What I do want to see is the rationale for
@carolinablue34 saying that he thinks we should take full responsibility for the academic scandal.
Maybe non-alums don't feel the same way as alums do about the situation, and not that I took any AFAM classes, but I don't want there to be any remote possibility of a devaluation of my degree from UNC (unless of course they'll send me a year's tuition as compensation or something, which I highly doubt).
You're kinda contradicting yourself here, but I guess I see what you mean.
Here's my thing. I'm an alum... but I don't care AT ALL that our players took easy AFAM courses. I don't care one bit. Now, I find it pretty crazy that UNC (the academic side, mind you) allowed such easy courses to exist and go unchecked, but I then again, I'm not surprised. Everyone knows UNC is super PC just like all colleges, and no way were white admins going to say "Uhm, excuse me African-American studies, I think your courses might be too easy..." because they're afraid of being called racists.
I really don't understand how alums are concerned that their degree is "cheapened" by this whole scandal. I find that idea laughable to be quite honest. UNC is one of the best academic institutions in the country (IMO, it's
TOO good of an academic institution for its own good, but I won't delve in to that here) and a couple easy courses ain't gonna affect that reputation lol.
I find the whole thing pretty laughable. I also find it pretty laughable when retards on GT and NCSU boards poast something like the following, which you see A LOT:
"At my company, now, if an applicant has UNC-CH listed on his resume, we automatically throw his application in the trash, period."
LOL okay, sure you do. Translation of this boils down to one of three things:
1. I'm flat-out making this up to look cool in front of my virtual message board friends.
2. I'm not even in charge of making hires at my company, but if I was, I
would throw UNC grads' applications away. But since this is such a moronic idea, I obviously am not talented enough to ever be in a position to make important hires at a company.
3. I own my own landscaping business and daggumit, I do NOT let any UNC grads work for me!!!11