And mean while Nero (Emmert) fiddles away as the NCAA burns down...
College sports has become a huge business, money and greed has made its way in to being fixtures in college sports, led IMO by the people in Indianapolis, allowed by the NCAA leadership. And now the old SEC motto of if ya ain't cheatin ya ain't tryin, seems to be the new rule the NCAA has allowed to be put in place. Bill Self is still coaching, Arizona is still buying players, and no one wants to look at K and duke even with blatant proof they have been getting players that have been paid, looking at you Zion. And on the horizon NLI makes buying players sanctioned while the NCAA fiddles play, Nero would feel right at home behind Emmerts desk.
Sports has now joined politics and is powered by the media, who now believe they speak for all of us when in truth they rarely do. We are no longer individual sports fans or individuals with political opinion, we are no longer considered individual people, we are now considered a collective that is easily manipulated in what ever direction our self declared leaders wish.