OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So trump showed up in Asheville. Flew in by helicopter. Then he got in a motorcade of sweet armored limos. Does anyone know how they get the motorcade cars to the places presidents visit?
Thanks for your interest. The Secret Service will be in touch regarding the information you requested.
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Love some Dwight schrute

"That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch! This is one doodle that can't be un-did, home skillet."

That was sort of William Wallace-esque, except for the plastic barbie shell and vague, but massive, hyperbole. I'd forgotten that she is DJT Jr's current squeeze. America is like a daily episode of "The Trumps." God Bless America!
Ala carte seems like a really interesting idea. It would be cool just to see how people would allocate... love to see this done as part of a poll.

Could someone push their entire tax amt to getting the wall built or to buying Bannon a really nice boat named Warfighter?

Or can I put my taxes into investigating Zion William's parent's payments?
I've said it before but it bears repeating.

Taxes should be a la carte. You, the taxpayer, get to allocate your taxes towards the federal budget line items that suit your beliefs. Even people paying higher taxes would feel better about paying taxes if they had a direct say in where their money was allocated. I know I'd feel better about being forced to give the government my money if I got to choose where it was going.

And the second positive aspect of my a la carte tax plan is, we'd see exactly what America wants and doesn't want to support.
the dems would quickly legislate a funnel with an offset in it. The funnel might say 'DEFENSE' or 'WALL' on top but the bottom would jog over to 'entitlements'.
“Make America great again, again” - Mike Pence.

This is the literal definition of dumbing it down for your audience.
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“Make America great again, again” - Mike Pence.

This is the literal definition of dumbing it down for your audience.
thanks for providing this completely superfluous example of literal dumbfvckery. Not talking about Pence, BTW, in case you wondered.....
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SAw something this evening that a tweet by one of the Trump boys had been taken off Twitter. Supposedly someone had posted a photo of a UNC basketball team and had photoshopped Trump's head and heads of other prominent republicans onto the players bodies. Anybody else hear or see this? If it's true, what should the university and/or the players do in response? My thought...sounds like an unauthorized use of university/player likeness and should be some lawsuits filed.
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SAw something this evening that a tweet by one of the Trump boys had been taken off Twitter. Supposedly someone had posted a photo of a UNC basketball team and had photoshopped Trump's head and heads of other prominent republicans onto the players bodies. Anybody else hear or see this? If it's true, what should the university and/or the players do in response? My thought...sounds like an unauthorized use of university/player likeness and should be some lawsuits filed.

"My thought...sounds like an unauthorized use of university/player likeness and should be some lawsuits filed."
why couldn't the prominent Republicans sue on the same basis?

Or at least stage a riot or two.
SAw something this evening that a tweet by one of the Trump boys had been taken off Twitter. Supposedly someone had posted a photo of a UNC basketball team and had photoshopped Trump's head and heads of other prominent republicans onto the players bodies. Anybody else hear or see this? If it's true, what should the university and/or the players do in response? My thought...sounds like an unauthorized use of university/player likeness and should be some lawsuits filed.
It was that widely used gif of Roy dancing as he came into the locker room. It's fair use and nothing he could sue over.
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Did he ship our experts to china? if so, should he ask some of the experts to come back home to help here?

Trump was more Presidential last night than ever before. His speech was amazing. Hit all the right spots. Exposed the left as nothing but trouble makers and malcontents. Emphasized law and order being what allows the American dream to prosper. Very good. He’s gonna best the shit out of Sleepy Joe.
Funny considering how trump has broken more laws than any other president and this nation is in a period of less order than any in the last two decades.
It was that widely used gif of Roy dancing as he came into the locker room. It's fair use and nothing he could sue over.
You're not an attorney so STFU.

"In a statement, UNC’s Steve Kirschner told the News & Observer that the video clip was used without permission. As of Thursday afternoon, Twitter has removed the video and replaced it with a notice that read: “'This media has been disabled in response to a report by the copyright owner.”'
That is Nancy Pelosi's advice since almost every utterance that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie. Exhibit A:
Ya, that rationale doesn't make any sense. If you know you'd catch Trump in a bunch of lies in a debate, you'd want to expose him in as many debates as you can. Unless of course, you're afraid that having your guy go off the reservation (am I still allowed to say that?) without a teleprompter in an unscripted performance will throw away his chances.
There’s two schools of thought on refusing to debate. One you don’t have confidence In your performance the other you feel you have such a big lead that there’s nothing to gain.
There’s two schools of thought on refusing to debate. One you don’t have confidence In your performance the other you feel you have such a big lead that there’s nothing to gain.
A lead is never a sure thing in politics, so if that's the thought then it's a bad one. I only know of one person that thinks Biden is a decent debater and that person doesn't have the best mental capacity.
Trump should win in a waltz. I can't remember when an incumbent president had the country in such good shape.
Ya, that rationale doesn't make any sense. If you know you'd catch Trump in a bunch of lies in a debate, you'd want to expose him in as many debates as you can.
Dick-on-the-brain 0910 wrote "top democratic leadership telling Biden not to debate." Wrong again.

The only mention I've heard of that came from Pelosi. In fact, other than her the only ones offering Biden similar advice are the political commentators (likely because they have been listening to a steady stream of lies rolling off Trump's tongue for four years now including the 2016 debates) while Biden's fellow Democrats are urging him to go punk the hell out of Trump.

Some of you dumbasses need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Chet Arthur, James Garfield, FDR, and Richard Nixon would all disagree with you.
I know you're the self-proclaimed presidential expert here but I have to take you to task on this one, starting with Andrew Johnson and Chester Arthur, both one-term Presidents just like Trump. We'll need an itemized list to get to the bottom of exactly which one was the sleaziest.

And Garfield didn't even last 200 days in the White House. You're trying to tell me James Garfield told the American public more lies and committed more crimes in 199 days (78 of those days flat on his back trying to recover and survive a couple of gunshot wounds) than Trump has in nearly four years? Like hell!

More recently, I think we have all heard and read enough comparisons and debates to realize that Nixon in retrospect looks rather saintly next to Donald Trump.

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