OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Bannon prosecution is one of the cases Trump & Barr were trying to stop by firing Geoffrey Berman. Nice attempt at corruption., good to see it failed. If Bannon just pleads guilty and gets his sentence over quickly enough, he might be in line next to Manafort, Stone, Gates, Cohen and some other jailbirds looking for pardon.

Well we are draining the swamp!

Rick Gates: Convicted.
Paul Manafort: Convicted.
George Papadopoulos: Convicted.
Mike Flynn: Convicted.
Michael Cohen: Convicted.
Roger Stone: Convicted.
Steve Bannon: Arrested.
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If the new layout means I can finally post images while on my phone then I'm fine with it. The forums used to be pretty broken for iOS
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If it still doesn't work, just go get a good phone.

I gotta say... that's a helluva lot of effort to be enraged, though. From both sides, really. I mean, I get it, the mountain has the Confederate generals... okay. But, I dunno... a part of me has always seen that as a really spectacular sculpture- from a human achievement perspective. They still all have that creepy statue vibe to me (stone is not a good choice for accurately replicating humans. I realize that stone endures longer). But, to get it in that mountain- a relief sculpture like that- was a pretty amazing undertaking. It's not the Sphinx, but it's impressive to me.
All they really need to do is work on the beards, add some sunglasses, and turn it into a tribute to ZZ Top. But if not, it's going to be top-notch entertainment watching those protesters trying to topple a mountain.
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is it true that trump’s announcement tonight is about medicinal signaling cells?’s fairly old science, about thirty years, but apparently it crushes cv19.

interesting timing
I would LOVE to see someone copy and paste the HUNDREDS of statements by Senile Joe over his 40 year career as a Swamp Rat. I am too lazy to do it frankly but they are out there.... in addition to his ongoing senility he is also a career racist scumbag and corrupt bag of bull shi!
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I'm not sure what this is intended to point-out, appeal to or reveal. A bunch of Washington political whores knew that Trump was a dangerous demagogue? No shit? Are they pissed because he's stealing their thunder and making them look bad by showing how a total shit-for-brains, professional celebrity, with a gift for bullshitting people, but no political experience, can bullshit people better than them, and become president of the United States?
the more the usual losers desperately dwell on the meaningless, the more convinced I am that I made the right choice in voting for if for me there was a choice, with Hillary being the opposition. Now Biden is the opposition and the choice once again is made for me. I would vote for road kill against Joe Biden, and I'd vote for a bucket of buzzard puke before I'd vote for Kamala Harris..
I listened to this entire PC...

The man is the most self-obsessed human being I have ever seen in my life. He constantly refers to himself regarding every issue and topic... as though he is the President of Donald Trump. He has no allegiance to any country or government or ideology or faith or anything else. He only knows one thing- ME! This PC was a colossal trainwreck of a man just rambling and reveling in narcissism. He never answers anyone, and he trails-off into meandering verbal paths that he conjures-up and finds a way to add his name, his ego, his presence and persona into his response which triggers another tangent.

I thought George W. Bush was a terrible public speaker... and he was! But, this dude passes W. like he's standing still. I can see why he doesn't offer press conferences. This was painful and hilarious at the same time. The problem is, it was reality, not a reality show!

And he’ll be re elected. :)

Sad thing is that 90% of the voting population won't actually read into why this is pretty shitty for Republicans.
I would say around 99% of the voting population has never read a dem or GOP platform. I think they should have a platform, but it doesn't really make much of a difference.

I was talking more about fellow Republicans not being given the option to offer different viewpoints on the platform's issues. The platform is literally "reelect Donald Trump."

Seems to me that in a year where there is just a lot going on that they should have at least made an effort to comment on the economy, CV vaccine, racial tension, etc.

Instead, they chose to just let nepotism lead the way...

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I was talking more about fellow Republicans not being given the option to offer different viewpoints on the platform's issues. The platform is literally "reelect Donald Trump."

Seems to me that in a year where there is just a lot going on that they should have at least made an effort to comment on the economy, CV vaccine, racial tension, etc.

Instead, they chose to just let nepotism lead the way...

This is perfection! "And, now, some insight from my wife and children, who also have no idea what average Americans experience. Oh, and, my token black guy!" It's nice to see SC fully represented. God knows how this state has struggled to maintain a static line of social and political existence.
This is perfection! "And, now, some insight from my wife and children, who also have no idea what average Americans experience. Oh, and, my token black guy!" It's nice to see SC fully represented. God knows how this state has struggled to maintain a static line of social and political existence.

tim scott must be thrilled
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you guys need to see the manifesto released for the week about not having

tim scott must be thrilled
My belly button has been puckering and un-puckering with anticipation. I've never watched a convention before... and, I'm not starting now.

It's nice to know that America can still be counted on to get taken by grifters and con-men (or women).

What were you saying about a manifesto not having???
I was talking more about fellow Republicans not being given the option to offer different viewpoints on the platform's issues. The platform is literally "reelect Donald Trump."

Seems to me that in a year where there is just a lot going on that they should have at least made an effort to comment on the economy, CV vaccine, racial tension, etc.
Right, what I'm saying is nobody gives a shit about it. It would be nice to have, but honestly what difference does it make. Especially in today's world where everyone is able to comment on everything hourly. Those platforms aren't worth much of anything.