OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I don't want to overwhelm you so here's the short list:

Trump solicited foreign interference from Ukraine in his 2020 re-election bid and then obstructed the inquiry by telling his administration to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony for which he was IMPEACHED.

That was easy.

There was this thing called an acquittal you seem to forget. But it's your lie, tell it how you want it to go.
I don't want to overwhelm you so here's the short list:

Trump solicited foreign interference from Ukraine in his 2020 re-election bid and then obstructed the inquiry by telling his administration to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony for which he was IMPEACHED.

That was easy.
LOL, as I've said a number of times here, lefties absolutely find it impossible to try to make a point without basing it on a distortion of the truth, if not an outright lie. For them it's easy, it's second nature to them. They should go ahead and make prevarication a permanent plank in the dem platform.
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LOL, as I've said a number of times here, lefties absolutely find it impossible to try to make a point without basing it on a distortion of the truth, if not an outright lie. For them it's easy, it's second nature to them. They should go ahead and make prevarication a permanent plank in the dem platform.

No doubt. When dikfer posted about ALL the lies and crimes Trump had committed while in office and I asked for the list of lies and crimes and the scam of impeachment was all he could produce. The left screams and cries about Trump lies and commits crimes over and over and over and over and over and over but cant produce a single bit of evidence. These buffoons can't even lie straight.
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A sitting president can't be indicted and some posters can't admit he lies one every other sentence.
A sitting president can't be indicted and some posters can't admit he lies one every other sentence.

Cool. I'll give you the same opportunity. Since every other sentence is a lie, you should have ZERO problems giving me 30 lies he's told. C'mon, choade smoker. That should be an easy task.
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A sitting president can't be indicted and some posters can't admit he lies one every other sentence.
But you're a liar too. You lied about the Rand Paul incident. How can you be such a hypocrite?

I'll give you this opportunity to put it to bed and admit protestors got violent with Paul and the police protecting him. Otherwise, you can run around with that scarlet letter pinned to yourself.
Portland looks like fun. Caravan of lifted four wheel drive trucks with trump supporters in the back firing paint ball and pepper spray at antifa rioters. I will say the rioters are showing an unwillingness to block the roads. I’m thinking it’s time for the guard to come in.
There was this thing called an acquittal you seem to forget.
LOL, as I've said a number of times here, lefties absolutely find it impossible to try to make a point without basing it on a distortion of the truth, if not an outright lie.
If you two dumbasses had brains you would be dangerous.

First of all, our Republican-led U.S. Senate acquitted Donald Trump not because he was innocent but, with the exception of Mitt Romney, because they are a bunch of spineless yes-men pussies to the President.

Second, as blazers points out, you cannot indict a sitting president outside of extreme situations such as "standing in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shooting somebody."

And third, and most important of all, this isn't some civil or criminal courtroom case where the defendant goes before a jury, is found not guilty, and is cleared of all charges. In Donald Trump's case he has been found GUILTY in the House of Representatives of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. As a result he was IMPEACHED. Despite how many blowhards want to stick their heads up their ass and try to deny it, there really is no denying it and you make fools of yourself every time you argue otherwise.

Donald Trump has been IMPEACHED and it will be with him for the rest of his life and it will follow him in death. It will be chiseled on his headstone as part of his epitaph. And it will forever be written in the history books for all the ages and for all future generations of Americans to read about. And no matter how loudly crotch remora and chickenshit-for-brains protest here and wish it wasn't true, the fact is it is true.
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If you two dumbasses had brains you would be dangerous.

First of all, our Republican-led U.S. Senate acquitted Donald Trump not because he was innocent but, with the exception of Mitt Romney, because they are a bunch of spineless yes-men pussies to the President.

Second, as blazers points out, you cannot indict a sitting president outside of extreme situations such as "standing in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shooting somebody."

And third, and most important of all, this isn't some civil or criminal courtroom case where the defendant goes before a jury, is found not guilty, and is cleared of all charges. In Donald Trump's case he has been found GUILTY in the House of Representatives of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. As a result he was IMPEACHED. Despite how many blowhards want to stick their heads up their ass and try to deny it, there really is no denying it and you make fools of yourself every time you argue otherwise.

