OOTB Carolina Basketball Discussion Thread

they are getting better, clearly.
I hope we get consistency out of Love soon. I couldn’t watch but it looks like he struggled, shooting and scoring under control anyway.

I get this sense that maybe he is too intense, angry, trying too hard sometimes. Forcing things. Not having fun.

I’m not saying a head case like rashad McCants by any stretch. But maybe he will lighten up and have fun at some point.
I hope we get consistency out of Love soon. I couldn’t watch but it looks like he struggled, shooting and scoring under control anyway.

I get this sense that maybe he is too intense, angry, trying too hard sometimes. Forcing things. Not having fun.

I’m not saying a head case like rashad McCants by any stretch. But maybe he will lighten up and have fun at some point.

he forced a lot, even fouled out...they are, or seem, really solid at this very moment...the next two are large for just a good mindset; durham and clemson.
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How is this possible the last 3 games have been our best 3 games since the start of the 2nd half of the Wake game and Plateks minutes have been, 8,8,9!

Can anyone tell me what's going on?
I like Plates attitude but it is clear that the lights are starting to come on and young guys like Kerwin, RJ, love, and ant are playing enough better - and are the future - that it’s going to be hard for Platek to get his time back. It is too bad for him, but that is reality. No conspiracy. No wrong decision by Roy. Just the natural progression for making this team as good overall as it can be in March this year - and next year.
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Solid game. There was about a 10 minute stretch in the second half that looked like a normal UNC offense. Need to figure out how to do that for 40 minutes a game.

Yeah - said the same in one of the game threads.

We went on one of those vintage UNC 7-0 runs in like 55 seconds to stretch the lead out. Feels like we used to do that once a game - this is the first one I remember in the last 2 seasons.
Yeah - said the same in one of the game threads.

We went on one of those vintage UNC 7-0 runs in like 55 seconds to stretch the lead out. Feels like we used to do that once a game - this is the first one I remember in the last 2 seasons.

Yes it’s great news but also incredibly sad that we put together a modest run and “got hot” against a decent team for the first time in two years. I’ll take it though.
I don't know whose obsession is worse - the Raider crowd with their Platek love or the anti-Raider crowd with their heckle of the Platek love.

Some guys are "fan favorites" for no reason. We've had a bunch of them - some black, some white. I don't get why this is such a thing around here and there.
I don't know whose obsession is worse - the Raider crowd with their Platek love or the anti-Raider crowd with their heckle of the Platek love.

Some guys are "fan favorites" for no reason. We've had a bunch of them - some black, some white. I don't get why this is such a thing around here and there.

It's the backup QB scenario...everyone loves them until they actually get meaningful minutes and you realize why they were a backup.

Luke Maye really screwed every white or low-ranked unathletic kid we will ever recruit now because some of our idiot fans will expect his level of a career from every one of these guys.

Watch for a few bad Leaky games, you'll get the THR crowd going "hey you know what, I think Puff should be getting a lot more minutes." When in reality, Puff isn't close to being ready to play meaningful ACC minutes.
I don't know whose obsession is worse - the Raider crowd with their Platek love or the anti-Raider crowd with their heckle of the Platek love.

Some guys are "fan favorites" for no reason. We've had a bunch of them - some black, some white. I don't get why this is such a thing around here and there.

We’ve had multiple page threads over cereal and grated cheese
It's the backup QB scenario...everyone loves them until they actually get meaningful minutes and you realize why they were a backup.

Luke Maye really screwed every white or low-ranked unathletic kid we will ever recruit now because some of our idiot fans will expect his level of a career from every one of these guys.
That's not the right theory for Platek. His is the vicarious underdog example. He is a (comparatively) slow, unathletic, white guy. That describes 99% of the posters on radar. Platek is playing at their dream school as the underdog. That is also their life story if they could write it.
Watch for a few bad Leaky games, you'll get the THR crowd going "hey you know what, I think Puff should be getting a lot more minutes." When in reality, Puff isn't close to being ready to play meaningful ACC minutes
Watch for a few bad Black-Unity games? I've been doing that since he got on campus.
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I don't know whose obsession is worse - the Raider crowd with their Platek love or the anti-Raider crowd with their heckle of the Platek love.

