OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So how did they get here if they weren’t forced to leave? They never should have been forced to come to America. Things would be much better for them in West Africa.

As to your other point, abolishionsits were great. I am also glad for a few other changes in our country’s history.

What’s your point?
I can't speak to how things "would have been" and you're speculating. That isn't what happened.

The point was to get a direct answer from you. Thank you for finally doing that!
Can you live and let "libs" live? I mean, live without castration/institutionalizing?

Of course. All they have to do is live and let live and all is fine.

But they don’t. They threaten children. They require that everyone else change in order to not offend their delicate sensabilities. They pass laws limiting speech. They want to take rights granted in the Constitution. They want to force you to modify your behavior to suit their needs.

Are they occasionally correct? Yes. Abolishionists from 175 years ago were right. I’m sure there are a few others.
Of course. All they have to do is live and let live and all is fine.

But they don’t. They threaten children. They require that everyone else change in order to not offend their delicate sensabilities. They pass laws limiting speech. They want to take rights granted in the Constitution. They want to force you to modify your behavior to suit their needs.

Are they occasionally correct? Yes. Abolishionists from 175 years ago were right. I’m sure there are a few others.
I'm glad you agree that they got that right, at least.

Do you think the civil rights liberals/progressives got it right? 50 years ago, 60 years ago?
I'm glad you agree that they got that right, at least.

Do you think the civil rights liberals/progressives got it right? 50 years ago, 60 years ago?

Actually, the writers of the Declaration of Independence got it right at the very beginning.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Today’s liberals disagree.
Actually, the writers of the Declaration of Independence got it right at the very beginning.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Today’s liberals disagree.

Did they "get it right?" Because, that obviously did not manifest into reality unless you were white, male and owned land. Everyone else were second-class citizens. It took the last 225 years to actually get closer to that. If we take what was written literally, then women are still not to be recognized as "equal."

Now, back to the question: Do you think the civil rights liberals/progressives got it right? 50 years ago, 60 years ago?

Did they "get it right?" Because, that obviously did not manifest into reality unless you were white, male and owned land. Everyone else were second-class citizens. It took the last 225 years to actually get closer to that. If we take what was written literally, then women are still not to be recognized as "equal."

Now, back to the question: Do you think the civil rights liberals/progressives got it right? 50 years ago, 60 years ago?

As I just said, all men (and women) are created equal. Anyone who advocates for such is good with me.

Do you have a point you are trying to make or do you just want to discuss history?
As I just said, all men (and women) are created equal. Anyone who advocates for such is good with me.

Do you have a point you are trying to make or do you just want to discuss history?
Well, yeah... history is providing a lesson.

All of these instances (and the liberal/progressive movement that allowed women the right to finally vote and hold elected offices), provides abundant proof where whatever the impetus was for these results to occur- liberals, progressives, good over evil, whatever you wanna call it- were necessary to make the original intent become a reality for every living, breathing, sentient (hopefully) citizen.

So... what exactly has you completely in opposition to the present-day version? It's obviously positioned you to be in complete contrast to them. Going so far as to label it the biggest threat to the country.
Well, yeah... history is providing a lesson.

All of these instances (and the liberal/progressive movement that allowed women the right to finally vote and hold elected offices), provides abundant proof where whatever the impetus was for these results to occur- liberals, progressives, good over evil, whatever you wanna call it- were necessary to make the original intent become a reality for every living, breathing, sentient (hopefully) citizen.

So... what exactly has you completely in opposition to the present-day version? It's obviously positioned you to be in complete contrast to them. Going so far as to label it the biggest threat to the country.

What exactly are today’s libs looking to change for the better? Who is being persecuted? Other than children in the womb, of course.
What exactly are today’s libs and progressives looking to change for the better? Who is being persecuted? Other than children in the womb, of course.
I'm asking you. You have to ask me? That seems odd when you've decided that they're a scourge to our very society. They deserve sterilization and to be institutionalized. They're basically a virus to hear you rant about them.

You're so upset over this and it's because you've decided that everyone has everything exactly as they should, and anything else is a threat to your ideal version of what our society should be- live and let live.
I'm asking you. You have to ask me? That seems odd when you've decided that they're a scourge to our very society. They deserve sterilization and to be institutionalized. They're basically a virus to hear you rant about them.

You're so upset over this and it's because you've decided that everyone has everything exactly as they should, and anything else is a threat to your ideal version of what our society should be- live and let live.

Gotcha. I didn’t realize that you were the only one who got to ask questions around here.

I did you the courtesy of answering your questions. Why won’t you do the same for me?

