OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I'm sure that as far as your dumb ass knows, they are irrelevant.

And sorry about the several paragraphs. Ever thought about getting your GED? Reading a book or even a chapter can be a wonderful thing.
Oh, I love to read and do quite a bit. The problem with you is you don’t say a damn thing.
I think some form of it happened but when you're talking about information that isn't first hand, the story is always going to get scrambled. Simple primary vs. secondary source stuff. I actually don't think Cassidy is lying, I think she's telling the story as she remembered hearing it 18 months or whatever it is now in the future. How much of it is what actually happened, who the hell knows.

I also won't just get hung up on this topic. Her entire testimony is really damning for Trump, and again, it's not he said she said secondary shit like the SUV. It's her being directly there and saying really plausible things that others who were also there have said in the past, just not under oath so we didn't take them with much trust (as we shouldn't with Meadows book or anything he says until he's under oath).

I don't think she sat up there and just lied for hours like our friend Tucker and others are saying. Just doesn't make sense for her to do that.
that's weak. Are you sure you thought about this? From her perspective, she is giving first hand information. She isn't testifying about what Trump did, she's testifying about what she was directly told that Trump did. It's hearsay because she wasn't a witness to what was being described to her, and if this was anything like a real trial instead of a dog-and-pony kangaroo court, they probably wouldn't have allowed it. But again, she wasn't testifying about that, she was testifying about what she was told directly. What she was directly told is experienced in a first hand way just like anything else she experienced firsthand and testified about.

Of course you might say her words were mere distortions of what she was told, as you suggest. As you suggest, the error may have occurred in the repeating. Same difference. It was told to her first hand, and any failure to repeat those words accurately must have you call into question other things, which she might have also failed to report accurately. And that's not to mention that the discrepancy wasn't just a matter of what color shirt someone was wearing. The stories are diametrically opposite.on the key points in question.

Could she have gotten this part all screwed up? Well sure, but if that's the case you do have to question whether she might have screwed up all or some of her other testimony. as well
that's weak. Are you sure you thought about this? From her perspective, she is giving first hand information. She isn't testifying about what Trump did, she's testifying about what she was directly told that Trump did. It's hearsay because she wasn't a witness to what was being described to her, and if this was anything like a real trial instead of a dog-and-pony kangaroo court, they probably wouldn't have allowed it. But again, she wasn't testifying about that, she was testifying about what she was told directly. What she was directly told is experienced in a first hand way just like anything else she experienced firsthand and testified about.

Of course you might say her words were mere distortions of what she was told, as you suggest. As you suggest, the error may have occurred in the repeating. Same difference. It was told to her first hand, and any failure to repeat those words accurately must have you call into question other things, which she might have also failed to report accurately. And that's not to mention that the discrepancy wasn't just a matter of what color shirt someone was wearing. The stories are diametrically opposite.on the key points in question.

Could she have gotten this part all screwed up? Well sure, but if that's the case you do have to question whether she might have screwed up all or some of her other testimony. as well
It is neither a trial nor a court, it’ a hearing.
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Oh, I love to read and do quite a bit. The problem with you is you don’t say a damn thing.
OK, let's test you on that.

1) How many grams of sugar is in a serving of Cocoa Puffs?

2) Why couldn't they wake up Big Brown Dog?

3) Who are you in trouble with if you tear the label off a mattress?
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It is neither a trial nor a court, it’ a hearing.
show me where I said otherwise dumbo. As a matter of fact, I said IF it was a real trial, and I called it a kangaroo's that definition;

"an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor."

There is no question that this 'hearing' is a kangaroo court, a trial by public opinion, with one side trying desperately to sway opinion against the defendent...and only an idiot doesn't think that DJT is the defendent here.

Reading comprehension isn't your thing, I get it. That's why you should try to get your GED. I mean, wouldn't you really like to be only the second dumbest motherfvcker on this board?
As much as I want a Trump second term, they’ll never allow it. They’ll cheat him out of it some way.

But his legacy is secure. 6-3 SCOTUS. I’ll take that as a consolation prize.

And I’ll be happy with him being kingmaker and throwing his support behind some other MAGA candidate that is less likely to be cheated.
This message was brought to you by our very own MAGAmoron.
Soooo, no specifics?

That's what I thought.
lol, this is the dork that had the cluelessness to tell me I don't say post after telling me my posts were too long.

I'm LMAO at him and the ass sniffer thinking they're giving you the treatment. Must be fun being harassed by Dumb and Dumber.
lol, this is the dork that had the cluelessness to tell me I don't say post after telling me my posts were too long.

I'm LMAO at him and the ass sniffer thinking they're giving you the treatment. Must be fun being harassed by Dumb and Dumber.

