Transfer Portal

I don’t want jaden Bradley here. I did two years ago over Trimble. But the kid has made multiple off the court mistakes.
With Wojcik's commitment, we have 5 scholarships left. Here's how I think we should use them right now. Obviously subject to change (possibly a lot of change).

Who's on YOUR list?

Dalton Knecht
Harrison Ingram
Elliot Cadeau (reclass)
Ian Jackson (reclass)
Some actual stretch 4 who can back up center from the portal
Will Baker

Wait a minute. If there are only 5 scholarships, why are there 6 names on the list? Because if we have Cadeau and Jackson and Knecht coming in, I'm guessing D'Marco enters the portal.
With Wojcik's commitment, we have 5 scholarships left. Here's how I think we should use them right now. Obviously subject to change (possibly a lot of change).

Who's on YOUR list?

Dalton Knecht
Harrison Ingram
Elliot Cadeau (reclass)
Ian Jackson (reclass)
Some actual stretch 4 who can back up center from the portal
Will Baker

Wait a minute. If there are only 5 scholarships, why are there 6 names on the list? Because if we have Cadeau and Jackson and Knecht coming in, I'm guessing D'Marco enters the portal.
It was so hard for the NCAA to police things before the transfer portal and NIL. With that being said this new era is going to be near to impossible to regulate now. Can’t put it back in the box now. They can try and add laws, rules and regulations to both of them but even that is going to be quite difficult to achieve. It is a total mess
A mess indeed.
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Then you should be arguing that tampering shouldn't exist and schools should be allowed to outright have contact to athletes at anytime.

I mean, can you get recruited for jobs while working another job? Can you do interviews for other jobs while working yours? This is your analogy and these are examples of direct contact. So, you support a complete removal of all tampering and outright contact at all times directly between teams. It's okay to have this opinion.

You can leave your job at any time for another job. During the busiest season, just leave for another job right? Heck. You don't need 2 week notice with your job right? Just so it instantly. Heck, just stop showing up until they realize you stopped coming and be at the other job the whole time. I suppose you support that right? Play one day for UNC, another day for say Duke? Day to day who cares, it's just like a job.

Your analogy is bad and doesn't make sense if you properly applied it completely to fruition. You also are comparing the athletes to workers, which opens up another bag of worms.

There are rules against tampering. This is a loophole around the rules to do what the tampering rules are supposed to be there to stop. You should either support removing all tampering rules or support strengthening them to prevent what is happening now. The NCAA simply has zero bite and the athletics is too large to enforce it. It's another sadly reason that the top leagues will probably eventually break away and form their own division...
Yes I think you should be allowed to contact whoever you want at any time. That is my position.
Sure. But as the employer, if I find you’re doing interviews with other companies, I may save you the trouble and tell you to beat it. How committed an employee are you if you’re out looking for a better deal? Not the kind of worker I want.

This is exactly what the detractors of NIL and the transfer portal predicted.
Agreed, absolutely. That is well within the employer/school's right if they decide that's what's best for them. I don't think labeling either party as "shady" makes sense in this case. Everyone take care of their business and let players/coaches/schools do what makes sense for them.
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DS did you get wind of new info regarding next years PG?
LOL, I would say the wind is near hurricane force at this point, will take a while I think but I don't think anyone will be surprised. I would almost bet ya that AJ and David already have their piece written, they may have even already recorded their pod cast discussing the commitment just waiting for the day they can go ahead and publish it.
Yes I think you should be allowed to contact whoever you want at any time. That is my position.

Agreed, absolutely. That is well within the employer/school's right if they decide that's what's best for them. I don't think labeling either party as "shady" makes sense in this case. Everyone take care of their business and let players/coaches/schools do what makes sense for them.
Geez guys, you do know that most of these kids already haver agents don't ya? Your agent contacts their agent, agents do not have dead periods, agents do not take jump shots for college programs, agents can talk to anyone they want about anything they want. Why was Caleb linked with Alabama, guess who shared the same agent, Nate Oats and Caleb Love. Even if the NCAA wanted to do anything about this, they don't, but if they did I do not believe they have a rule that covers this.
Geez guys, you do know that most of these kids already haver agents don't ya? Your agent contacts their agent, agents do not have dead periods, agents do not take jump shots for college programs, agents can talk to anyone they want about anything they want. Why was Caleb linked with Alabama, guess who shared the same agent, Nate Oats and Caleb Love. Even if the NCAA wanted to do anything about this, they don't, but if they did I do not believe they have a rule that covers this.
Yep. It's impossible to police, and silly to even try to. The NCAA wants to prevent Caleb's dad from talking to a Bama booster to see how much he can get in NIL?

