POLL: How Much Time Would You Give Hubert?

If it were up to me, I'd give Hubert ____________ to turn it around.

  • As much time as he needs. No limit.

  • More than 5 years, total (3+ more years).

  • 5 years total (3 more).

  • 4 years total (2 more)

  • 3 years total (1 more)

  • 2 years total (no more). I've seen enough.

  • Pull the plug right now.

  • I don't feel comfortable voting on this. Just show me the results.

Results are only viewable after voting.

What Would Jesus Do?

Hall of Famer
Nov 28, 2010
We have a few people yelling for Hubert's head, and others just as strongly defending him. Those are the loud voices. But what do the rest of us think?
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I voted 4 years because I really want to see how he does with his super 2024 class.

Barring some serious gets in the portal (or the unexpected return of Armando), I don't expect much next year. But I'd like to see how he'll do with that full class of his own guys. If he looks good with them, I figure he'll be here to stay for a long time - and should be.

Moreover, I won't be surprised if next year isn't as bad as we might think. Some of the problems will be gone and while we may have less talent, we may end up with a more cohesive team. So I'd like to see that play out, too.
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I think two more years at least. I was not for hiring him due to lack of experience. But he deserves to get his own players and to learn how to coach. The cupboard was not really full for Hubert so he has to re-stock. This is not like when Dean left Gutt a loaded team.
You have to see if Hubert can bounce back from this season. He's the type of individual thats gonna work tirelessly to fix this. Lets hope he's able to push the right buttons and make the adjustments needed.
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I voted for 5yrs (3 more after this one) because I do think it is important to see what he can do without our current starting back court because to me this tandem just has never really clicked, it is sort of like a V-8 sports car that is running on 6 cylinders, it just doesn't run like you know it should.

AND, I want to see what the guys we already have committed to play for UNC can do with a season of college play under their belts. If then we are watching the same things then ya, it will be time for him to go but with different players the results may be different.
4 years? Sure if you want UNC to be a middling team in a bad ACC then keep Hubert 4 years. He needs to go after the season. Don't get too far in deep with him.
As much time as he needs. Should we have pulled the plug on Dean after 3,4,5 years? Should Dook have pulled the plug on K in 3,4,5 years? They were given time to learn how to be a head coach after being an assistant. And they had fans calling for there heads.
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I voted 4, but it all depends on what your standards are. If you're ok with being a team that's in the top 25 occasionally and normally wins a game or two in the tournament, then it's possible Hubert is your guy. If you expect Carolina to be the Carolina of old, then four should be enough to tell you if Hubert can deliver.
As much time as he needs. Should we have pulled the plug on Dean after 3,4,5 years? Should Dook have pulled the plug on K in 3,4,5 years? They were given time to learn how to be a head coach after being an assistant. And they had fans calling for there heads.
Completely different scenario comparing Hubert to Dean. The game is different and we were coming off NCAA problems.

ETA: When you say as much as he needs, what if he hasn't improved by year eight? Should we continue to give him more time?
I voted 3 after next year. Next year is going to be rough. I would consider it a success if Hubert can learn how to substitue and get that team playing hard, smart and together. I'm hopeful that one particluar attitude will leave this year.
I'm pulling for Hubert to succeed ... but he's really testing everyone's patience. The whole lack of substitutions is frustrating, but he came from an era when freshmen didn't get a lot of playing time (Dean's teams for the most part). They sat the bench and learned and eventually became players loved by the fans. Today's game is different ... I feel like he needs to incorporate the bench earlier in the season and I feel like most of the fans feel the same way.
With regards to his recruiting ... his getting some highly ranked recruits who might be awesome, but I see very few guys that would be able to defend some of these man-body bruisers that exist in the ACC. I guess he's counting on our outside shooting being superior to the opponents ability to drag us into the lane and bully us around.
To Hubert's credit, we've been close in pretty much every game we've played ... and if our outside shooting would have been worth a crap, then we would have easily won a lot of games this year ... so I'm willing to see if his recruiting/offense is a winning combination. If it's up to me then I'll give him three more years. But I dread listening to three more years of his press conferences, LOL. Go Heels !!!
I would not expect him to get five years if he misses the tournament three years in a row.
That sounds like a safe bet.

I still haven't ruled out us getting there this season. Seems unlikely, but still possible.

Frankly, a good showing in the NIT might even make me happier than a poor showing in the NCAAT. Because that will mean we finished with more good games than bad. I know the NIT championship isn't the championship Armando came back for, but maybe it will get his juices pumping.

