Drake might be a better runner athletically, but I have cringed a LOT seeing him run, even before any contact and even after he finally started sliding. I just think he's going to get broken in half. Thank God they were able to impress safety on Drake.
Sam is a better physical runner. And it looks like they finally got through to Sam to get rid of the ball when he doesn't see anything, which should save him a lot of the kind of punishment that you can't absorb so well. He has a natural instinct to run out of trouble, and I have every confidence he knows how to protect himself against the kind of anticipated contact a runner receives . He just might make that a valuable asset that pays a lot of dividends over the long haul.
"I'm sure there are a lot of nuances to Drake's abilities that I simply don't see."
I'm sure there are a lot of nuances to his game that we have failed to bring out in him, just as we failed to teach Sam to not hold on to the ball too long.. It might be my imagination, but two seasons now, it seems Drake's passing falls off later in the season. It doesn't go away, but bad passes seem to start creeping in. Puzzling. It makes me maybe think he gets nicked up and it isn't told.