Well that's a convenient time frame to pick. Lets lengthen that by a few years and I'm sure the scoreboard will tip the other way.
This is the true ROFL post of the thread (when combined with an earlier post of yours). You claim earlier that Vegas lines don't tell the whole story because they can be manipulated by people betting on one side, swinging the line in their favor. While that is true to some degree you overstate it; people don't just say "oh look a higher seeded team, let me just throw my life savings on them regardless of the spread because gosh darn it they're gonna cover anything right?". And then even if there were enough yahoos that were throwing money around willy nilly without a clue of the true percentages/odds - there is what is called "smart money" which would swoop in and hammer the underdog at a now much more advantageous line, thus moving it back to an equilibrium.
But then a few posts after making that statement, you then reference the Vegas odds to try to prove your point on Virginia. Saying that since they weren't a top 4 team odds-wise to begin the tournament (even though they are top 4 remaining since MSU has since been bounced) that means they aren't top tier. So not only are you wrong on both counts - but you can't even seem to figure out if you want to use Vegas odds as evidence or not. Take a seat dude, before you hurt yourself.
You obviously aren't reading what I said very clearly. I said having a 1 seed will cause people to consider that team the favorite regardless of whether that team was better. Seeing a 1 v 5 like this is going to lean toward a heavy favorite. We deserved a 2 or 3 seed and if we had that I can guarantee the spread wouldn't be 6pts.
When using the vegas odds in reference to Virginia, it proved my point against Virginia even more. Virginia is a 1 seed (which would favor it to have better odds of winning the title because more people would be willing to bet Virginia than they would if they were a 2 seed). Yet they were STILL not in the top 4. A 2 seed surpassed them. That was why I brought that up so does that help clarify my point?
As for the draft picks, I wasn't going to go any further back because then it would defeat the purpose of my argument.