Quick stuff (Michigan game)...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
...and ball-game, bitches!

Look, before I start with the analysis, if you take away the goonery and biffoonery, this was a DAMN GOOD BASKETBALL GAME between two good teams. Unfortunately though, it was marred by the aforementioned caveats, but fortunately we rose to the occasion!

Y'all know, I used to (only minutely jokingly) say that you won't like Joel Berry when he's angry... well..,. Michigan didn't like Armando Bacot when he's angry! You saw it... when UM resorted once too often to their Big-10 goonery, Mando said WATTUP, BITCHES?. Anyway, here we go:

- Many of us have critiqued Mando for his inability to create from beyond the block, welp... tonight he would not be denied once the altercation took place. And I'm sure most of you saw the graphic of us closing on a 19-8 first-half run. That situation was unfortunately neccessitated by an officiating crew that let the "physical" stuff get outta hand. Predictable as heat in July, right? Thankfully, we responded. As Hubert admonished our guys vs OSU, we did NOT let UM "punk" us (!!).

- We survived a VERY shaky start in which we allowed them to dictate tempo uninhibited before us playing BAD and lazy transition "defense". Fortunately, we tightened that nonsense up in the second half.

- make no mistake --- not only was the inspiration for our strong close to the first half UM's physical junk, it was also VERY MUCH from us turning to SCRAMBLING. Even though our forays into 32 and 42 didn't necessarily result in immediate TOs, they totally disrupted UM's rhythm --- which was WAY too unchallenged before that.

- I hafta say, I was disappointed in us NOT recognizing quickly enuff when they (ill-advisedly) went Zone, but we all know that is our "briar-patch" we'll take anytime someone wants to offer it up ;).

- I absolutely L O V E D it when Hubert went ballistic on the zebras for allowing Dickerson's WCW forearm "shiver" to Mando. Go ahead, Hubs! Trust me, the team sees that and appreciates it.

- Now, with all that said, I thought that in the second half, Hubert needed a timeout earlier than he used it when UM closed before the under-4 --- we were tired and getting loose in execution

- we also went cold from 3 in the second half, but being honest, our looks weren't as good as they should've been.

- one more on the caveat side --- the player we REALLY miss is Dunn. He's a solid and strong option and, as much as I like his potential, we just CANNOT put the ball in Seth's hands in crucial possessions at this stage of his career.

- before I wrap this up, Leaky made TWO game-changing defensive plays down the stretch --- foiling a break with the block-and-save and then the stone on the sideline around the under-4 when things were trending south.

- Finally. I have friends with premium subscriptions to other sites (sorry AJ), and I never cease to be amazed at the nonsense some folks post --- well, ok, it happens here as well. Point is, we are now 4-0 since the staff WISELY repented from what @Tarheel75 and I have taken to calling the "unfortunate offensive experiment"(TM) of 5-out nonsense. The Secondary carried us thru the first half, and set plays (keyed on INSIDE-OUT ball) carried the second.

Anyway, QUALITY win vs a very good NCAA team, and oh BTW, suck it, Juwan... :cool:


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Solid win !! We left an awful lot of meat on the bone at the charity stripe which kept the game close. It was good to see Caleb back to knocking down 4 straight in crunch time like he did so often last year. Wouldn't have been a crunch time if we hit our normal % from the line throughout though.

I thought Puff played well. 6 boards, and limited his foul trouble he had been getting into down there. Solid contributions.

The beginning of both halfs we were extremely sloppy with turnovers, luckily they were not live ball break out TO's, but they came in clusters out of the locker room in both halfs. Only 11 total, but it seemed like more coming in clusters.

Mando owned Dickenson who was getting away with sly cheap shots, but he stirred the hornets nest with Mando, Hubert, and Caleb. Infused some "bring it" out of them, it gave us a spurt.

Those 2 defensive plays by Leaky were HUGE, with heads up saves, just huge. I can see how Jett Howard has moved into solid 1st round draft territory, he is smooth. Leak made it tougher down the stretch for him. Oh, and 10 boards for Leaky. He was very very good tonight.