Would be foolish to even try to prevent this sort of thing, and the effort will fail if they try it. Two consenting adults should be able to talk about whatever they want. I work for my employer not because of some "anti-tampering" legislation, but because it's the best situation for me, and presumably I make sense for them to employ. I went to UNC for the same reason.
LOL, I would say the wind is near hurricane force at this point, will take a while I think but I don't think anyone will be surprised. I would almost bet ya that AJ and David already have their piece written, they may have even already recorded their pod cast discussing the commitment just waiting for the day they can go ahead and publish it.
Oh how this warms my heart!! Our hurricane point guard will instantly make RJ better at the two, whoever's manning the three better there, same with the four and same with Armando. It seems like forever ago that we've had a floor general. That is not meant to disrespect RJ or Love. They are fabulous players but don't have the "PG 'IT' factor" . For the first time in my life, I now care when the AAU season is over!!!
Yep. It's impossible to police, and silly to even try to. The NCAA wants to prevent Caleb's dad from talking to a Bama booster to see how much he can get in NIL?

Would be foolish to even try to prevent this sort of thing, and the effort will fail if they try it. Two consenting adults should be able to talk about whatever they want. I work for my employer not because of some "anti-tampering" legislation, but because it's the best situation for me, and presumably I make sense for them to employ. I went to UNC for the same reason.
I actually don't think it is impossible to police and I think it has to be policed or the NCAA simply becomes meaningless and goes away, of course they appear feckless right now. But this is like anything else, pass all the rules and laws you want but if there are no cops willing to enforce the law then the law means nothing. The NCAA is the college sports cops and they seem to be refusing to do their jobs, I would ask exactly what is the point of the NCAA now?

Looks to me like college sports is developing to the European club team model where the association to schools is basically only for show, treating the schools like any other business that is willing to sponsor them. That will be the death of college sports IMO and at best it is on life support today, may be headed to hospice in the coming days, stay tuned. I am surprised there isn't already an effort to unionize college players already in motion!
I actually don't think it is impossible to police and I think it has to be policed or the NCAA simply becomes meaningless and goes away, of course they appear feckless right now. But this is like anything else, pass all the rules and laws you want but if there are no cops willing to enforce the law then the law means nothing. The NCAA is the college sports cops and they seem to be refusing to do their jobs, I would ask exactly what is the point of the NCAA now?

Looks to me like college sports is developing to the European club team model where the association to schools is basically only for show, treating the schools like any other business that is willing to sponsor them. That will be the death of college sports IMO and at best it is on life support today, may be headed to hospice in the coming days, stay tuned. I am surprised there isn't already an effort to unionize college players already in motion!
Yes I do think they'll be classified as employees long-term. In my opinion they should be treated as such.

My hope is the requirement remains that they have to be students at the school. That is the heart of college sports that makes it different than other pro leagues. IANAL, but I think that should be doable. It's in the best interest of even the players to do so as it keeps fan interest (aka $$) higher.

I don't see any issues though with classifying an athlete as an employee. When I was at UNC I was both a student and an employee of the school. Shouldn't be an issue.
Well, I’m getting impatient for news of a player joining the Heels from the portal. Seems like we are in slow motion and behind the pack. Of course that can all change in an instant. It’s hard to keep checking daily to see who might be on on the team next year and who will leave us. I’ll try and put my head in the sand for a while as all this pontification is making me dizzy.
Only St John's fans are hoping Jackson doesn't.

What I am meaning by this. Is I’m not big on the enrolling early doesn’t seem to work out well typically. Cadeau I think would since he’s older and has what we need badly - someone to distribute the ball. I also think if he enrolls early he will be here for more then 1 year. Jackson I feel like will likely be a one and done. So I would rather have him a year later.
What I am meaning by this. Is I’m not big on the enrolling early doesn’t seem to work out well typically. Cadeau I think would since he’s older and has what we need badly - someone to distribute the ball. I also think if he enrolls early he will be here for more then 1 year. Jackson I feel like will likely be a one and done. So I would rather have him a year later.
Cadeau is likely one and done.

Plenty of elite players have reclassed and worked out well.

And there is no guarantee we can keep Jackson committed if he stays in 2024.
And there is no guarantee we can keep Jackson committed if he stays in 2024.
I agree with this part. Keeping Jackson committed for 2024 and getting him on campus is going to be a challenge. He will get a ton of NIL packages thrown at him plus OTE and the G League will like make some offers. If we can get him now, that would be much more of a sure thing. If Cadeau comes now and is a OAD then that’ll make keeping Jackson onboard for 2024 even more difficult.
Bacot posted this on social media last night:

Stay Tuned 👀

Harrison Ingram and Withers recently started following a lot of UNC people on Instagram! I could see one or both committing soon! I think they would compliment each other well…both could play the 3/4! Either way something is about to happen….when Bacot posts stuff like that we should definitely listen
Bacot posted this on social media last night:

Stay Tuned 👀

Harrison Ingram and Withers recently started following a lot of UNC people on Instagram! I could see one or both committing soon! I think they would compliment each other well…both could play the 3/4! Either way something is about to happen….when Bacot posts stuff like that we should definitely listen
Both sound good. If we could only get 1, which would be better? Looks like both have 2 years left. Withers's stats are better last year (but not the year before).

Withers shot less (224 FGA vs 304 for Ingram) but took a higher percentage from deep (43% vs 37% for Ingram).

