OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Right, what I'm saying is nobody gives a shit about it. It would be nice to have, but honestly what difference does it make. Especially in today's world where everyone is able to comment on everything hourly. Those platforms aren't worth much of anything.

Yeah but it's a great way to get the future of the party out there for whomever chooses to watch or stream.

The Dems got 8 years in office because they gave a guy running for junior senator a chance to speak to 9 million people watching the 2004 DNC keynote. Nobody knew who he was before that speech.

I doubt the 50% non named Trump speaking this year will benefit at all from speeches that consist of all the different ways you can say to elect Donald Trump...especially in a year where there's no shortage of things to talk about.
This is perfection! "And, now, some insight from my wife and children, who also have no idea what average Americans experience. Oh, and, my token black guy!" It's nice to see SC fully represented. God knows how this state has struggled to maintain a static line of social and political existence.

There's a dem representative from Georgia who kinda denounced his party and will be the token democrat who is endorsing Trump. He also is black. He loves Trump because he's "good for the economy".

Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific.

There only so many things a president can do that make a short-term OR long-term economic impact, it isn't much. I wish more people realized this when voting for "economic" reasons.
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There's a dem representative from Georgia who kinda denounced his party and will be the token democrat who is endorsing Trump. He also is black. He loves Trump because he's "good for the economy".

Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific.

There only so many things a president can do that make a short-term OR long-term economic impact, it isn't much. I wish more people realized this when voting for "economic" reasons.
I'm not sure that Obama "righted the ship" at all. I mean... anyone who was responsible for the 2008 crash was rewarded, or at the very least let off-the-hook. Some of them were added to his own cabinet- Tim Geithner. I dunno if Obama had much choice, did he?

But, I generally agree with you about Presidents and the economy. Except Trump is only too eager to take credit for the economy if it appears to be doing well.
There's a dem representative from Georgia who kinda denounced his party and will be the token democrat who is endorsing Trump. He also is black. He loves Trump because he's "good for the economy".

Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific.

There only so many things a president can do that make a short-term OR long-term economic impact, it isn't much. I wish more people realized this when voting for "economic" reasons.

Economics is one of those fields where everyone thinks they’re an expert, regardless of whether or not they have any formal training or education.
My belly button has been puckering and un-puckering with anticipation. I've never watched a convention before... and, I'm not starting now.

It's nice to know that America can still be counted on to get taken by grifters and con-men (or women).

What were you saying about a manifesto not having???

made a mistake and posted that, copy & paste error.

but check this out:

Everyone has seen the Kenosha incident. I don't understand why the automatic response is to start destroying and looting the place.

If a dentist is too stingy with the novocaine, you probably won't go and kill your own grandparents to get back at him.
There's a dem representative from Georgia who kinda denounced his party and will be the token democrat who is endorsing Trump. He also is black. He loves Trump because he's "good for the economy".

Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific.

There only so many things a president can do that make a short-term OR long-term economic impact, it isn't much. I wish more people realized this when voting for "economic" reasons.
...but you just said that a president has no magic power to impact the economy and in the same sentence said Obama “righted the ship”. You really are a simpleton fanboy.
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...but you just said that a president has no magic power to impact the economy and in the same sentence said Obama “righted the ship”. You really are a simpleton fanboy.

lol. When I read that the first thing I thought was "someone's gonna call this out."

Libs would say if had nothing to do with the President if W. was in office for the recovery.

Just like when this recovers in 2021 whichever party is in office will take credit and the other party will say it had nothing to do with the President. Politics are so much fun.
...but you just said that a president has no magic power to impact the economy and in the same sentence said Obama “righted the ship”. You really are a simpleton fanboy.
My point was that things improved greatly over the 8 yrs, while starting with a shitty hand, and that point was made to support my question of why would Repubs assume economy will be so bad under an Obama-type dem? I understand the abortion stuff, the guns, and the white-nationalism, just not the economy angle.