The Big Three of R.J. Davis, Caleb Love, and Armando Bacot combine for 63 of the Tar Heels' 80 points in tonight's win against Michigan. If a fourth offensive option consistently emerges, look out.
1. Our FT shooting was awful tonight and made us sweat it out when it should have been a double-digit win.
2. Dickinson decided to get dirty when it's was obvious that Armando was about to own him for the 2nd straight year. That punk deserved a technical
3. Leaky is playing himself into an NBA wing. He's not there yet but he's trending in that direction.
4. Juwan Howard may not last at the college level very long. Awful attitude towards everyone, refs, opposing coaches, fans. And I always like that guy.
5. There's always that 1 player who goes off against us and make things interesting. Kobe Bufkin was the hero tonight.
6. Joey Baker 😂🤣
And yes, as Gary mentioned, it came close to a brawl. Thanks for your overview, Gary.

The antecedent for all the mugging was the officiating, plain and simple. That crew showed some incompetence by letting it get overly physical from the tip. The refusal to review the Dickerson elbow against Bacot was the most egregious of all. That alone will cost those officials 3 future games per the ACC office official at the game.

Juwan Howard loses games because he is a hot head and spends too much time complaining about calls and not enough time with his team. When I saw him jerk away from several of his players who were trying to keep him from getting T'd up, our crew to a man said, his temper and anger management is going to keep him from playing for championships and will more than likely hurt his recruiting. None of us could even imagine Hubert putting on a display like that. I've seen DES, Gut, & Roy get highly upset and yell at the officials, but never would they call a referee MF'g cheater as did Juwan. I am just dumbfounded that he never got whistled for his beratements and tantrums against those officials.

I heard several folks say that Dickerson stayed in the game with 5 fouls and went out with his 6th. Well...., he fouled a lot more than that, but I don't think he got away with 6 fouls.

There were lots of ebbs and flows in this game, however, we are improving, but are still suffering with bad TO's and suspect shot selection at times, and those times seem to come at critical moments in games. Who is the culprit(s)?

We committed 12 TO's and Caleb had almost half of those (5). He also had a horrific 3 point try just 2 steps into half court. He is an enigma for sure, and mentally he just fades in and out of games. His Jekyll/Hyde play frustrates me so bad it wears me out physically just watching him play at times. Then, again, he can put the team on his back and carry a ballgame.

His 3-point shot is lacking this season and some of the reason is that he is really working on defense, and it takes its toll on his long shots due to tired legs IMO. When you shoot 3 pointers long or short as Caleb does it generally means tired legs. As we get deeper into league play, hopefully Hubert can use the bench and get even more rest in between TV TO's for both RJ & Caleb, if they are going to run multiple defenses like they did tonight (and hopefully continue), that takes a lot out of a player physically folks.

Overall, we are getting tougher and playing more physical when we get challenged, which is a good sign as we get back into league play. Were 9-4 and I was hoping for 11-2 by this time in the season, but..., as we all say, it is what it is. We earned most all of the 4 losses with bad offense and bad defense. And, as Gary said, the "unfortunate offensive experiment" is over, and we are re-establishing the old offense with a few tweaks and inserting multiple defenses in our games that has a tendency to confuse the competition for periods of time and has allowed us to either make up ground or build on leads, of which we have done too few times this season.