Donald Trump has been IMPEACHED and it will be with him for the rest of his life and it will follow him in death. It will be chiseled on his headstone as part of his epitaph. And it will forever be written in the history books for all the ages and for all future generations of Americans to read about. And no matter how loudly crotch remora and chickenshit-for-brains protest here and wish it wasn't true, the fact is it is true.

to quote you, who does it say more about that Trump was impeached; Trump....or those who impeached him along party lines? It was a joke of an impeachment just as the previous investigation was also an obscene abuse of our political system. To carry with him for life that he faced and survived these obscenities is a virtual badge of honor. If I was him I would be proud.

So far as the lying is concerned, when I need to impress my employees with an anecdote or example, I don't bother to make sure that I have the facts down to within a whisker of exactitude. Why? Because unlike your ilk, my employees are not hysterical loons seeking to pick up on and magnify every little inconsequential hiccup that I make. They have the normal intelligence and mental stability it takes to understand that the gist is all that matters in those instances, and that my goal is to improve their lives as well as mine.. If I ever face an unstable employee who is bent on bucking me with something akin to liberal insanity just because he doesn't like me, I pretty quickly send him to the happy job-hunting grounds. Too bad Trump doesn't have that luxury.

EDIT: BTW, LOL at all those Senate 'crotch remoras' who, according to the media, in everyday circumstances disagree routinely and vehemently with Trump over various matters. Just not this one. You are a special kind of dolt.
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No doubt. When dikfer posted about ALL the lies and crimes Trump had committed while in office and I asked for the list of lies and crimes and the scam of impeachment was all he could produce. The left screams and cries about Trump lies and commits crimes over and over and over and over and over and over but cant produce a single bit of evidence. These buffoons can't even lie straight.
pretty hilarious that the most usual suspect magnanimously offered to spare us being 'overwhelmed' with a plethora of examples, instead falling back on the only one he could come up with, that being the very most dubious one possible.
Harsh language is not violence, Rand is being a snowflake if calls that violent. Our great nation is built on free speech and protest against assholes.
know the law. Harsh language can be considered violence, and physical contact does not have to occur in order for said violence to be considered assault. If one's actions cause another to fear impending contact, in most places that is against the law. No surprise that it has to be explained to the pathologically disingenuous that there is protest, and then again there is harassment and the threat of violence.
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So far as the lying is concerned, when I need to impress my employees with an anecdote or example, I don't bother to make sure that I have the facts down to within a whisker of exactitude. Why? Because unlike your ilk, my employees are not hysterical loons seeking to pick up on and magnify every little inconsequential hiccup that I make. They have the normal intelligence and mental stability it takes to understand that the gist is all that matters in those instances, and that my goal is to improve their lives as well as mine.. If I ever face an unstable employee who is bent on bucking me with something akin to liberal insanity just because he doesn't like me, I pretty quickly send him to the happy job-hunting grounds. Too bad Trump doesn't have that luxury.
Your “employees” are very lucky
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Your “employees” are very lucky
I'm sure the kids down at the Burger King are always grateful for the reliable and sage advice handed to them (without solicitation) from their shift leader, Crotchy. I can almost imagine how he is improving their lives, one drive-thru order at a time.
You are the clown you got it backwards
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Your “employees” are very lucky

I'm sure the kids down at the Burger King are always grateful for the reliable and sage advice handed to them (without solicitation) from their shift leader, Crotchy. I can almost imagine how he is improving their lives, one drive-thru order at a time.

looks like the girls have decided to put up a united front...

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Summer's drawings to a close, and the Democrats are in serious, serious trouble. The BLM protests/riots are turning into a political liability, and there's still 2 months to go. I don't see how this genie can be popped back into the bottle.

Just imagine for a second that you're the Mayor of Portland. The weekly riots in your city have eclipsed mere destruction, and now a man has been executed in the streets because of his political affiliation. They've lasted 90+ days, and public sentiment is turning against the cause. What do you do next?

1. Unleash the police, and let them take back control of the streets. Problem: You've spent the last few months demonizing the cops, and doing this would just feed into the police brutality narrative that started this whole thing off.

2. Call in national troops. No one can stand against them, and they arrive in overwhelming numbers. Riot over. Problem: Trump wanted you to do this, so it's politically unthinkable.

3. Blame Trump. Useful in any situation as a Democrat. Problem: You're starting to alienate independents nationally with this strategy. Portland is full of lefties, so you'll be fine politically. But how much does the national party come down on you for doing nothing?