Withers's 6'9 size suggests he might be more of a 4/3, while Ingram's 6'7 might point more to 3/4, but that's just guessing, and can you trust the numbers?


Looks like a solid, balanced team to me. But is it what HD wants to do?
Both sound good. If we could only get 1, which would be better? Looks like both have 2 years left. Withers's stats are better last year (but not the year before).

Withers shot less (224 FGA vs 304 for Ingram) but took a higher percentage from deep (43% vs 37% for Ingram).

Withers's 6'9 size suggests he might be more of a 4/3, while Ingram's 6'7 might point more to 3/4, but that's just guessing, and can you trust the numbers?
They are both very different players imo..I personally like both a lot and think that Ingram would shoot a higher percentage on a better team! He’s a very good rebounder and passer and and has the ability to facilitate and attack the basket with his size and strength! Withers would be a great stretch 4 in Hubert’s system
What I am meaning by this. Is I’m not big on the enrolling early doesn’t seem to work out well typically. Cadeau I think would since he’s older and has what we need badly - someone to distribute the ball. I also think if he enrolls early he will be here for more then 1 year. Jackson I feel like will likely be a one and done. So I would rather have him a year later.
Me personally I would rather Jackson a year early then sitting in New York with Rick pitinio in his ear every week
If Ingram plus withers equals no Jackson......???

Plus, if both are two-year players, what does that say for Ian Jackson in 2024. Probably would be tough to unseat two senior starters, even if only in their second year at UNC.

In my fantasy land, both Cadeau and Jackson come after AAU and join Ingram.
If Ingram plus withers equals no Jackson......???

Plus, if both are two-year players, what does that say for Ian Jackson in 2024. Probably would be tough to unseat two senior starters, even if only in their second year at UNC.

In my fantasy land, both Cadeau and Jackson come after AAU and join Ingram.
We have 5 spots to fill…we have to add someone! We currently have no true 3’s or stretch 4’s…I’m not counting High bc he’s nowhere near ready for big minutes! Those 2 and Jackson could come and it would easily work…Jackson will get 25+ minutes regardless! He could start at the 3 and one of Ingram or Withers at the 4 and it would still give a chance for all 3 to get plenty of minutes! Our biggest need is 3/4 bc we currently have none on the roster! Dunn and Trimble might be SOL if Cadeau, Jackson, Ingram, and Withers come but we have to assemble talented scorers! Dunn or Trimble have showed that they can’t score the ball on a mid to high level! It is what it is…hopefully all this happens and Hubert commits to playing his bench more
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My gut says Withers. Anything on top of that is gravy. If Hubert can make it all work out like he did with Manek, good for him. Just win baby, that’s what we all want. Whatever combination makes that happen, I'm sure we are all for it.
Cadeau is likely one and done.

Plenty of elite players have reclassed and worked out well.

And there is no guarantee we can keep Jackson committed if he stays in 2024.
I can’t recall too many that reclassified that were 1 and done.
We have 5 spots to fill…we have to add someone! We currently have no true 3’s or stretch 4’s…I’m not counting High bc he’s nowhere near ready for big minutes! Those 2 and Jackson could come and it would easily work…Jackson will get 25+ minutes regardless! He could start at the 3 and one of Ingram or Withers at the 4 and it would still give a chance for all 3 to get plenty of minutes! Our biggest need is 3/4 bc we currently have none on the roster! Dunn and Trimble might be SOL if Cadeau, Jackson, Ingram, and Withers come but we have to assemble talented scorers! Dunn or Trimble have showed that they can score the ball on a mid to high level! It is what it is…hopefully all this happens and Hubert commits to playing his bench more
thanks for this post. Some people don’t comprehend that you don’t have to play just 5 people the entire game. More then enough minutes for 7 solid players.
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I can’t recall too many that reclassified that were 1 and done.
GG and Bagley are two off the top of my head. I'm sure lots more, but I don't really know who reclasses for other teams. I wouldn't count on two years, especially for Cadeau bc he's super old for his class. I think if he has a good year (the type wed be happy to have him starting) he could go. Hopefully we get two though!
Jonathan Pierre, the stretch 4 from the D2 school that some spoke of wanting here committed to Memphis.
GG and Bagley are two off the top of my head. I'm sure lots more, but I don't really know who reclasses for other teams. I wouldn't count on two years, especially for Cadeau bc he's super old for his class. I think if he has a good year (the type wed be happy to have him starting) he could go. Hopefully we get two though!
Bagley was ? Actually didnt know that. Would def be nice. Would be nice getting those 2 as well as a few guys in the transfer portal. Miss the days of bringing a 5 star off the bench. Would be nice to do with Jackson.
Andre Drummond, Karl Anthony Towns, Andrew Wiggins, Marvin Bagley, GG Jackson, Jamal Murray, Jalen Duren, Noah Vonleh, RJ Barrett, Shandon Sharpe, Nerlens Noel, and you'll be able to add DJ Wagner to that list soon.
All those reclassified ? Obviously knew of GG and Sharp. Sharp never played. didnt know all those others did. Nice guess we are getting 2 studs to come in early.