And today’s libs are a scourge because they seek only to resist.
I'm asking you. You have to ask me? That seems odd when you've decided that they're a scourge to our very society. They deserve sterilization and to be institutionalized. They're basically a virus to hear you rant about them.

You're so upset over this and it's because you've decided that everyone has everything exactly as they should, and anything else is a threat to your ideal version of what our society should be- live and let live.

Libs are a virus though. Worse than the AIDS. You are correct about that.
Anyone surprised that Strum disappears when it’s his turn to answer questions?
Gotcha. I didn’t realize that you were the only one who got to ask questions around here.

I did you the courtesy of answering your questions. Why won’t you do the same for me?

And today’s libs are a scourge because they seek only to resist.
1) I'm not a "liberal"... I don't see myself as a liberal OR conservative. I don't believe anyone is one or the other, ALL the time. It all depends on who I'm around and my attitude is measured against.

2) If you want me to play the liberal to your conservative, I'm afraid it won't be much fun. I'm a shitty liberal, if that's how you want to frame this. I already stated that I agreed with you about the kids and the Indian guy.

I don't think people who identify as liberals are making much of a positive impact when they create outrage just to keep things stirred-up. I don't think people who identify as conservative are helping when they insist that everything is exactly as it should be and no one is being exploited, abused, maligned, etc.. That's just not possible. There is always more to do, even if it's maintaining the current status. And, maybe the culture has gotten to the point that it's "mostly" working. And, there is some manufacturing of outrage to keep people occupied and angry. That's not "liberal", though. That's people manufacturing outrage so they can appear to be relevant.

I don't think ANY of these media outlets are helping the overall situation at all. And, the more people consume them, the worse it gets. I do think that these confrontations that happen in-real-life, and their easy exposure within seconds of occurring, allows for the extreme minds and behaviors to get much more revved-up and create even more confrontation. Because of the way the social/political divide has manifested itself within that technology, it's making people more rigid and irrational. It's been interesting watching people (on here, in my family, in my circle of friends, anywhere I pay attention) allow themselves to drift further and further and never realize how different they've become.
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We should all thank strum for exposing the complete lunacy of this clown.
Man, that's just not true. You may feel that way, but there's no hard evidence to back that up in voting records.

Since Nixon:

Presidential terms: Republicans - 7 Democrats - 5. Republicans also have more popular votes over that time.

Congress: Republican Senate - 14 Democratic Senate - 10 Republican House - 13 Democratic House - 11

Weird way to say the country is capitulating someone when they're voting for the other party.

Yes, I’d agree that the masses, when allowed to voice their favor, have leaned Republican since Nixon. However the media, and those that are the loudest, have leaned the opposite way in that time. So while what you see/hear the most isn’t a representative sample, it’s still what you see/hear the most.
1) I'm not a "liberal"... I don't see myself as a liberal OR conservative. I don't believe anyone is one or the other, ALL the time. It all depends on who I'm around and my attitude is measured against.

2) If you want me to play the liberal to your conservative, I'm afraid it won't be much fun. I'm a shitty liberal, if that's how you want to frame this. I already stated that I agreed with you about the kids and the Indian guy.

I don't think people who identify as liberals are making much of a positive impact when they create outrage just to keep things stirred-up. I don't think people who identify as conservative are helping when they insist that everything is exactly as it should be and no one is being exploited, abused, maligned, etc.. That's just not possible. There is always more to do, even if it's maintaining the current status. And, maybe the culture has gotten to the point that it's "mostly" working. And, there is some manufacturing of outrage to keep people occupied and angry. That's not "liberal", though. That's people manufacturing outrage so they can appear to be relevant.

I don't think ANY of these media outlets are helping the overall situation at all. And, the more people consume them, the worse it gets. I do think that these confrontations that happen in-real-life, and their easy exposure within seconds of occurring, allows for the extreme minds and behaviors to get much more revved-up and create even more confrontation. Because of the way the social/political divide has manifested itself within that technology, it's making people more rigid and irrational. It's been interesting watching people (on here, in my family, in my circle of friends, anywhere I pay attention) allow themselves to drift further and further and never realize how different they've become.

1. Ok whatever

2. Ok whatever

3. Of course there are people who are being exploited, abused, maligned and what not. But there is no group other than poor people that this is happening to.

4. Libs create completely unjustified outrage about events, people and things. Cons create outrage about the libs creating outrage. See the difference? If the libs would act like decent human beings, the cons would have nothing about which to be outraged.

5. I don’t talk about politics with anyone other than message board people, so no worries about drifting.

Again I ask my question- what are libs trying to change for the better? Which segments of society are not receiving equal rights?
Meanwhile in the liberal Mecca of New York, a mom can schedule a c-section at 12pm to deliver her full term baby and change her mind and get an abortion at 11:59.

