Not even sure what you are rambling about. 1st I know a lot of homosexuals and not a single one wants to use the bathroom that doesn't pertain to his/her equipment. 2nd you knew your child was going to be a homosexual as a toddler? I seriously doubt it. You may look back now and say ah hah but knowing it No. 3rd Gas prices going down is a huge failure of Obama's presidency. He has done everything to achieve the opposite. 4th. You are making more money? Maybe but nationally wages are stagnant. .
The bathroom issue is ridiculous anyway and I think many are confused on it but whatever... pervs will still be pervs either way, always have been.
While I have no way to prove to you that I knew my 3 year old was homosexual despite nothing "sexual" happening to make me think that, I did tell my super religious right-wing, vote republican/Jesus or die sister that I felt that way back then and she just rolled her eyes at me... now she sees what I was talking about! I admit I am different. I just see things sometimes. I wrote a note to my family when I was 12 that I would have identical twin girls age 5 in 1997 and I did.. I just know things sometimes. I don't like it but it happens. I KNEW this! sorry to burst your bubble about that! (as if you care).
I'm not sure about the gas prices being a failure but I am sure you will explain it. We are going to have worse soon with Hillary so get ready! I am not happy about that either.