Well, time for the holiday break and then on to Pitt, which, by the way, will be a
quad 1 game.
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Thanks Gary as always! This was another brawl with another (big surprise) big ten school ( as I said before it’s always a little sweeter against a b10 school) . It got ugly at times but what the Team is showing me is that they might get hit and in some cases knocked down but they are getting back up and taking some swings themselves. We have been taking hits and getting back up and moving forward. That’s how and what winning is all about. In the last 4 games we are starting to show that. A great win against another very physical opponent when we did not play near our best ball. Did anyone see a huge difference in coaching from when Hubert got mad in the first half to the way Howard was getting mad in the second half? Hubert still kept his poise and coached his Team. Howard wasted his last timeout by bitching at the ref’s and not coaching his Team. Caleb had 5 turnovers and to be honest it could have been 6. Near the end of the game when Caleb got that rebound Dickerson was called for a foul as he poked it out of Caleb’s hands. But we recovered it. I hope that Caleb can be more focused in the future with a play like that. Also, RJ had some amazing finishes going towards the basket. He does need to get his layups off a little quicker at times when he thinks that he has a clear lane and look towards the basket. At times it seems that he lets up just a little only to see someone come and block it. I still have issues with Pete Nance. He had some great rebounds in traffic but he doesn’t rotate fast enough or closeout and he rarely tries to box out. His attempts to try and back people down and pick up an offensive charge almost every game needs to stop. His shot is extremely flat. A little disappointed in not seeing Tyler Nickel or Style’s again. When is Dunn suppose to come back? It was another big win going into the Christmas break.
Juwan Howard appeared to say to his own team: “Don’t touch me” and “get your f-ing hands off me” as they tried to break up an argument with a ref. Unacceptable for a coach in my opinion. Even more so one with Howard’s track record. Seems more anger management is needed.

We earned most all of the 4 losses with bad offense and bad defense. And, as Gary said, the "unfortunate offensive experiment" is over, and we are re-establishing the old offense with a few tweaks and inserting multiple defenses in our games that has a tendency to confuse the competition for periods of time and has allowed us to either make up ground or build on leads, of which we have done too few times this season.
75, my brother... you said it right there in a nutshell.

Bottom line is, we're now playing Carolina basketball (in the wake of the "UOE"). And while yes, there are continuing frustrating individual foibles, this roster (at least once Dunn returns) can play with ANYBODY!
75, my brother... you said it right there in a nutshell.

Bottom line is, we're now playing Carolina basketball (in the wake of the "UOE"). And while yes, there are continuing frustrating individual foibles, this roster (at least once Dunn returns) can play with ANYBODY!
While Dunn was doing ok, there was a reason a freshman Trimble was already getting more burn Gary. Please stop beating a dead horse. We get it, you don’t think he’s a pg1. He’s a freshman that is far and away better defensively than Dunn. We don’t need another scorer. Not enough ball to go around imo. Ball in his hands or not he’s a much better player and the coaches know it.
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Juwan Howard appeared to say to his own team: “Don’t touch me” and “get your f-ing hands off me” as they tried to break up an argument with a ref. Unacceptable for a coach in my opinion. Even more so one with Howard’s track record. Seems more anger management is needed.

The player was trying to diffuse another possible suspension due to Howard's inability to maintain composure.

Hubert has mentioned that he gets excited and wishes he was still able to play on the court. It's one thing to be intense and extremely present in the game. But, as a coach, it's probably not a good look when you lose your temper so much, and so easily, and so frequently, that you almost become violent.
Just finished watching the replay and I'm 4-0 since I stopped watching live.... not that I'm taking any credit!

Great wrap up Gary and thanks again for the sideline eye '75... what I would give to have your access to the game.... but then, that's something you've earned so thanks for sharing with us.

I know there's a leaky thread, but in addition to the plays Gary highlighted, there was a Michigan 2nd half fast break which leaky single handedly diffused with some remarkable scramble defence and terrific footwork. He may not trouble the score table but he is a phenomenal talisman for this team. And if that allows him to take a rhythm 3 early in the clock, so be it.

The only thing I'd love to see from leaky is more opportunistic drives to the bucket.... he is near unstoppable in open space and has the ability to finish hard. But he is what he is.

So to is the backcourt and turnovers are something we'll have to get used to.... for every miraculous steal and breakaway dunk there are going to be 2-3 WTF entry passes or Why-On-Earth crazy shots.

9-4 is a pretty good place to be.... and time to run rampant in the conference.
While Dunn was doing ok, there was a reason a freshman Trimble was already getting more burn Gary. Please stop beating a dead horse. We get it, you don’t think he’s a pg1. He’s a freshman that is far and away better defensively than Dunn. We don’t need another scorer. Not enough ball to go around imo. Ball in his hands or not he’s a much better player and the coaches know it.
Dunn is not a PG and yes, Trimble is laying it out there defensively. I think you may be barking up the wrong tree Alabama with the above post. While Trimble is coming along fairly well, he is not, as yet, any kind of threat offensively and at times does get caught in no man's land due to lack of recognition which is caused by inexperience.

