Recruiting News

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Love these 2, Zewski is a sweet shooting big fully able to play the 3 but looks more like a true step back stretch 4. Simi, just a beast, just a freakin beast. And Little also with the offer, special talent there but don't really feel that one as a battle we will win, legit shots at the other 2 IMO.
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All these guys look really good. Laszewski obviously not as good as the other two off the dribble, but he's 6'10" and looks like he has a great shot.
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Black shouldn't make a big difference for Little. Little is a likely one-and-done, and Black will likely need some seasoning.
Exactly why I have serious doubts about signing Little. We're not considered OAD friendly. Give me three or four years of Baker all day long to one of Little.
Why don't we stop propagating that false propaganda! We are as OAD friendly as any other school, but we don't cater as much to handlers. We don't blow smoke or outright lie to peeps (ratty, I'm looking at you!) and we don't force peeps out for the flavor of the month (Slimy, eyes are on you!), but we will prepare a player for the pros as well or better than any other school.

If a player is actually OAD ready, our staff will advise them to go and help them find a good landing spot! (see the no lying policy)

Little would thrive in our system and be a guaranteed lottery pick!

Love Shittu and Laszewski as well, but I refuse to give up on Little!
That's another thing that sticks in my craw! Peeps never consider how many of these "can't miss recruits" that Roy simply wanted no part of!

Remember peeps calling Roy all kinds of idiot for "missing" on Robinson and.....

Sometimes "misses" are really dodging a bullet!
Remember peeps calling Roy all kinds of idiot for "missing" on Robinson and.....

No, because I'm pretty sure there weren't too many people who lost sleep for missing out on Mitchell Robinson. Neither his first commitment nor this time.

Hell, Tilmon was still in play by that point.
Besides, Roy and staff always have a few kids many of us know nothing about but that they have on "their" radar.
It will be fun to see who chooses to step up and become a Tar Heel.
Why don't we stop propagating that false propaganda! We are as OAD friendly as any other school, but we don't cater as much to handlers. We don't blow smoke or outright lie to peeps (ratty, I'm looking at you!) and we don't force peeps out for the flavor of the month (Slimy, eyes are on you!), but we will prepare a player for the pros as well or better than any other school.

If a player is actually OAD ready, our staff will advise them to go and help them find a good landing spot! (see the no lying policy)

Little would thrive in our system and be a guaranteed lottery pick!

Love Shittu and Laszewski as well, but I refuse to give up on Little!

Actually maybe more than many or most, we just have not been getting many real one & done ready guys. We got really talented kids like Marcus, Joel, Theo, Justin, Tony (later 4 where around top 20 recruits). But we watched them play, none were really ready for the NBA, yeah, that includes Tony even thou I do wish him well. JMM was touted to be a one & done guy but we watched him play and there was not way the kid was ready. Just because a kid is touted as a one & doner does not mean his game is ready to be that and yet many times the NBA will open their door for him anyway.

But even for those kids that Roy really does not feel is ready game wise for the NBA, if that kid really wants to cash in now rather than wait for further development under Roy and the college game, Roy will 100% support him. I don't believe I have ever heard Roy say a single negative thing about any of his players that have left early either by transfer or entering the draft, all he has ever done is 100% support the kid's decision, you don't hear Roy say a player is f-ing his program by leaving. Roy does not in any way hold a kid back, what Roy does is be totally honest with a kid, tells the kid what he fully believes but Roy has and will always leave it up to the kid and totally support what the kid decides to do, how can any one & done kid ask for any more than that.

No, Roy is not going to deal much with managers and posses, and hander ons, think he now days would prefer to deal with sane family members after episodes with kooks like Drew and McCants. Unfortunately many of the one & dones bring just these things. Unfortunately kids like Justin, Theo, Joel, Marcus are maybe more the exception than the rule, kids that come and and want to learn and develop in to being the best they can be before taking things to the next level for pay.
we don't force peeps out for the flavor of the month (Slimy, eyes are on you!), but we will prepare a player for the pros as well or better than any other school.

These two statements are just categorically false.

1. EVERY school recruits over kids. Jalek will likely take major minutes away from Kenny and Seventh. Joel Berry took major minutes away from Nate. Guys, it isn't 3rd grade CYO, every school will recruit and play the best kids they have. It's the bottom line.

2. Saying "we prepare a player for the pros as well or better" than a school like UK is just false dude. Say what you want but Cal has produced since 2008...18 lotto picks with 4 of them being #1 overall. We can't even touch those numbers. And every single one of them has earned a 2nd contract in the league, which is one of the best things a coach can say about his ability to prepare players.

I think we produce better college players, better men, better leaders than UK. But to say something about pro ball vs. UK is just not accurate these days.
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These two statements are just categorically false.

1. EVERY school recruits over kids. Jalek will likely take major minutes away from Kenny and Seventh. Joel Berry took major minutes away from Nate. Guys, it isn't 3rd grade CYO, every school will recruit and play the best kids they have. It's the bottom line.