It’s funny you say that as Phillip has the Lloyd Christmas hairstyle. Which makes the emotionally disturbed, Harry. And that works too because every time I think he can’t be any dumber, he goes and totally redeems himself.
It is neither a trial nor a court, it’ a hearing.
Actually, it's not that either. A hearing would have a presiding judge to allow both sides to present their evidence and argument as well as rule on objections as to evidentiary and procedural issues. This presentation has none of those elements. It is a community play produced by a former ABC employee that the D's have attempted to make into a mini-series. Unless something dramatic is to come, it's turned into a massive failure and I don't expect it to be "picked up" for next season.
Actually, it's not that either. A hearing would have a presiding judge to allow both sides to present their evidence and argument as well as rule on objections as to evidentiary and procedural issues. This presentation has none of those elements. It is a community play produced by a former ABC employee that the D's have attempted to make into a mini-series. Unless something dramatic is to come, it's turned into a massive failure and I don't expect it to be "picked up" for next season.
Wrong again,

A hearing refers to any formal proceeding before a court. The term usually refers to a brief court session that resolves a specific question before a full court trial takes place, or to such specialized proceedings as administrative hearings.
Wrong again,

A hearing refers to any formal proceeding before a court. The term usually refers to a brief court session that resolves a specific question before a full court trial takes place, or to such specialized proceedings as administrative hearings.
Nice work, prlyles. You are spot-on in your explanation. Suddenly all of these Trump Republicans we have here are pretending to know the law as if they are judges or trial lawyers. It's comical the tomfoolery on display.

Keep up the good work!
Wrong again,

A hearing refers to any formal proceeding before a court. The term usually refers to a brief court session that resolves a specific question before a full court trial takes place, or to such specialized proceedings as administrative hearings.
I'm not sure what you idiot boys have been watching on tv or your internet feed, but the play you've been viewing is taking place before a Nancy Pelosi group of hand-selected D's and RINO's in Congress entitled a "committee". It is not a "formal proceeding before a court" or even a proceeding with court like qualities.

The closest thing that it could be analogized to would be a grand jury proceeding where the prosecution presents their version of events without any challenge from the defendant or any rules in terms of the evidence that can be presented. They literally present anything and everything they want to achieve their goals. The old saying is that they could get an indictment against a ham sandwich if they wanted one. They are done in total secrecy and the public never sees this version of the system because it would be unfair and prejudicial to the targeted defendant. Then, at a trial with actual rules and elements of fairness, both sides get to present their cases and actual judge rulings come into play.

In this instance, you two are getting sucked right down the rabbit hole of what your preconceptions would have you believe because this drivel is being put out there without challenge or authenticity.
Nice work, prlyles. You are spot-on in your explanation. Suddenly all of these Trump Republicans we have here are pretending to know the law as if they are judges or trial lawyers. It's comical the tomfoolery on display.

Keep up the good work!
lol, nice agreeing with the tard, ass sniffer.
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I'm not sure what you idiot boys have been watching on tv or your internet feed, but the play you've been viewing is taking place before a Nancy Pelosi group of hand-selected D's and RINO's in Congress entitled a "committee". It is not a "formal proceeding before a court" or even a proceeding with court like qualities.

The closest thing that it could be analogized to would be a grand jury proceeding where the prosecution presents their version of events without any challenge from the defendant or any rules in terms of the evidence that can be presented. They literally present anything and everything they want to achieve their goals. The old saying is that they could get an indictment against a ham sandwich if they wanted one. They are done in total secrecy and the public never sees this version of the system because it would be unfair and prejudicial to the targeted defendant. Then, at a trial with actual rules and elements of fairness, both sides get to present their cases and actual judge rulings come into play.

In this instance, you two are getting sucked right down the rabbit hole of what your preconceptions would have you believe because this drivel is being put out there without challenge or authenticity.
So, you got nothing, who would have guessed?
LOL. Reading is fundamental. Understanding what you read is even more difficult. I'm sorry you have such challenges.

He says he reads a lot yet my several short paragraphs in an earlier post were too much to read...and then he concludes that I didn't say anything. If he took a decade or so to chew all the way through 'The Brothers Karamazov', he would probably put the book down and conclude 'orange man bad'.
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Joe is doing such a great job in Europe this week. He is Europe's cuck. Nothing like going to foreign countries and bashing your own country.
You talk about smelling other men's ass an awful awful lot.
yes dumbo, I talk about your butt buddy @Heels Noir smelling other peoples ass a lot. He is the ass sniffer. Don't get upset that I haven't mentioned your habit of smelling mine, I'm too busy pointing out your retardation..
What's all this about Nancy Pelosi pushing a minority child out of the way during a swearing in photo op? Wow!
Nonsense... she cares so much about minorities. She wore Kente cloth and kneeled!


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