OOTB's Political Thread . ..


It's almost like a GOP operative went into the DNC as a mole and convinced these bozos that this is their future. This is too good to be true. There just aren't enough idiot hipsters and bamboozled minorities for a "socialist" to ever win a national election.
Here's a sort of long, but good read for perspective on the prospects of Ms Hyphen being a lasting force in politics.

In her primary, she got <3% of the possible votes (16,000/691,000) as a Puerto Rican / Hispanic in her almost entirely Puerto Rican district, against an old white incumbent D who the D's redistricted out of office, basically.

Her only problem going forward should be if any mass media catches her saying or typing anything. Which instantly displays her weapons-grade stupidity, and inability to grasp 4th grade math or socialism history.

Barring that exposure, she's good to go.

PS - as article states, AOC is a Puerto Rican Hispanic, with her last hyphenated name Cortez being a ruthless butcher of Hispanics (Cortes) - nice self awareness. Author says it'd be like a Jew taking the last name of Hitler or Eichmann.
I don't really like the song, but the lyrics are interesting and the mention of AOC's last name reminded me of it.
Oh crap. You know what... I was thinking of “Down By The River”. Not sure why I got those confused.

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Here's a sort of long, but good read for perspective on the prospects of Ms Hyphen being a lasting force in politics.
Apparently AOCDS is 2019's TDS.

This poast is so insanely derp-worthy that I'm coming out of hibernation to make a few points. Let's go to the tape....

In her primary, she got <3% of the possible votes (16,000/691,000)....
The author's statement above is deliberately misleading. It understates the numerator by using results from the primaries where voter turnout is notoriously low. It also rounds her 16,898 votes down to 16,000 when most reasonable people would round it up to 17,000. The far bigger sin is that it grossly inflates the denominator by using the total number of residents in her district, as if that's in any way relevant. The only statistic that matters is the number of registered voters in her district. That number happens to be 320,732 or less than half of the number cited by the author. Oops.

So to recap, voter turnout for NY's 14th District Primaries was 29,778 out of 320,732 voters or only about 9.2%. AOC garnered 16,898 votes or 56.7% of the primary vote. The general election saw 141,122 votes cast (44.0% voter turnout) and AOC won 110,318 or 78.2% of those votes. But sure, let's quote 3% because math is hard and stuff.

PS - as article states, AOC is a Puerto Rican Hispanic, with her last hyphenated name Cortez being a ruthless butcher of Hispanics (Cortes) - nice self awareness. Author says it'd be like a Jew taking the last name of Hitler or Eichmann.
Just when I thought the article couldn't get worse, it did: "How in the world does a Hispanic person end up with a surname that includes Cortez?"

Tell me, how many Latinos do you know who have a Nahuatl name? A Quechuan name? A Carib name? A Guarani name? This is like saying Cam Johnson isn't "self-aware" because his ancestors took the name of their slave owners. It also completely ignores the fact that many people living in Puerto Rico, like all of Latin America, are descended from Iberians. She could very well be a descendant of Hernan Cortes, for all we know.

But it's his comparison to Nazis (please mark the Godwin's Law square on your bingo card) that takes the cake. Never mind the Nazis embraced systematic genocide while the Spanish and Portuguese actually tried to assimilate the indigenous cultures of the Americas. He's on a roll.

For the record, I have no love for AOC. I think she's incredibly naive and her policies are potentially disastrous. I'm just saying this is a terrible ****ing article.
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Apparently AOCDS is 2019's TDS.

This poast is so insanely derp-worthy that I'm coming out of hibernation to make a few points. Let's go to the tape....

The author's statement above, which you apparently swallowed whole, is deliberately misleading. It understates the numerator by using results from the primaries where voter turnout is notoriously low. It also rounds her 16,898 votes down to 16,000 when most reasonable people would round it up to 17,000. The far bigger sin is that it grossly inflates the denominator by using the total number of residents in her district, as if that's in any way relevant. The only statistic that matters is the number of registered voters in her district. That number happens to be 320,732 or less than half of the number cited by the author. Oops.

So to recap, voter turnout for NY's 14th District Primaries was 29,778 out of 320,732 voters or only about 9.2%. AOC garnered 16,898 votes or 56.7% of the primary vote. The general election saw 141,122 votes cast (44.0% voter turnout) and AOC won 110,318 or 78.2% of those votes. But sure, let's quote 3% because math is hard and stuff.

Just when I thought the article couldn't get worse, it did: "How in the world does a Hispanic person end up with a surname that includes Cortez?"

Tell me, how many Latinos do you know who have a Nahuatl name? A Quechuan name? A Carib name? A Guarani name? This is like saying Cam Johnson isn't "self-aware" because his ancestors took the name of their slave owners. It also completely ignores the fact that many people living in Puerto Rico, like all of Latin America, are descended from Iberians. She could very well be a descendant of Hernan Cortes, for all we know.

But it's his comparison to Nazis (please mark the Godwin's Law square on your bingo card) that takes the cake. Never mind the Nazis embraced systematic genocide while the Spanish and Portuguese actually tried to assimilate the indigenous cultures of the Americas. He's on a roll.

It's slightly terrifying that you think an 1,800-word essay is long. It's completely terrifying that you think an essay containing the phrases "Rectal Carbon-Dioxide Expeller" and "Can Hyphen even count that high?" is good.