I didn't mean to insinuate that Obama was the direct reason for 2016/2017 economy, though 8 yrs is a long time to go toward influence.

But you and @strummingram are right, "righted ship" was poorly worded. The model of our consumerism-based economy is in trouble. Our debt is ridiculous. Income-inequality is ridiculous. Wage-growth sucks. This is the case for all the past presidents not just Trump or Obama.

By "right ship" I was referring more to some simple measures like jobs, stock market, gdp, inflation, but again, I'm not saying credit or discredit for all that goes to Obama. Just sucks when you hear people only concerned about money use "economy" as their reason for choosing next pres.

Vernon in georgia mentioned economy, and something about HBCU support from Trump as his reasoning...
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There's a dem representative from Georgia who kinda denounced his party and will be the token democrat who is endorsing Trump. He also is black. He loves Trump because he's "good for the economy".

Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific.

There only so many things a president can do that make a short-term OR long-term economic impact, it isn't much. I wish more people realized this when voting for "economic" reasons.
"Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific. "

LOL, is anyone paying attention to this mindlessness? This is typical for a dem... 'No prez is an economic magician and no prez has any effect on the economy; but our prez was an economic magician and he had an effect on the economy and so did their prez except his effect was negative. But no prez has an effect on the economy so don't expect miracles from ol' Sleepy Joe 'I will raise your taxes' Biden.


What a dupe.
lol. When I read that the first thing I thought was "someone's gonna call this out."

Libs would say if had nothing to do with the President if W. was in office for the recovery.

Just like when this recovers in 2021 whichever party is in office will take credit and the other party will say it had nothing to do with the President. Politics are so much fun.

I’m a liberal/progressive and I’ve repeatedly tried to point out the fact that the president doesn’t control the economy. On this board, it’s the right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the data and insist on giving trump credit for their 401k’s.

I doubt anyone will be giving Biden much credit for anything if he manages to win. But then again I did hear people arguing that he just has a stuttering problem so I guess partisan stupidity knows no bounds.
"Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific. "

LOL, is anyone paying attention to this mindlessness? This is typical for a dem... 'No prez is an economic magician and no prez has any effect on the economy; but our prez was an economic magician and he had an effect on the economy and so did their prez except his effect was negative. But no prez has an effect on the economy so don't expect miracles from ol' Sleepy Joe 'I will raise your taxes' Biden.


What a dupe.

unless you make over 400k, you’ll see no tax increase under biden...we cool?

now, if you don’t think people in that bracket should pay more, you’re gonna be pissed i guess.
"Why do so many people feel a president has magic powers that effect the economy for better or worse? Obama inherited a shitstorm from bush, then eventually righted the ship just in time for Trump to take over. Now it is likely that Biden will inherit something horrific. "

LOL, is anyone paying attention to this mindlessness? This is typical for a dem... 'No prez is an economic magician and no prez has any effect on the economy; but our prez was an economic magician and he had an effect on the economy and so did their prez except his effect was negative. But no prez has an effect on the economy so don't expect miracles from ol' Sleepy Joe 'I will raise your taxes' Biden.


What a dupe.
I think I addressed this all above in my prev reply, save one thing which you are paraphrasing incorrectly. Presidents do have some effect, it's just that the credit and discredit is overstated.

And again, point is, why choose non-dem due to economy reasons.
Why should people who make over $400K pay a higher percentage of tax?
Because it's just fair that they pay more. I do always enjoy the fair share argument though. Like, who decided what the cutoff point was for fair? Why is it fair for the guy making $399,999 to pay 35%, but not fair for the guy making one more dollar?
Because it's just fair that they pay more. I do always enjoy the fair share argument though. Like, who decided what the cutoff point was for fair? Why is it fair for the guy making $399,999 to pay 35%, but not fair for the guy making one more dollar?
"Fair Share" is so comical. They don't want a fair share, they want a disproportionate share to be paid by high earners. It's not an equitable split argument, it's an ability to pay argument.
This is perfection! "And, now, some insight from my wife and children, who also have no idea what average Americans experience. Oh, and, my token black guy!" It's nice to see SC fully represented. God knows how this state has struggled to maintain a static line of social and political existence.
Luckily the dems decided to nominate an old white guy to help lead race relations back to the golden age of 2015.
"Fair Share" is so comical. They don't want a fair share, they want a disproportionate share to be paid by high earners. It's not an equitable split argument, it's an ability to pay argument.