He is, though, getting better and his ball skills, while not at a PG level, are also improving. He's a 2G playing PG and is working very hard to get better. While he is improving, he will never strictly be a PG because he doesn't have the mentality of a PG and I for one am glad we have him.

On the other hand, when speaking of Dunn, he is very much a scoring threat and was coming into his own and the opposition had to respect his shooting ability. Not only can Dunn shoot, but he also plays some blanketing defense. If you are wondering why both Dunn before his injury, & Trimble were the first 2 off the bench, it was that both play defense. I am sure that @Gary77 was not beating the PG issue which should be plain to all but pointing out that we need both of Dunn's offense and defense to make this team even better on both ends of the court.
Dunn is not a PG and yes, Trimble is laying it out there defensively. I think you may be barking up the wrong tree Alabama with the above post. While Trimble is coming along fairly well, he is not, as yet, any kind of threat offensively and at times does get caught in no man's land due to lack of recognition which is caused by inexperience.

He is, though, getting better and his ball skills, while not at a PG level, are also improving. He's a 2G playing PG and is working very hard to get better. While he is improving, he will never strictly be a PG because he doesn't have the mentality of a PG and I for one am glad we have him.

On the other hand, when speaking of Dunn, he is very much a scoring threat and was coming into his own and the opposition had to respect his shooting ability. Not only can Dunn shoot, but he also plays some blanketing defense. If you are wondering why both Dunn before his injury, & Trimble were the first 2 off the bench, it was that both play defense. I am sure that @Gary77 was not beating the PG issue which should be plain to all but pointing out that we need both of Dunn's offense and defense to make this team even better on both ends of the court.
This above was going through my mind during live action when one of our guards drove the paint and found a wide ass open Trimble in the opposite corner.
I like that he didn't hesitate to shoot the 3, but I for one was thinking immediately that I would have liked the pass recipients to be either, Dunn or Nickel at that time.
I love Trimbles drfense, snd I often find myself just watching him guard off the ball, but he still has a lot of work to do offensively.
I think his calling card will one day be strong athletic finish through contact drives, and that might be as early as the postseason.
Yes Jericho, besides the elbow to Mando's jaw, the kid we recruited up to a point lightly kicked Caleb twice in the legs, and the knee to the head, honestly? How many people saw that Hunter and cameras all about, lots of slick holds in that crowd throughout the game.
Glad our guys are improving and I get a feel thay are really getting into playing with each other.
The little pocket from RJ to Pete was beautiful!
Thanks Gary, 75, and the others who give good insight into breaking down the games. Seems like a common theme that teams are being overly physical with us, and have gotten away with it by the lack of officiating. I’m proud of our team for fighting back and showing a lot of guts in tough wins against two big 10 opponents.
We are currently third (2-1) in the Big Ten and tied for fourth in the ACC.
As we crawl out of our early season nadir and look towards the zenith, here’s what we know:
1) We are still a bit rusty, but back to playing Carolina basketball.
2) (credit to Gary- we will play this season sans a real point guard, but our guard trio of Caleb, RJ,
and Seth are playing hard, and mostly, well)
3) (credit to 75- Caleb, so mercurial, so emotional; he will drive us crazy, but also drive us to victory,
is playing great defense which is wearing out his legs and affecting his shot. More rest for him and RJ
during games should be a priority)
4) Man, are we lucky to have Leaky? So Theo Pinsonesque for us night in, night out.
5) Armando’s recovery seems to be on schedule; he realized he was a preseason First Team All-American
and is playing like it.
6) Pete is not Brady, but we need his size and shooting touch. Hopefully, his stroke from deep returns soon.
7) We are tough as hell when necessary and ”should” thrive in a weaker than usual ACC.
8) This team will play for Hubert and he will coach them to success.
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One adjustment I wish Hubert made late was putting Puff in for Nance. Nance was unable to get out to contest those 3s from the top of the key. His man got a couple wide open looks late, making the 1st and missing the 2nd. If that 2nd shot went down this game would have been a tough finish. I thought defensively we played better with Puff or Leaky at the 4. No disrespect to Nance, but there are just going to be some games where we matchup better with a comboforward at the 4.
This team needs the many contributions of Trimble and they have benefited from them greatly this season. He may not be a true point guard but neither is Caleb or RJ. He has entered many games and allowed Hubert to send the important message to RJ and Caleb that defense is mandatory and offense is not always iso-ball. He injects a much needed physical style/attitude on the defensive end. I will be shocked if Hubert does not make a primary ball handler out of Seth. His attributes are for old style Carolina offense. Push the ball, secondary break, integrated player/ball movement, dribble with a purpose. We will not have the talent next season for iso ball.

