OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Dick-on-the-brain 0910 wrote "top democratic leadership telling Biden not to debate." Wrong again.

The only mention I've heard of that came from Pelosi. In fact, other than her the only ones offering Biden similar advice are the political commentators (likely because they have been listening to a steady stream of lies rolling off Trump's tongue for four years now including the 2016 debates) while Biden's fellow Democrats are urging him to go punk the hell out of Trump.

Some of you dumbasses need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
So you're taking the approach that Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, second in the line of succession to the Presidency behind Mike Pence (Republican) doesn't qualify as "top democratic leadership"?
I know you're the self-proclaimed presidential expert here but I have to take you to task on this one, starting with Andrew Johnson and Chester Arthur, both one-term Presidents just like Trump. We'll need an itemized list to get to the bottom of exactly which one was the sleaziest.

And Garfield didn't even last 200 days in the White House. You're trying to tell me James Garfield told the American public more lies and committed more crimes in 199 days (78 of those days flat on his back trying to recover and survive a couple of gunshot wounds) than Trump has in nearly four years? Like hell!

More recently, I think we have all heard and read enough comparisons and debates to realize that Nixon in retrospect looks rather saintly next to Donald Trump.

You should look into Garfield's 4 years as the Chair of the House Appropriations committee...that's what I was referring to when speaking about Garfield.

Seeing a great .gif for the first time is how I imagine it used to be when The Beatles released a new song in the 60s.
You should look into Garfield's 4 years as the Chair of the House Appropriations committee...that's what I was referring to when speaking about Garfield.
Bullshit. You should go back and reread blazer's quote. It says, "Funny considering how trump has broken more laws than any other president," not, "Funny considering how trump has broken more laws than any Chairs of the House Committee on Appropriations."

Remember, Donald Trump's wickedness and unlawfulness did not begin the day he moved into the White House either. Not by a long shot.
Bullshit. You should go back and reread blazer's quote. It says, "Funny considering how trump has broken more laws than any other president," not, "Funny considering how trump has broken more laws than any Chairs of the House Committee on Appropriations."

Remember, Donald Trump's wickedness and unlawfulness did not begin the day he moved into the White House either. Not by a long shot.

Dude you care way too much about this. I don't.

I could sit here and list every President's good and bad but I don't care enough to, at all. Just know that whenever anyone says the most "BLANK" President regarding anyone after like Carter they are usually wrong. Corruption, racism, sexism, etc. etc. were all 10000x worse before like the mid 20th century.

Think of it this way - how much do you think politicians lied when they could literally get away with any lie? Now, if you lie you're called out on Twitter within 20 seconds of saying said lie. You think Trump saying Biden wants to defund police is such a horrible lie? Quincy Adams called Jackson's wife a literal whore.
I don't really care but I'm pretty certain you care, a lot, especially as many times as you've boasted about knowing more about our U.S. Presidents than nearly everyone else here. I called you out, big deal. One day you should quit taking yourself so serious.
What a douche you are. He is more knowledgeable than most here on that topic and certainly more knowledgeable than you. You didn’t call out jack shit. You got your feminine ass handed to you and now you want to make it look like he’s the one taking it too seriously all the while having a tone to your poasts that paint you to be an angry and hysterical Nancy.

This is the image I think of whenever I'm reading through one of his poasts

What a douche you are. He is more knowledgeable than most here on that topic and certainly more knowledgeable than you. You didn’t call out jack shit. You got your feminine ass handed to you and now you want to make it look like he’s the one taking it too seriously all the while having a tone to your poasts that paint you to be an angry and hysterical Nancy.

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I know you're the self-proclaimed presidential expert here but I have to take you to task on this one, starting with Andrew Johnson and Chester Arthur, both one-term Presidents just like Trump. We'll need an itemized list to get to the bottom of exactly which one was the sleaziest.

And Garfield didn't even last 200 days in the White House. You're trying to tell me James Garfield told the American public more lies and committed more crimes in 199 days (78 of those days flat on his back trying to recover and survive a couple of gunshot wounds) than Trump has in nearly four years? Like hell!

