OOTB's Political Thread . ..

THIS framing of the issue and talking point (which is why Blaze gave you a like) must stop. This is a political position to gain the votes of women. The conundrum is assigning the moment of when life begins. What a woman's or a doctor's individual opinion is on the issue is irrelevant. If life hasn't begun, then abortion in any form is theoretically fine. If life has begun, abortion is tantamount to murder.

Does life begin at birth? Does it begin at conception? Is it some point in between? The impossibility of answering these questions is the problem. And the actual, ultimate answer is an absolute, not an opinion to be offered from person to person. That is, it doesn't matter that Karen doesn't think life begins until the child is six months old and Velma believes it begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg (whether Karen/Velma are a woman, a doctor, or both). It doesn't matter what any of us believe. There just is no way as of yet to actually answer this question.

Thus, it is intellectually dishonest and only vote grabbing politics to try to frame the issue as between a "woman and her doctor". First off, that requires one to actually be able to define a woman and this is the only issue that D's seem to ever want to actually have a definition for and actually care about what a woman is or isn't. Second, why is it limited to the woman? Why doesn't the "man" have a say as he's contributed 50% to the equation? What if the sperm donor identifies as a woman? Does she then get to have that same conversation between her and her doctor and it overrules the other woman?

Buying into this framing and allowing this hypocrisy of defining women for this sole issue is the only real vote winner D's have in November. Trump and the SCt. are right on the issue of there being no constitutional right to an abortion and it is currently a state based issue. I would be happy to see them support the passage of something that limits things on a national level, whether that's up to 15 weeks or whatever. True compromise is never going to happen until the actual question can be answered. In the meantime, there should be a political compromise reached as I feel like that's what an overwhelming majority of people actually desire. The vocal minorities on both sides will just have to whine.
We HAD a political compromise which the vast majority of Americans were content with and the extremists on both sides whined about.
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Fox News poll of four battleground states. This is shaping up to be another election where we won’t know the winner for days after.

The Dems are setting the stage. Lemme guess, Kamala is now the most popular candidate of all time? 100 million votes?

But nothing to see here and anyone that questions it is a conspiracy theorist.
We HAD a political compromise which the vast majority of Americans were content with and the extremists on both sides whined about.
I disagree. No overstep by the SCOTUS should stand, whether it's a conservative court or a liberal one or a neutral one. Correcting that aberration restored my faith in the system a little and I don't believe that that is an extremist attitude; and I believe that many other non-extremists felt the same.

If the legislators restore those same guidelines I might not be pleased but at least I can accept it being done the right way. But that begs the question, if the vast majority of Americans approved of said compromise, why hasn't it been restored?

The only really outstanding problem now is having to listen to the whining of liberals who want to murder babies as a method of birth control.
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There's a direct connection between the Heritage Foundation saying the 2nd American Revolution they're planning will only be bloodless if the Democrats allow it to be, and Trump's plan that includes canceling future elections.
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The Dems are setting the stage. Lemme guess, Kamala is now the most popular candidate of all time? 100 million votes?

But nothing to see here and anyone that questions it is a conspiracy theorist.
Tom Cruise What GIF
So you won’t find it odd if a VP with an historically low approval rating 38% - worst of all time) winds up with the most votes in history? You’ll just attribute that to there being so many Trump haters?
What the hell are you talking about? Trump's approval rating when he left office was a meager 34% and today is only marginally higher at 43%.
So you won’t find it odd if a VP with an historically low approval rating 38% - worst of all time) winds up with the most votes in history? You’ll just attribute that to there being so many Trump haters?
dude I’m lost. I posted Fox News poll numbers and said it seemed it was gonna be a close race. I have no idea about most votes in history
Kama Khameleon backtracking on most of her past stances. She’s nothing but a San Franciscan liberal. She favors sanctuary cities, open borders, Medicare for all, free college, etc…
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Totally not a cult.

dude, the endless repeat of this lame mantra bores us to tears and identifies you as a cultist in your own right. Why not spare us the tedium and yourself the embarrassing display of witlessness. Unless you're just currying favor with the dimwit anti-Trump clique, in which case never mind; it's probably a good move.
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when libs accuse you of lying, it's because they are the ones lying. This is a fact. They have what we of course know they have, lie cheat sheets. And oops, the wrong people got their hands on one. LMAO...

dude, the endless repeat of this lame mantra bores us to tears and identifies you as a cultist in your own right. Why not spare us the tedium and yourself the embarrassing display of witlessness. Unless you're just currying favor with the dimwit anti-Trump clique, in which case never mind; it's probably a good move.
Don't forget to change the index card you have taped to your ear
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when libs accuse you of lying, it's because they are the ones lying. This is a fact. They have what we of course know they have, lie cheat sheets. And oops, the wrong people got their hands on one. LMAO...

I didn't watch more than the first 20 seconds of that video, but what I want to know is why he has a jar of mayonnaise on the seat cushion. Is that J.D. Vance's sofa he's sitting on?
I didn't watch more than the first 20 seconds of that video, but what I want to know is why he has a jar of mayonnaise on the seat cushion. Is that J.D. Vance's sofa he's sitting on?
wow, that was a good your standards, or lack thereof.
when libs accuse you of lying, it's because they are the ones lying. This is a fact. They have what we of course know they have, lie cheat sheets. And oops, the wrong people got their hands on one. LMAO...

No one projects like a new age, radical Dem. “Trump is racist!”; while it is them making everything about race - “first black this…first Latino that!” They call Trump and his supporters “fascist” either oblivious to the fact they are the ones operating outside of the Democratic processes or they know damn well and just subscribe to the theory that the best defense is a good offense.
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No one projects like a new age, radical Dem. “Trump is racist!”; while it is them making everything about race - “first black this…first Latino that!” They call Trump and his supporters “fascist” either oblivious to the fact they are the ones operating outside of the Democratic processes or they know damn well and just subscribe to the theory that the best defense is a good offense.
lol dimwit above you says 'cult', oblivious to being in the cult you describe.

And the morons who recognized the worthlessness of Scamala Harris before Biden dropped out, are now stepping all over themselves to support her. No, that isn't actually a cult, that would require more brains than they have. That's just basic herd behavior.
I don’t know why trump is going defcon 4 with the over the top insults. Just campaign on her record. Like specifically. Defund the police and the border. Those issues alone would cost her enough moderates and independents for trump to win I would think. Preaching to the choir at these rallies with the same old rants and lies ain’t gonna offset her gains in the polls.
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