Good news! I found it! Please note:
@Terror Beard said that he was going to report you, and apparently did, but never advocated for a ban. Andrew made that decision himself. You got yourself banned, son. Strike 1.
As far as
@Louigi goes, he deleted his account because he got tired of this place and crappy poasters like you. He wasn’t trying to get you banned. He was simply making a statement of cause and effect. You trying to twist that into a threat says an awful lot about you, and if you bothered to take any time to reflect on it, you would understand the irony. Strike 2.
Wait, so now multiple people COMPLAINED about you? Well no shit. I’m complaining about you right now. But what you originally said is that they tried to get you banned, which is an entirely different conversation. So unless you can prove that happened, let’s be clear that it’s you and only you I’m calling a liar. Strike 3. Take a seat.