Nothing wrong with this?
Yes, I’d agree that the masses, when allowed to voice their favor, have leaned Republican since Nixon. However the media, and those that are the loudest, have leaned the opposite way in that time. So while what you see/hear the most isn’t a representative sample, it’s still what you see/hear the most.

Can't argue that.

I wish just one of the major news outlets was close to unbiased.
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or that it was 50-50.

Why? So they could just argue over one another like they do now? I'm sick of that.

Give me one outlet that I can turn to that just gives the news and lets people interpret it how they like.
Why? So they could just argue over one another like they do now? I'm sick of that.

Give me one outlet that I can turn to that just gives the news and lets people interpret it how they like.
Most outlets gives news that is truthful. The trick is being able to tell when the news ends and their opinion begins.
Why? So they could just argue over one another like they do now? I'm sick of that.

Give me one outlet that I can turn to that just gives the news and lets people interpret it how they like.

Because it is next to impossible to get news without bias. It's been going on since the printing press was invented and the only reason that things have changed is because anyone with a cell phone can give you a raw, unedited video that allows the viewer to decide for himself what happened.
But they don’t. They threaten children. They require that everyone else change in order to not offend their delicate sensabilities. They pass laws limiting speech. They want to take rights granted in the Constitution. They want to force you to modify your behavior to suit their needs.


And you just described rw gop’ers to a fuking tee. You can stomp your feet and whine about liberals all day (and with a lot of justification) but if you’re not willing to admit conservatives dont do precisely the same thing you’re being a hypocrite.
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And you just described rw gop’ers to a fuking tee. You can stomp your feet and whine about liberals all day (and with a lot of justification) but if you’re not willing to admit conservatives dont do precisely the same thing you’re being a hypocrite.

Disagree. There might be a few examples of a few idiots, but there is not a concerted effort to force change as there is from the left.

Prove me wrong.
Disagree. There might be a few examples of a few idiots, but there is not a concerted effort to force change as there is from the left.

Prove me wrong.

Oh theres no proving anything to you with your partisan beliefs. Not gonna waste my time. It is what it is. Both “sides” of the partisan political mental illness (tds) practice the very things you listed and both are just as certain they dont and both are flaming hypocrites for claiming it. No reasonable objective person can disagree with that. But being partisan by definition rejects reason and objectivity anyway. So Judge yourself accordingly.
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Oh theres no proving anything to you with your partisan beliefs. Not gonna waste my time. It is what it is. Both “sides” of the partisan political mental illness (tds) practice the very things you listed and both are just as certain they dont and both are flaming hypocrites for claiming it. No reasonable objective person can disagree with that. But being partisan by definition rejects reason and objectivity anyway. So Judge yourself accordingly.

So you said you were out, then you jump back in and toss around an insult or 2, then say you are done?

Just go kys please
Give me one outlet that I can turn to that just gives the news and lets people interpret it how they like.

They must have all poured a ton of money into research that has told them that the most polarizing views drive the most views/clicks. Which intuitively makes sense.

But I feel like if there was single legit spot for unbiased news, they'd be amazed at how many people would end up preferring that.
So you said you were out, then you jump back in and toss around an insult or 2, then say you are done?

Just go kys please

I meant Out of the discussion on covington and their jesus gospel spreading maga youths. Whenever you pontificate your partisan tsd on any other subject i’ll weigh in as i see fit. My only insult was directed at those who choose to criticize people for doing what they themselves do or support. I dont know u well enough to call you a hypocrite. But if you’re gonna judge liberals for wanting to force others to modify their behavior to conform to their beliefs (definition of religion imo) or words to that effect and claim conservatives dont do the same???!!! As well as every other behavior u listed??then....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yea that bullshit aint gonna fly.

“Just go kys”- @UNC71-00

I rest my case.
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I meant Out of the discussion on covington and their jesus gospel spreading maga youths. Whenever you pontificate your partisan tsd on any other subject i’ll weigh in as i see fit. My only insult was directed at those who choose to criticize people for doing what they themselves do or support. I dont know u well enough to call you a hypocrite. But if you’re gonna judge liberals for wanting to force others to modify their behavior to conform to their beliefs (definition of religion imo) or words to that effect and claim conservatives dont do the same???!!! As well as every other behavior u listed??then....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yea that bullshit aint gonna fly.

I didn't realize you could label all religious zealots as Conservatives. I don't put up with religious zealots either. However, they are much easier to ignore since they don't control the media.

And I have no idea what you are trying to say with the rest of your poast.