I agree 100%. At my yearly salary, it would take me 8 years to make 400k. If we really want fair share to be taxed, we need a flat tax. Thinking people who make more should automatically pay for is ridiculous. I dont hate on people who make more than me. I chose my job and so did everyone else. Want more...change jobs and/or get better education.
I got a real crazy idea. Why doesn’t congress come up with a budget for the goods and services they want to provide for the upcoming year and then come up with a tax plan that would pay for said goods and services?
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I think I addressed this all above in my prev reply, save one thing which you are paraphrasing incorrectly. Presidents do have some effect, it's just that the credit and discredit is overstated.

And again, point is, why choose non-dem due to economy reasons.
what did I paraphrase incorrectly? And you shouldn't choose a non-dem for the good of the economy, if you actually believe the hogwash that I replied to.

The American economy is a racehorse. Basically, you just have to get out of its way while keeping it from going too fast. Trump understands that. That's one of the main reasons that Trump is good for the economy and good for America, while the dems think that private enterprise is a mule to attach their social agendas to, the effect on the economy be damned. obama righted the ship? The ship righted itself somewhat in spite of that socialist POS.
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Why should people who make over $400K pay a higher percentage of tax?
because more of America is available to those who make more. I know that they pay more even at a flat rate of taxation, and thusly pay for more of what we all can share in. But there are things that just aren't attainable for the less wealthy. That plainly justifies a somewhat higher percentage in my mind. But it does not justify punishing the wealthy just for being wealthy, which is the only reason that libs want to tax them to the hilt.
Because it's just fair that they pay more.

Great, because the guy making $400,000 is paying more.

That guy does pay more obviously because it's a percentage basis. So someone making $400,000 at a 30% tax rate ($120,000) is paying a lot more than someone making $50,000 at 30% ($15,000).
Except that's not actually what he said or at least not all of it.

what was more than what i read?...this was a comment regarding his plan, it’s all i saw...please let me know.

so am i reading it wrong that the board is split on higher income individuals needing to be taxed at a higher rate?...i mean, other than the flat tax poast, which i don’t hate.
I like flat tax, simple, practically gets rid of IRS. But this means high sales tax on non-essentials and high corp tax.

Could be scary transition though, If your starbux is suddenly 30% more, will you still get it? I bet there would be a period of odd economic adjustment (and black markets).
Progressive income tax rates already tax higher income people more (obviously on a dollar basis, but also on a percentage basis). Additionally, these higher income people tend to be in high cost of living areas. So the guy making $150K in CA, NY, NJ, MA, etc. is paying the same in federal taxes as the guy making $150K in MS, AL, LA, AR, etc. but his money isn't going nearly as far.
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unless you make over 400k, you’ll see no tax increase under biden...we cool?
That's not 100% accurate.
It's pretty close to 100% accurate.

In a May 22 interview Joe Biden pledged that he would roll back the tax breaks Trump initiated in 2018 and that "nobody making under $400,000 would have their taxes raised, period."

For those making less than $400,000, according to a Penn Wharton report, the bottom 90% of income earners will not pay more in taxes. "There could be an indirect tax increase but by a marginal amount of less than 1%."
So trump showed up in Asheville. Flew in by helicopter. Then he got in a motorcade of sweet armored limos. Does anyone know how they get the motorcade cars to the places presidents visit?
Interesting. Tks!

yes...they did that here a couple of years ago when he visited.

you guys probably know this, but it’s also kinda cool to see the difference in size of af1 and the other jets as well as their flight kids thought af1 was a plane shaped blimp based on the flight.

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