More recently, I think we have all heard and read enough comparisons and debates to realize that Nixon in retrospect looks rather saintly next to Donald Trump.
none of them is slimier than you. You make my skin crawl.
Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Chet Arthur, James Garfield, FDR, and Richard Nixon would all disagree with you.
Thanks for the correction. Is it fair to say President Doritosface is a tremendously, bigly, hugely model for lawfulness?
Thanks for the correction. Is it fair to say President Doritosface is a tremendously, bigly, hugely model for lawfulness?

Please find my poast where I said that.

I'm correcting you on using the word "ever". That's like if I had never been to KC or NC and call some BBQ place in Jersey "the best BBQ ever."

If you would have said "of my lifetime" or "that I can remember" then I wouldn't have said shit. But thinking DJT is doing something that is unprecedented is just you not knowing the precedent.
I'm not sure if that says more about me or you, you little milksop. You're Donald Trump's crotch remora. Nothing is slimier than that!
it says more about you. You seriously make my skin crawl with your unwarranted and baseless character assassinations, you're like an old woman.
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Please find my poast where I said that.

I'm correcting you on using the word "ever". That's like if I had never been to KC or NC and call some BBQ place in Jersey "the best BBQ ever."

If you would have said "of my lifetime" or "that I can remember" then I wouldn't have said shit. But thinking DJT is doing something that is unprecedented is just you not knowing the precedent.
not that you should care, but I'm impressed with your run here. Good stuff.
I know you're the self-proclaimed presidential expert here but I have to take you to task on this one, starting with Andrew Johnson and Chester Arthur, both one-term Presidents just like Trump. We'll need an itemized list to get to the bottom of exactly which one was the sleaziest.

And Garfield didn't even last 200 days in the White House. You're trying to tell me James Garfield told the American public more lies and committed more crimes in 199 days (78 of those days flat on his back trying to recover and survive a couple of gunshot wounds) than Trump has in nearly four years? Like hell!

More recently, I think we have all heard and read enough comparisons and debates to realize that Nixon in retrospect looks rather saintly next to Donald Trump.

I'd LOVE to see a list of all the crimes Trump has been convicted of while in office. Please make that list. I'll be waiting with unbridled anticipation!!
I don't really care but I'm pretty certain you care, a lot, especially as many times as you've boasted about knowing more about our U.S. Presidents than nearly everyone else here. I called you out, big deal. One day you should quit taking yourself so serious.

You should learn the rule of holes...when you are in one, quit digging.
Let's just skip the debates....if Trump can find China on a map, let him retain his job. Personally I'd expect to have to spot him two kids and a military aide to even find the map but wtf.
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Rand Paul is the black community’s best friend. They’re too brainwashed to be angry at republicans to see it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that is thinking of this. Rand Paul is the one who is responsible for the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act, which I'd bet 90% of that crowd has no idea exists.

Breanna Taylor was a victim of poor choices. She chose to be with and, apparently, bed down with a POS and paid the price. Pick better people to hang around.

Like Chuck D said in "Generation Wrekked"...if I cant change the people around, I'll change the people around me.
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In this case of the mob Rand Paul is a victim of poor choices and needs to pick better people to hang around (or endorse).
UNC complaint leads to Twitter's removal of post of doctored video of Roy Williams dancing
A number of former North Carolina basketball players are speaking out after Eric Trump, the middle son of President Donald Trump, posted a doctored video Wednesday in which Donald Trump's head was replaced with Roy Williams's in a scene from 2016 when the Hall of Fame coach was celebrating with his team in the locker room. (CBS Sports)
Yeah that's a pretty disgusting take. I'm not sure why @blazers thinks violence is OK here. Absolutely no excuse, but I can't wait to hear it.
Harsh language is not violence, Rand is being a snowflake if calls that violent. Our great nation is built on free speech and protest against assholes.
I'd LOVE to see a list of all the crimes Trump has been convicted of while in office. Please make that list. I'll be waiting with unbridled anticipation!!
I don't want to overwhelm you so here's the short list:

Trump solicited foreign interference from Ukraine in his 2020 re-election bid and then obstructed the inquiry by telling his administration to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony for which he was IMPEACHED.

That was easy.
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