Love is mercurial and we have/will go to him when the pressure stifles the limited half court offense. Seth and RJ can play more complimentary guard team ball next year. An open, spot up RJ 3 pointer makes him a high 30/40 % shooter vs this years rushed/ small window 20/30 % type. RJ/Caleb are not quick enough to turn the corner on there drives to the basket and rarely get down the lane to the front of the rim. Both make highlight reel shots but when they miss draw immediate attention to poor execution. Seth has more quickness, power, and strength. Seth's game is suited for 94 feet not 2-man ball. I believe Hubert will get Seth increased quality minutes in ACC play.
Caleb can go from exhilarating to infuriating so quickly that it really does make my head hurt.

That being said, he was really great attacking the rim last night.
I was at the game last night so I took some chances to just watch Love when he don't have the ball! If it isn't going great for him he stands around with almost a pouting body language but as soon as it rotates his direction everything changes. He is always engaged on defense!
Dunn is not a PG and yes, Trimble is laying it out there defensively. I think you may be barking up the wrong tree Alabama with the above post. While Trimble is coming along fairly well, he is not, as yet, any kind of threat offensively and at times does get caught in no man's land due to lack of recognition which is caused by inexperience.

He is, though, getting better and his ball skills, while not at a PG level, are also improving. He's a 2G playing PG and is working very hard to get better. While he is improving, he will never strictly be a PG because he doesn't have the mentality of a PG and I for one am glad we have him.

On the other hand, when speaking of Dunn, he is very much a scoring threat and was coming into his own and the opposition had to respect his shooting ability. Not only can Dunn shoot, but he also plays some blanketing defense. If you are wondering why both Dunn before his injury, & Trimble were the first 2 off the bench, it was that both play defense. I am sure that @Gary77 was not beating the PG issue which should be plain to all but pointing out that we need both of Dunn's offense and defense to make this team even better on both ends of the court.
75 I agree with your post it’s just old hearing that Trimble is “not a pg” and believe me when I say that I know he gets into trouble. Freshman and jrs on this team tend to do so. Lol. But I honestly believe if he were to clean it all up, average more assists, less tos, and lead more next year, that he would get credit but, It would be , he did great but he’s not a pg1. Just beat to death imo.
- I absolutely L O V E D it when Hubert went ballistic on the zebras for allowing Dickerson's WCW forearm "shiver" to Mando. Go ahead, Hubs! Trust me, the team sees that and appreciates it.
I was surprised Hubert didn't pick up a technical for that. I mean I'm no lip reader but his body language was very aggressive. But, yeah, good to see.