2. Saying "we prepare a player for the pros as well or better" than a school like UK is just false dude. Say what you want but Cal has produced since 2008...18 lotto picks with 4 of them being #1 overall. We can't even touch those numbers. And every single one of them has earned a 2nd contract in the league, which is one of the best things a coach can say about his ability to prepare players.

I think we produce better college players, better men, better leaders than UK. But to say something about pro ball vs. UK is just not accurate these days.

Sure, anyone can point to Anthony Davis and say gee look, Kal put him in the NBA after 1 season so Kal prepares kids better than Roy does. Fact is any coach can get a great talent in to the NBA, was LSU just amazing in their ability to develop Simmons, how about LSU and Ball, UW and Fultz? Was it the amazing job of development that K did with Giles that got him in as a round 1 pick, was that based on the amazing season Giles had last season? LOL

Give Kal and K the recruiting awards,they are the best recruiters out there, Self not far behind. But I would dare say Roy would have done at least as much for them and IMO much more. Because Roy has not produced a mega NBA star, Barnes is maybe the closest, does not mean others that do pass thru mega talents do a better development job. Roy takes recruiting classes that are well behind what Ky, duke, Kansas get and still produces top 10 teams even when he does not have the mega talent advantage.

When I see that former Roy players not doing a ton in the NBA rather than it cause me to question what Roy does, it makes me respect it more. He opens the door for even the kid that would not see that door opened for them other wise, he prepares them to be as best they can be even if in the end they do not have the natural gifts others may have.
And IIRC none of those UK players have won a ring in the NBA. Since 2000, UK has won one NCAA title.

As to a true statement: UNC prepares players for the NBA as well as anyone.
These two statements are just categorically false.

1. EVERY school recruits over kids. Jalek will likely take major minutes away from Kenny and Seventh. Joel Berry took major minutes away from Nate. Guys, it isn't 3rd grade CYO, every school will recruit and play the best kids they have. It's the bottom line.

Well, we don't force guys out the door - which was his statement,. So unless you can name Tar Heel players that Roy advised to leave the program because we had better guys coming in, I don't see how his statement could be false.

2. Saying "we prepare a player for the pros as well or better" than a school like UK is just false dude. Say what you want but Cal has produced since 2008...18 lotto picks with 4 of them being #1 overall. We can't even touch those numbers. And every single one of them has earned a 2nd contract in the league, which is one of the best things a coach can say about his ability to prepare players.

There's a lot more to preparing a kid for a life in professional sports than just honing their craft. How many former UNC athletes that have gone on to become professionals have filed for bankruptcy? How many have had criminal charges brought against them? How many have had personal life struggles (eg: repeated divorces, drug problems, etc)?
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Cal$hady did not develop those kids! They were nba ready right out of high school..

Another good point. UK didn't prepare John Wall, Anthony Davis and DeMarcus Cousins for the NBA. Their 7th grade AAU coach did that. Those kids were told at the age of 12 to stop thinking of becoming a doctor or teacher and instead start preparing for a life in the all important field of professional sports.
Another good point. UK didn't prepare John Wall, Anthony Davis and DeMarcus Cousins for the NBA. Their 7th grade AAU coach did that. Those kids were told at the age of 12 to stop thinking of becoming a doctor or teacher and instead start preparing for a life in the all important field of professional sports.
So in your opinion these evil parents and guardians, coaches and mentors were telling these twelve year olds to stop dreaming about becoming a doctor a teacher and forced them into some unwilling situation of becoming a basketball player for a pipe dream of making it to the nba? I wonder how they conned them into thinking that!?

I'd be willing to bet that one of those 12 year olds might have said, hey my dream is to play in the NBA. I bet somewhere along the way in all of these aau events, camps and mentors they came across the common lecture of less than a half percent of division one hoops players make it to the nba came up. I also bet that they said I'm going to work my ass off to make it to the league, day and night to try and achieve that dream. And you know what that's admirable- it's admirable for a kid to have a dream and work his butt off to try and achieve it. And in this bogus scenario, if he happens to not achieve it because few if any do, he can still become a doctor or a teacher or any other reputable profession out there.
Cal$hady did not develop those kids! They were nba ready right out of high school. I will take Roy any day over that snake oil salesman.

I agree that Calipari/UK aren't the reason the kids make the NBA - it's because they're top players, and top players generally make the NBA - but I don't think he's really a snake oil salesman.

This is his pitch: you will be put in a position to make the NBA after one year (true), and you will have as good of a shot at winning a championship as anybody (true).

It's a good pitch, really.
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Another good point. UK didn't prepare John Wall, Anthony Davis and DeMarcus Cousins for the NBA. Their 7th grade AAU coach did that. Those kids were told at the age of 12 to stop thinking of becoming a doctor or teacher and instead start preparing for a life in the all important field of professional sports.
And another thing- while no they didn't "produce" them, saying they didn't prepare them is selling them short. They do prepare you as best they can for the next chapter, they do this in many ways, it's disingenuous to say they don't bc it presents an argument that they don't care at all. If that was the case kids would not go there bc that would leak very very quickly.