For the record, I have no love for AOC. I think she's incredibly naive and her policies are potentially disastrous. I'm just saying this is a terrible ****ing article and you should be embarrassed for sharing it here.

I love AOC. She is another version of Trump and makes me laugh with every new interview, video, tweet, etc.

Also has a great rack.
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Actually you’re right. Took it wrong

I’m kind of disappointed (not with you in particular). Does anyone really think that I want people thrown in jail/ institutionalized for their political views? I mean, I have been poasting here for a long time and I am somewhat sad that anyone would actually think that of me.
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Tell me, how many Latinos do you know who have a Nahuatl name? A Quechuan name? A Carib name? A Guarani name? This is like saying Cam Johnson isn't "self-aware" because his ancestors took the name of their slave owners. It also completely ignores the fact that many people living in Puerto Rico, like all of Latin America, are descended from Iberians. She could very well be a descendant of Hernan Cortes, for all we know.
It made me think of the many, if not all, black people with Anglo-Saxon last names. Jackson's, Washington's

and Jefferson's!
Not one of my favorite Neil Young tunes, but it's not bad.

I went to Peru this summer and what I learned from our guides is that if the Incas had not been in a civil war and trying to sell each other out, they would have crushed the Conquistadors.
You and your guide need to read the book Guns, Germs, and Steel mentioned in another thread.
No way. The truth stops after the sentence..."We're CNN/Fox/MSNBC and here's what's happening..."

So where do ya'll get your news? Canadian news seems to be pretty even when reporting on the US but it's painful to watch. (Sooooooo boring).
Do you watch MSM and then adjust it based on your bias meter or get it from other sources?

So where do ya'll get your news? Canadian news seems to be pretty even when reporting on the US but it's painful to watch. (Sooooooo boring).
Do you watch MSM and then adjust it based on your bias meter or get it from other sources?


I listen to NPR in the morning. They're a little left for my liking ideally, but I find they are the closest thing I'm going to get in a major outlet.
Roger Stone is the newest flunky to be indicted. I'm frankly surprised it wasn't sooner for him.
I think Trump will agree to exit the show in 2020 in exchange for immunity and/or not going to a pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
I think Trump will agree to exit the show in 2020 in exchange for immunity and/or not going to a pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
Immunity from what? You know that people that high up aren't held accountable. He's not going to jail for anything. Worst case scenario for him is he's forced to resign and Pence pardons him.
Immunity from what? You know that people that high up aren't held accountable. He's not going to jail for anything. Worst case scenario for him is he's forced to resign and Pence pardons him.
Either way, he's safe from danger.

The flunkies are not as lucky.
Immunity from what? You know that people that high up aren't held accountable. He's not going to jail for anything. Worst case scenario for him is he's forced to resign and Pence pardons him.
Usually I would agree with this sentiment. If I were him, I would be worried about the enemies he’s made once he’s out of office. DC doesn’t forget and he can’t be protected once he’s out.
Usually I would agree with this sentiment. If I were him, I would be worried about the enemies he’s made once he’s out of office. DC doesn’t forget and he can’t be protected once he’s out.
I dunno... once you're a member, you are always a member. Trump is atypical, granted. I still believe that he walks no matter what happens.

It will be interesting to see.
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I dunno... once you're a member, you are always a member. Trump is atypical, granted. I still believe that he walks no matter what happens.

It will be interesting to see.

I wonder about Trump post-presidency. Once these guys leave office, they form a fraternity no matter what party and it's fantastic. It's one of those clubs where only 4-5 of them on earth know what it's like.

Will he be welcomed into that club by W, Obama, Clinton, Carter? This is the weird shit I think about while sitting on conference calls (at McDonald's of course).
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I wonder about Trump post-presidency. Once these guys leave office, they form a fraternity no matter what party and it's fantastic. It's one of those clubs where only 4-5 of them on earth know what it's like.

Will he be welcomed into that club by W, Obama, Clinton, Carter? This is the weird shit I think about while sitting on conference calls (at McDonald's of course).
I never thought of that. I have my doubts about him being welcomed into the fold. He's a little like OJ. All the social circles that he craved for have never truly accepted his application. The Juice was a member who was kicked out. I don't think Trump was ever much of a member.
I wonder about Trump post-presidency. Once these guys leave office, they form a fraternity no matter what party and it's fantastic. It's one of those clubs where only 4-5 of them on earth know what it's like.

Will he be welcomed into that club by W, Obama, Clinton, Carter? This is the weird shit I think about while sitting on conference calls (at McDonald's of course).
I’d say no. He’s taken it too far, IMO.

Melania will have an open invite though...

Trump gave Stone the icy cold shoulder way back. Stone might be willing to give up information as pay back.
He got the Raylan Givens wake-up call this morning.

In case anyone was wondering whether or not this a purely political investigation, CNN was tipped off by the Special Counsel's office so they could be there live for the FBI arrest.

And the indictment has nothing to do with anything related to collusion, so again, really not worried about Trump.
In case anyone was wondering whether or not this a purely political investigation, CNN was tipped off by the Special Counsel's office so they could be there live for the FBI arrest.

And the indictment has nothing to do with anything related to collusion, so again, really not worried about Trump.

hat would be @davidgshortell. He said on air that he got to Stone's house early this morning after they noticed some unusual grand jury activity in Washington yesterday.

I really don't care but I do know that several news outlets yesterday were reporting that the Grand Jury was in session and that was unusual for a Thursday and that it usually meant someone was being arrested.