OTOH what if we go to the NIT and bomb out there? Yikes!
We all keep talking about that great '24 class. But a lot of it committed while we were ranked #1 preseason and riding the high of a national title game appearance. I still wonder how much watching this season might have changed some of their minds.
I've wondered that, too. Have they signed? A quick check on another site says they have not.

When do they normally sign? If any delay signing, we (and Hubert) could be in trouble.

Another quick google shows that the early signing period is in November. If they don't sign then, they will have to wait until the 2024 season is done to sign.

So if they don't sign early, that means they will have seen this disappointing season and all of the next, which most here seem to think will be a down year on talent.

I trust our gurus will let us know if any of our current verbal commits start looking weak-kneed.
Only mediocre HCs who basically must have everything perfect for them require time to get a team with only players they recruited. So I think that any coach worth having shows that within 3 years.

That goes for football as well as basketball.
I remember last season during press conferences, as ridiculous as it sounded, but, Hubert would often say "I think this team can be a national championship team." I remember thinking that he must be crazy. But, there they were in the national championship. My point is, he hasn't said that about this team, that I've ever heard. I don't remember him saying it in the same context as he did last season with those kids. He's just said this is a different team.
The C/O 2024 finishes their first season in 2025, so that's 4 years from his hiring. That is the bare minimum he should get before any decisions should be made by a higher up. it's also when the Duke win/Title run start to ring hollow and the rest of the excuses start to run dry to anyone not blinded by the usual brand of homerism.

What really worries me is how much favoritism will sway things.

The bar was clearly set low from Day 1 and his leash is long, much thanks to the nepotism and elitism running rampant at the top. If he managed to show even the tiniest amount of improvement between next season and 2025, you can bet Roy and Co. will start to claim he's figuring it out and just needs a little more time as he continues to lead us nowhere.

Before he even started coaching, I said the worst thing he could be is mediocre. I was wrong. Him being INCONSISTENTLY mediocre would be even worse. I'd rather him go full 8-20 than have him make another miraculous run just to underachieve the year(s) after.
If all he has to do is win 4-5 games in March as an underdog every couple of years to detract from an otherwise lackluster performances as a coach, then let's stop pretending we're an elite program anymore. That will and should never cut it for much of this fanbase, no matter how many years Roy gives him.
Sidenote, but I find it funny that the of the 3 people in the looney bin that voted "No limit", one is (probably) a Kentucky fan who probably has UNC living rent free when he should be thinking more about their own coaching situation.
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It will come as no surprise that I voted as long as he needs! (proud member of the Family AKA "looney bin!") The basketball world is indeed changing, but we are still UNC. If you want to completely abandon ideals and let wins/losses determine your fandom, then go ahead and fire coaches as soon as possible! If you want to allow them to grow into the job while keeping us out of the muck , then stay the course! 5 years is the absolute minimum that should be discussed because this allows for growth and for Hubs to recruit his type players!

Isn't it ironic that the same peeps that claimed Roy had lost it because he insisted on playing 10 peeps in the pre-season are now claiming Hubs can't coach because he plays a shorter bench! It is also interesting that peeps say he should not be so concerned with winning and losing and should take a chance on losing to develop his bench ALSO say off with his head every time he loses! Peeps hate his press conferences because if he says they look good in practice he must be lying; if he says they have chemistry problems in practice he is making excuses; if he refuses to call out his players and instead shows loyalty or respect for them he is too weak to critique! If he switches defenses, it is not enough or too much; If he substitutes, then he should have put in a different sub; if he runs set plays we need freelance and if we run freelance, why didn't he call a timeout and run some sets! NOW we are getting in the heads of our recruits and suggesting they look elsewhere.....we certainly do good work for opponents, they don't have to open their mouths!
It will come as no surprise that I voted as long as he needs! The basketball world is indeed changing, but we are still UNC. If you want to completely abandon ideals and let wins/losses determine your fandom, then go ahead and fire coaches as soon as possible! If you want to allow them to grow into the job while keeping us out of the muck , then stay the course! 5 years is the absolute minimum that should be discussed because this allows for growth and for Hubs to recruit his type players!
How long is that, though? I wasn't really a fan of @What Would Jesus Do? putting this option as an answer. How do you determine how long he needs? If Hubert were to miss the tournament 5 years in a row and finish outside of the top 25, would you still say he needs more time? There's a cutoff for everyone.
I can’t believe people keep pointing to his super class and seeing how he will do with them as a defining moment. Do you really expect a talented lineup mostly of freshmen doing big things? They will look good at times and some will do enough to be OAD but I wouldn’t expect us to be some title threat on the backs of 18 year olds.
Think I might have been a bit more forgiving of hubcap if he had actually tried to do some different things with both the offensive and defensive schemes but he just plodded along trying the same thing over and over with the same result. I've heard more than one team talk about how they knew what UNC was going to do .. like who didn't except for the UNC players a greater majority of the time. I don't think it's so much the losing that is so incredibly bad, it's the ways and reasons they are losing and the complete lack of effort.
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If there’s a mass exodus into the portal after this season is finally over and 5-Star recruits go the way of GG Jackson…the expiration date could be sooner than later.
In my mind he should get one more year, and without massive improvement (and I am talking about a serious player nationally) he is out of time. I know he is recruiting well, but he has highly recruited veterans on the floor now, and the results are confusing this year. But for that matter, that is not to say that I think Hubert is a recruiting wizard. Anybody with a pulse should be able to recruit high level talent to UNC. But I am not Bubba. And this is Roy’s hand picked successor. And Roy earned that right I suppose with his resurrection from a bad place and delivering 3 national championships. Hence, he got the chance to fulfill Deans dream that he didn’t get to fulfill at the end of his career and have a minority coach lead UNC. And Roy still has a lot of influence. So we will see where this goes. But another underwhelming year and am sure some of the big money donors are going to be all over Bubba to make a change. We will see.
He is going to get one more year and I'm okay with that, hell I'm okay with 4 years to let him use his recruits, but if there isn't any improvement from this year to next year in his game management, game prep, and player development there will be no question he's got to go.