4. Walk the narrow path. Condemn violence and rioting and call for these tactics to stop. But still support the cause, obviously. Problem: The wokies get mad at you for being insufficiently radical. And you've basically changed nothing, so all you can do is pray that things don't escalate further.

Choose your own adventure.
Summer's drawings to a close, and the Democrats are in serious, serious trouble. The BLM protests/riots are turning into a political liability, and there's still 2 months to go. I don't see how this genie can be popped back into the bottle.

Just imagine for a second that you're the Mayor of Portland. The weekly riots in your city have eclipsed mere destruction, and now a man has been executed in the streets because of his political affiliation. They've lasted 90+ days, and public sentiment is turning against the cause. What do you do next?

1. Unleash the police, and let them take back control of the streets. Problem: You've spent the last few months demonizing the cops, and doing this would just feed into the police brutality narrative that started this whole thing off.

2. Call in national troops. No one can stand against them, and they arrive in overwhelming numbers. Riot over. Problem: Trump wanted you to do this, so it's politically unthinkable.

3. Blame Trump. Useful in any situation as a Democrat. Problem: You're starting to alienate independents nationally with this strategy. Portland is full of lefties, so you'll be fine politically. But how much does the national party come down on you for doing nothing?

4. Walk the narrow path. Condemn violence and rioting and call for these tactics to stop. But still support the cause, obviously. Problem: The wokies get mad at you for being insufficiently radical. And you've basically changed nothing, so all you can do is pray that things don't escalate further.

Choose your own adventure.
Let me see if I've got this straight, "Professor."

There were 1007 deaths nationwide yesterday due to the Trump virus, continued record unemployment, an economy in crisis, not to mention it's open season on unarmed black men and women in our cities, but holy shit!!!! a man has been executed in Portland because of his political affiliation? Yeah, it looks like Biden and the Democrats should go ahead and throw the towel in.

How did you Trump Humpers get so fuc*ing stupid? Let me guess, you're a professor at NC State?
The pandemic is over. If you still haven't realized that, I don't know how to help you.

Do you guys not read the NYT? Like 75-95% of positive tests these past few months in the Northeast shouldn't have been judged as positive. The tests had too low of a threshhold for a positive result. They were probably picking up dead, inert viruses from earlier, undetected infections. Cuomo can test his heart out, but they aren't getting meaningful data.

The Northeast has hit herd immunity. And now so has most of the rest of the country. It's done.
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The pandemic is over. If you still haven't realized that, I don't know how to help you.

Do you guys not read the NYT? Like 75-95% of positive tests these past few months in the Northeast shouldn't have been judged as positive. The tests had too low of a threshhold for a positive result. They were probably picking up dead, inert viruses from earlier, undetected infections. Cuomo can test his heart out, but they aren't getting meaningful data.

The Northeast has hit herd immunity. And now so has most of the rest of the country. It's done.
The pandemic is over. If you still haven't realized that, I don't know how to help you.

Do you guys not read the NYT? Like 75-95% of positive tests these past few months in the Northeast shouldn't have been judged as positive. The tests had too low of a threshhold for a positive result. They were probably picking up dead, inert viruses from earlier, undetected infections. Cuomo can test his heart out, but they aren't getting meaningful data.

The Northeast has hit herd immunity. And now so has most of the rest of the country. It's done.

I just had two nephews and four cousins test positive in the past 2 months (all in their 20s) and they were all isolated incidents except a brother and sister. They were not false positives, they all ranged from "I feel like crap" to "I should be in a hospital".

Can you link that NYT piece though that says "75%-95% of positive tests shouldn't have been judged as positive". I read the NYT every morning and I don't remember reading that one. TIA.
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The pandemic is over. If you still haven't realized that, I don't know how to help you.

Do you guys not read the NYT? Like 75-95% of positive tests these past few months in the Northeast shouldn't have been judged as positive. The tests had too low of a threshhold for a positive result. They were probably picking up dead, inert viruses from earlier, undetected infections. Cuomo can test his heart out, but they aren't getting meaningful data.

The Northeast has hit herd immunity. And now so has most of the rest of the country. It's done.

Well that’s a new one. Was it the alien dna most Yankees have from breeding with goats?
"Officials at the Department of Homeland Security waged a yearslong internal struggle to get the White House to pay attention to the threat of violent domestic extremists. Frustrated, they gave up on the Trump administration. "

Trump isn't able to comprehend info from advisors. You hear countless stories of WH staff having to draw pictures and include direct Trump references in order to try to keep him engaged. So it's no surprise that our national security is a mess (both public health security and homeland security).