I also liked the way the announcers correctly identified when Hubert's energy shifted to rallying the team rather than railing against the refs.
I heard several folks say that Dickerson stayed in the game with 5 fouls and went out with his 6th. Well...., he fouled a lot more than that, but I don't think he got away with 6 fouls.
The TV announcers must have made the mistake. Early in 2nd half a foul was called and they said it was Dickinson's 3rd. Bacot was really taking advantage over the next 8 - 10 minutes as it appeared Dickinson played much more tentative and did not want to pick the 4th before the final 10 minutes.
75 I agree with your post it’s just old hearing that Trimble is “not a pg” and believe me when I say that I know he gets into trouble. Freshman and jrs on this team tend to do so. Lol. But I honestly believe if he were to clean it all up, average more assists, less tos, and lead more next year, that he would get credit but, It would be , he did great but he’s not a pg1. Just beat to death imo.
Funny how we see after every single game that same tone by the same posters, that Seth is not a PG. I see the defense of that stance be things like he drives in the lane at times and has to pull it back out, geez, who knew a freshman could do such a thing? LOL It is just old at this point, as if some watch every game looking for any and every op to down the kid, strange to see from a former UNC player.

This win, big win for us, was a grind it out power win. It shows the growth going on since that VT game. Absolutely LOVE the higher assist numbers and the focus on making sure the ball touches the paint, really looking for Bacot hard, good stuff. Feels like we have played most of this season on the road and our next game, yet again on the road to Pitt. Some teams seem as thou they have not left their state yet to play, good teams have to win on the road and at times have to win ugly on the road. Played now 3 very physical Big 10 teams 2 of the most physical were back to back in the last 2 games and we won both. IN fact only B10 team we lost to was during a really long road trip with little practice time and at Indiana on a night where IU played out of their mind and we had some key guys hurting. When we got back off the road and had some solid practice time, we cleaned a lot of the bad shot decisions up and our assist numbers jumped, we are much stronger than we were that game vs IU.
While Dunn was doing ok, there was a reason a freshman Trimble was already getting more burn Gary. Please stop beating a dead horse. We get it, you don’t think he’s a pg1. He’s a freshman that is far and away better defensively than Dunn. We don’t need another scorer. Not enough ball to go around imo. Ball in his hands or not he’s a much better player and the coaches know it.
That has nothing to do with anything. Dunn is objectively our most reliable backsourt option off the bench. He plays smart, takes care of the ball, can re;liably knock down open looks, and plays solid D.

And it's not about being a PG --- we don't have one of those, so that just is what it is.
One adjustment I wish Hubert made late was putting Puff in for Nance. Nance was unable to get out to contest those 3s from the top of the key. His man got a couple wide open looks late, making the 1st and missing the 2nd. If that 2nd shot went down this game would have been a tough finish. I thought defensively we played better with Puff or Leaky at the 4. No disrespect to Nance, but there are just going to be some games where we matchup better with a comboforward at
Pete had a rough go on the defensive end for sure. He was getting muscled in the paint, and as you said, had a hard time getting to perimter guys.
The TV announcers must have made the mistake. Early in 2nd half a foul was called and they said it was Dickinson's 3rd. Bacot was really taking advantage over the next 8 - 10 minutes as it appeared Dickinson played much more tentative and did not want to pick the 4th before the final 10 minutes.
I thought he had 6 also, I don't think they gave him a personal with the technical. He got 2 on that one play, according to the arena announcement.
Dang, why so serious? It is not downing the kid to object to the idea that he needs to be leading the team. Please name the freshmen PGs that were good leading UNC out of the gate! Every time I have seen someone say Seth isn't ready to be the primary PG is in response to someone saying he is. He isn't...yet....but he is an awesome young recruit and a critical piece to our success! Seth does many things that lead to wins and a partial list includes:
1. Suffocating D (especially on the other team's hot hand-imagine seeing Leaky go out and thinking you get a break, only to have Seth inside your shorts!)
2. Energy, hustle, and effort on both ends
3. Motivation to Caleb and RJ
4. Rest for Caleb, RJ, and Leaky
5. Leadership by example and soon vocally as well
6. Stints running the team to provide a different look to opponents
7. A seriously steep learning curve: ballhandling, spacing, decision making, shooting and passing!
8. Joy and passion for the GAME

Seth is Family and will be a star at UNC! (Maybe as early as the post-season of this year!)
Funny how we see after every single game that same tone by the same posters, that Seth is not a PG. I see the defense of that stance be things like he drives in the lane at times and has to pull it back out, geez, who knew a freshman could do such a thing? LOL It is just old at this point, as if some watch every game looking for any and every op to down the kid, strange to see from a former UNC player.