And as for Mike saying they were all ready for the nba- no they were not- he's AD, John Wall sure, but a number of their other guys were certainly not. And the term ready for the nba is misleading bc there might be five players total in the draft in any given year regardless of what year they are in school that are "ready".
I agree that Calipari/UK aren't the reason the kids make the NBA - it's because they're top players, and top players generally make the NBA - but I don't think he's really a snake oil salesman.

This is his pitch: you will be put in a position to make the NBA after one year (true), and you will have as good of a shot at winning a championship as anybody (true).

It's a good pitch, really.

You forgot the rest of his pitch, it goes "for any other questions, comments, or concerns see William Wesley and he will be glad to take care of those things for ya, I don't need to know about those things"...
You forgot the rest of his pitch, it goes "for any other questions, comments, or concerns see William Wesley and he will be glad to take care of those things for ya, I don't need to know about those things"...

Maybe, maybe not. But that still wouldn't make him a snake oil salesman if he delivers.
So in your opinion these evil parents and guardians, coaches and mentors were telling these twelve year olds to stop dreaming about becoming a doctor a teacher and forced them into some unwilling situation of becoming a basketball player for a pipe dream of making it to the nba? I wonder how they conned them into thinking that!?

I'd be willing to bet that one of those 12 year olds might have said, hey my dream is to play in the NBA. I bet somewhere along the way in all of these aau events, camps and mentors they came across the common lecture of less than a half percent of division one hoops players make it to the nba came up. I also bet that they said I'm going to work my ass off to make it to the league, day and night to try and achieve that dream. And you know what that's admirable- it's admirable for a kid to have a dream and work his butt off to try and achieve it. And in this bogus scenario, if he happens to not achieve it because few if any do, he can still become a doctor or a teacher or any other reputable profession out there.

And another thing- while no they didn't "produce" them, saying they didn't prepare them is selling them short. They do prepare you as best they can for the next chapter, they do this in many ways, it's disingenuous to say they don't bc it presents an argument that they don't care at all. If that was the case kids would not go there bc that would leak very very quickly.

And as for Mike saying they were all ready for the nba- no they were not- he's AD, John Wall sure, but a number of their other guys were certainly not. And the term ready for the nba is misleading bc there might be five players total in the draft in any given year regardless of what year they are in school that are "ready".

I've stated my feelings on this a lot recently. Feel free to review any of the threads where I've taken others to task. Your comments aren't going to change my opinion or keep me from looking down my nose. So thanks for your input but I'm not interested in debating this right now. But rest assured, when it suits my schedule and I feel like it, I'll delve into this subject again. So just sit around and wait on that to happen and we can discuss it then.
My only statement to all of the above comments is that produce and prepare are two VERY different things.

You're all commenting on him producing them.

No one said they produce them. Cal does do a HELL of a job preparing them. You very rarely hear of his guys fizzling out once they get to the league (seriously, all of his lotto picks earned a 2nd contract).
My only statement to all of the above comments is that produce and prepare are two VERY different things.

You're all commenting on him producing them.

No one said they produce them. Cal does do a HELL of a job preparing them. You very rarely hear of his guys fizzling out once they get to the league (seriously, all of his lotto picks earned a 2nd contract).

He also does a great job of getting super-talented, eyes-on-the-NBA players to buy into a team concept and commit to defense. That's not easy.
He also does a great job of getting super-talented, eyes-on-the-NBA players to buy into a team concept and commit to defense. That's not easy.
This is very true. I don't like the man but to get a roster full of OAD kids to play as a team and compete on defense is no easy feat.
. Saying "we prepare a player for the pros as well or better" than a school like UK is just false dude. Say what you want but Cal has produced since 2008...18 lotto picks with 4 of them being #1 overall. We can't even touch those numbers. And every single one of them has earned a 2nd contract in the league, which is one of the best things a coach can say about his ability to prepare players.
Maybe it's not the coaching. These players were good enough to go to ANY school and be lottery picks. Cal has recruited many high ranked players that haven't been gr8 in the NBA. Poythress, Skal, and a few more. I'll just say it's not all coaching.
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Maybe it's not the coaching. These players were good enough to go to ANY school and be lottery picks. Cal has recruited many high ranked players that haven't been gr8 in the NBA. Poythress, Skal, and a few more. I'll just say it's not all coaching.

I never said it was coaching.

I'm talking about preparing players for the league. And I'd argue with guys as talented as the ones that go to UK, it's only about 25% on the court. The guy knows the NBA very well and the potential pitfalls off the court.

He's a scumbag, but gotta give him this argument.
I've stated my feelings on this a lot recently. Feel free to review any of the threads where I've taken others to task. Your comments aren't going to change my opinion or keep me from looking down my nose. So thanks for your input but I'm not interested in debating this right now. But rest assured, when it suits my schedule and I feel like it, I'll delve into this subject again. So just sit around and wait on that to happen and we can discuss it then.
You must work on Capitol Hill.
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Love these 2, Zewski is a sweet shooting big fully able to play the 3 but looks more like a true step back stretch 4. Simi, just a beast, just a freakin beast. And Little also with the offer, special talent there but don't really feel that one as a battle we will win, legit shots at the other 2 IMO.

Tyler Zeller type perhaps??
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