People are angry about "protests and looting", do Repubs realize some of the looting and violence is coming from right-wing instigators? There's a bunch of hate in this country right now, much of it spurned on by Trump because he makes racists claims about immigrants and other countries, retweets qAnon and racist's stuff, downplays Charlottesville, etc.
People are angry about "protests and looting", do Repubs realize some of the looting and violence is coming from right-wing instigators? There's a bunch of hate in this country right now, much of it spurned on by Trump because he makes racists claims about immigrants and other countries, retweets qAnon and racist's stuff, downplays Charlottesville, etc.

this cannot be emphasized enough and it's ignored by far too many, unfortunately...even some on here that love the guy, have said they don't really care what he tweets or they turned off by his tweets and comments.

i'm wondering if they see it as divisive though?
"Officials at the Department of Homeland Security waged a yearslong internal struggle to get the White House to pay attention to the threat of violent domestic extremists. Frustrated, they gave up on the Trump administration. "

Trump isn't able to comprehend info from advisors. You hear countless stories of WH staff having to draw pictures and include direct Trump references in order to try to keep him engaged. So it's no surprise that our national security is a mess (both public health security and homeland security).

People are angry about "protests and looting", do Repubs realize some of the looting and violence is coming from right-wing instigators? There's a bunch of hate in this country right now, much of it spurned on by Trump because he makes racists claims about immigrants and other countries, retweets qAnon and racist's stuff, downplays Charlottesville, etc.
you are such a complete maroon. The hate is almost all coming from lefties who are infuriated that all their tantrums aren't getting them the attention they desire. They want to provoke a strong authoritative reaction so that they can say 'see, we told you they were Nazis'. But let's focus on a few supposed right wing instigators, that's what all the trouble is about.
There are probably a few libertarians who have participated in the destruction, but i doubt right wingers contribute much to the nightly chaos.

Remember, we know what a massive, grass roots, right wing political movement from the right looks like. The Tea Party was only a decade ago. Was a single pane of glass broken in any of their protests? People on the right respect the right to private property.

Also, here is the NY Times article.

It's a stunning revelation. The vast majority of positives (in a sample from the NE) basically aren't actionable. The person who tested positive won't get sick and they won't spread to others. Basically, they shouldn't be labeled positive at all.
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"Officials at the Department of Homeland Security waged a yearslong internal struggle to get the White House to pay attention to the threat of violent domestic extremists. Frustrated, they gave up on the Trump administration. "

Trump isn't able to comprehend info from advisors. You hear countless stories of WH staff having to draw pictures and include direct Trump references in order to try to keep him engaged. So it's no surprise that our national security is a mess (both public health security and homeland security).

People are angry about "protests and looting", do Repubs realize some of the looting and violence is coming from right-wing instigators? There's a bunch of hate in this country right now, much of it spurned on by Trump because he makes racists claims about immigrants and other countries, retweets qAnon and racist's stuff, downplays Charlottesville, etc.
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But you're a liar too. You lied about the Rand Paul incident. How can you be such a hypocrite?

I'll give you this opportunity to put it to bed and admit protestors got violent with Paul and the police protecting him. Otherwise, you can run around with that scarlet letter pinned to yourself.
My wording was based on the prior post which said Brianna Taylor was a victim of poor choices and needed to choose better people to hang around. She got shot for no good reason. Rand heard some insults and saw some pushing for VERY good reason (the American right to protest bad governance). In comparison i'd say the insults and pushing aren't violent at all.
you are such a complete maroon. The hate is almost all coming from lefties who are infuriated that all their tantrums aren't getting them the attention they desire. They want to provoke a strong authoritative reaction so that they can say 'see, we told you they were Nazis'. But let's focus on a few supposed right wing instigators, that's what all the trouble is about.
You need to step away from facebook for awhile.
My wording was based on the prior post which said Brianna Taylor was a victim of poor choices and needed to choose better people to hang around. She got shot for no good reason. Rand heard some insults and saw some pushing for VERY good reason (the American right to protest bad governance). In comparison i'd say the insults and pushing aren't violent at all.
And you'd still be wrong and a liar. Compared to anything, pushing, threats of violence and death are violent. But I can see that violence is acceptable to you.

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