Sciencey Stuff

So this is cool

I already knew about this underwater coral structure thats shaped like a bowl at top and this certain kind of fish lives there. the sea turtles actually line up and wait their turn to rest in the bowl and have the fish clean them of parasites and barnacles and stuff. Somehow the word gets out lol.
And now this.
This lady diver in the Bahamas started noticing sharks with fish hooks in their mouths and fish line usually trailing behind. So she started helping by pulling the hooks out. She’s never been bitten and now sharks with hooks are actually congregating where she does this and swim right up to her seeking help it seems.
So this is cool

I already knew about this underwater coral structure thats shaped like a bowl at top and this certain kind of fish lives there. the sea turtles actually line up and wait their turn to rest in the bowl and have the fish clean them of parasites and barnacles and stuff. Somehow the word gets out lol.
And now this.
This lady diver in the Bahamas started noticing sharks with fish hooks in their mouths and fish line usually trailing behind. So she started helping by pulling the hooks out. She’s never been bitten and now sharks with hooks are actually congregating where she does this and swim right up to her seeking help it seems.
That is amazing. Someone's got to have video of it you'd think. Also, she must have balls the size of watermelons to do that in the first place.
Mumbai India has 20 million people and is home to over 50 leopards making it the most leopard dense place on the planet. They roam the backstreets at night in plain sight and eat over a 1000 dogs a year.
In lopburi Thailand, protected by religious stupidity, a 700 strong macaque gang lives on the grounds of a temple downtown. They roam the city 24/7 knowing how to negotiate crosswalks and use the streetlights. They eat so much trash and “offerings” that the older ones inevitably become overweight and die of cancer and heart disease.