I don't need any help with credibility. I've been trying to tell people that this is a heavy-weight recruiting battle that has already had ebbs and flows among UNC, UT and uk, all gaining advantages at different times (many of which I've detailed). So I stand by that statement... or how about this? One can speculate where some analysts are getting some recent info, but there is no reason to think Paul Washington has told anyone that uk or anyone else leads.
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One thing Paul has said continuously that it would be PJs decision. The Lodge looms large here.
I was puzzled by the part of that article that said no one was available from the business school to speak with PJ. during his visit. How can that be? Why would we not have a formal presentation planned?

A screw up like this cost us a top notch Big! Our academic folk are not helping!
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