This win, big win for us, was a grind it out power win. It shows the growth going on since that VT game. Absolutely LOVE the higher assist numbers and the focus on making sure the ball touches the paint, really looking for Bacot hard, good stuff. Feels like we have played most of this season on the road and our next game, yet again on the road to Pitt. Some teams seem as thou they have not left their state yet to play, good teams have to win on the road and at times have to win ugly on the road. Played now 3 very physical Big 10 teams 2 of the most physical were back to back in the last 2 games and we won both. IN fact only B10 team we lost to was during a really long road trip with little practice time and at Indiana on a night where IU played out of their mind and we had some key guys hurting. When we got back off the road and had some solid practice time, we cleaned a lot of the bad shot decisions up and our assist numbers jumped, we are much stronger than we were that game vs IU.
David, if that's the hill you want to die on....., be my guest sir. I think I have a reasonable amount of knowledge about the game of basketball, and if I criticize
any part of a player's deficiencies, I always try to include the why's and where's to back it up. Is Trimble a competent replacement when he enters a game?

So far, so good, but.... he is NOT a PG and will not play that position next year, if we are fortunate enough to get a genuine PG or LG and I have it on good authority that we will. If he grows another inch or two preferably, his future aspirations in the NBA will be at 2G if he can develop an offense. He will not make a PG in the NBA. I have watched him in every game he has played this year up close.

His job is to help us get through this season by committee and then we will have at least 1 true PG next year that will make our offense look so much smoother and even more successful. He is a plus player and is improving his worth to the overall success of the team and am glad he is with us. Again, a PG he is not and never will be, as I played with too many genuine PGs to know the differences.

He had the same amount of assists that Hubert had and never even scared the basket with his shot, although he did manage 1 T/O. He is not a threat offensively and opposing coaches see it and will be very lightly defended while giving the opposing team an extra player to double up or down against us.
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David, if that's the hill you want to die on....., be my guest sir. I think I have a reasonable amount of knowledge about the game of basketball, and if I criticize
any part of a player's deficiencies, I always try to include the why's and where's to back it up. Is Trimble a competent replacement when he enters a game?

So far, so good, but.... he is NOT a PG and will not play that position next year, if we are fortunate enough to get a genuine PG or LG and I have it on good authority that we will. If he grows another inch or two preferably, his future aspirations in the NBA will be at 2G. He will not make a PG in the NBA. I have watched him in every game he has played this year up close. His job is to help us get through this season by committee and then we will have at least 1 true PG next year that will make our offense look so much smoother and even more successful. He is a plus player and is improving his worth to the overall success of the team and am glad he is with us. Again, a PG he is not and never will be, as I played with too many genuine PGs to know the differences.
Serious question who was suppose to be a true PG on the team? Did we not recruit one or was our evaluation of who was and who wasn't just a miss?
Serious question who was suppose to be a true PG on the team? Did we not recruit one or was our evaluation of who was and who wasn't just a miss?
Great question....

We had several offers out to PG's and they all decided to go elsewhere after taking a close look at the make-up of the team. The one we missed on that I thought we really could have used, went to Alabama. Our plethora of guards turned all of them away.

ETA: I didn't answer completely. As far as who was supposed to be the PG, it was Roy's thinking that he would turn either Caleb or RJ into a PG and it just doesn't work, although credit both with trying hard to be what they will never be. Roy also drew some blanks as well trying to sign a genuine PG.
Great question....

We had several offers out to PG's and they all decided to go elsewhere after taking a close look at the make-up of the team. The one we missed on that I thought we really could have used, went to Alabama. Our plethora of guards turned all of them away.
Roy's best teams always had great PG's Hubert does seem to be able to be alot more fluid in his system, and over come that issue.

You can see alot more when you watch a game live, I noticed alot of standing around, and almost like the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing!

Lots of one on one basketball, and truthfully they look the best spreading it out and driving.