There isn't one player on this team that is better than they were the year before not one. That alarming, one could even say that there are players that have gotten worse. I understand Brady was a huge piece of the puzzle but we are more talented than they have shown.

Over Roy's time here and that pattern of how his recruiting and player cycles went this was the year that was suppose to be the year, I honestly feel that Roy was leaning toward he was leaving Hubert with the guys to compete for the last 2 years. Just like Dean did for Gut and Hubert has shit the bed!
I can’t believe people keep pointing to his super class and seeing how he will do with them as a defining moment. Do you really expect a talented lineup mostly of freshmen doing big things?
Fair point. But I just want to see how he does with them.

Freshman mistakes and wrangling a bunch of prima donnas into a true team may not result in a spectacular season, but I think it should show us whether Hubert has what it takes. Plus, my sense of fairness says he did the work to get those guys, so he should have a chance to prove himself with those guys.

If we have a losing season next year, I reserve the right to change my mind.
Did NIL money effect the players work ethic this year? It's easy to blame Hubert for every problem but these kids didn't improve their own game in the summer.
I definitely wonder about that. In fact, I suggested that Armando's sluggish start to this season may have been because he was too fat and happy from cruising the NIL circuit. Which could have been totally wrong, of course, but I did wonder about that at the time.

Fortunately for us, Armando got back in gear. Imagine how awful this season would be if he had backslide worse than just a few early games.
I can’t believe people keep pointing to his super class and seeing how he will do with them as a defining moment. Do you really expect a talented lineup mostly of freshmen doing big things? They will look good at times and some will do enough to be OAD but I wouldn’t expect us to be some title threat on the backs of 18 year olds.
Duke this year is an example.

Then again, they are doing better than we are.

Fortunately, we have a chance to change that narrative in a couple of weeks.

A lot of us will be more forgiving of Hubert if when we beat Duke.
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Did NIL money effect the players work ethic this year? It's easy to blame Hubert for every problem but these kids didn't improve their own game in the summer.
Has NIL money hurt all these other top players? Lot of money flowing into teams like Kansas, but they have been able to handle it. Blaming NIL is pretty weak.
Has NIL money hurt all these other top players? Lot of money flowing into teams like Kansas, but they have been able to handle it. Blaming NIL is pretty weak.
Or else they are handling it better?

I know very little about how NIL works, but I suspect there are meaningful differences among schools.
this team is not inspired to play tough gritty defense. is that a failure of the coaching staff, or kids who won't buy in? or both? also, this team plays playground style on offense with little passing and moving without the ball, which is sad considering the motion offense was perfected, if not invented, at unc. basically these kids are trying to shoot their way out of a slump, which is a mistake. bear down on defense, drive to the basket, and work the ball for good shots, and most of all: STOP STANDING AROUND.
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Or else they are handling it better?

I know very little about how NIL works, but I suspect there are meaningful differences among schools.
There are differences between states and it's up to the school to figure that out, but blaming NIL is just trying to find a boogie man. And I know I'll get some pushback for saying it, but it's mostly an older generation thing. You got to do it the way it was or it's wrong.