i think it's actually a very complex issue that is being addressed using a hammer. It's not like ALL black people have identical, universal experiences and attitudes about American society. I know I have heard black celebrities like Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman state that the system is rigged, but it's not rigged like many people assume, or think. From what I could tell, they will say that American society offers all people a chance. Your level of commitment is a lot more important than your ethnicity. Also, your upbringing- having both parents as positive influences- helps, and matters, as do genetics!
I think those are very true statements.
I think America's police/law enforcement institutions have come to look, act, and conduct themselves more like military, or para-military organizations. I don't think that's something we want or need, as a society.
I believe we need stricter guidelines for LEO's, I vehemently disagree about them acting like paramilitary forces. That's a huge stretch.
You might run into problems with "All Lives Matter" for more reasons than just race. "All" is pretty vague. I would be inclined to agree with you that saying "All Lives Matters" is not racist aat all. I believe that they all should. But, it doesn't take very long before there are unique circumstances that force us to rethink that. And, it seems like we have still not recognized all of us as equals, so the All Lives Matter label isn't genuine, maybe. I dunno.
I can't see any circumstances that would "force us to rethink that." That is a universal truth. If BLM was up in protest to stop the black on black homicides that are prevalent in our cities, I could under stand the moniker, but they aren't. They're only concerned with black homicides perpetrated by LEO's. That's my issue with that group and their chosen name. When they start protesting the dozen of black citizens murdered every week in Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis, etc..., then I'll respect their efforts. Again, their selective anger is divisive and misplaced.
And that's exactly how black society has said they see racism, as a cancer.
As do the Jewish people, who have been discriminated against more than any other group of people in the world. But they have maintained their belief in family, faith, and hard work, and lifted themselves up out of despair and poverty.
They are simply saying that they want issues in society toward the black community corrected.
Fair enough, I don't know anybody who doesn't. But where is their concern for the issues
within the black community that are killing many, many more black Americans? That's what I want to see. They're attacking the tip of the iceberg and ignoring the much larger underlying issue.
But I'm sure if a "Old Southern White Guys Matter" campaign started you'd be on the front line. So why can't they defend their own race against injustices?
That's beneath you
@strummingram. Not one person who's even been in casual personal contact with me believes that.
And now that it’s gone I don’t give a crap as well. It seems the majority of Americans find these symbols offensive And want them removed. if so then tear them down. If you want to worship and defend them as “history” go ahead as well. I don’t give a crap. tear them down, piss on them, shit on them, pray to them, I don’t care. They mean nothing to me.
So if the majority of Americans decided that the cross was offensive, would you feel it was okay to "tear them down, piss on them, sh*t on them, pray to them"? I mean if we're basing everything on majority opinion, would that be okay? Perhaps you're not a religious person and that would be okay with you. Just curious where you draw the line.