Some guys are "fan favorites" for no reason. We've had a bunch of them - some black, some white. I don't get why this is such a thing around here and there.
IMO its got little to do with Platek the player, over on Raider. Most of the threads are born out of one poster who will straight up tell you he knows more about basketball than Roy + Dean + all us fans combined.....he was an ol' ball coach ya see, and has graduated up to being part of a basketball intelligencia mafia....

same with Joel Berry, who was by all accounts an all-time favorite by many fans, but that was ruined a bit, diminished somewhat by same said poster making JB out to be superior to Coby, maybe on a good day better than Jordan. Tap the brakes. JB isn't even in the NBA now IIRC.

If that poster would just say "look, here's how I feel about player X, and why. My opinion, no better or worse or more knowledgable than any other fan's (or Roy's). To each his own opinion." Fine.

But it's just that smug, condascending "I'm a basketball genius, why do I have to suffer all these ignorant stupid fools on this board? What a cross I have to bear that they can't see what I can see so clearly?"

...Along with his pure BS revisionist spin, making up stuff that just isn't true, to favor JB / AP in a way he would never does for any other player on the team it seems (blown assists, spacing king, etc) People just have a hard time - rightly so IMO - letting that attitude and posting style slide by as acceptable. People don't like being called ignorant, dumb, by some alleged "basketball genius" nobody's ever heard of before.
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#50 with the wristbands!

We called him chick cause he would dribble exclusively with his left hand and hold up his right elbow to fend off defenders like a chicken wing. He was tough as hell and backed down to no one but god he was awful. Every time he got the ball we would all collectively scream “pass it pass it!” He had the most unorthodox left handed shot you’ve ever seen with zero arch on it and no touch. He would fire it like a bazooka. He and okoren were best buds and roomies at Granville towers when I was there.
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I tell you who radar woulda loved is a guy named mike pepper that played ‘79-81 I think. Baby faced White guy that could absolutely jump out of the gym. Could 360 dunk. We wanted him to play so bad but jumping was really his only skill. I saw him dunk two balls one in each hand at Granville. Just think about how high you have to get to do that. This was the era of dr j so we called him...of course....dr pepper
We called him chick cause he would dribble exclusively with his left hand and hold up his right elbow to fend off defenders like a chicken wing. He was tough as hell and backed down to no one but god he was awful. Every time he got the ball we would all collectively scream “pass it pass it!” He had the most unorthodox left handed shot you’ve ever seen with zero arch on it and no touch. He would fire it like a bazooka. He and okoren were best buds and roomies at Granville towers when I was there.
My dad would take me to one or two games a season back then- football and basketball. Some guy that he worked with was in the Ram's Club, I think, and he would sell my dad some for the games he couldn't go and see. We started going when I was in maybe 2nd or 3rd grade, until I was in 7th or 8th grade. I was in... maybe the 5th or 6th grade, maybe? when O'Koren was on the team. But, I used to just devour everything I could find about the Tar Heels. We'd get a game program and I'd read it 1000 times! And, sometimes, he'd get me these team schedule posters, some had calendars on them, that had the players headshots and the coaches/asst coaches. Like this:

My dad would take me to one or two games a season back then- football and basketball. Some guy that he worked with was in the Ram's Club, I think, and he would sell my dad some for the games he couldn't go and see. We started going when I was in maybe 2nd or 3rd grade, until I was in 7th or 8th grade. I was in... maybe the 5th or 6th grade, maybe? when O'Koren was on the team. But, I used to just devour everything I could find about the Tar Heels. We'd get a game program and I'd read it 1000 times! And, sometimes, he'd get me these team schedule posters, some had calendars on them, that had the players headshots and the coaches/asst coaches. Like this:


Had those in my dorm room. Lol
Is it just me, or does anyone else think these games with no fans are boring?
It is not just you. It is so hard to get into any college or pro game, with no fans, or maybe worse, the fake, piped-in, background fans.

They are just glorified scrimmages now, and while there may be a bit of a home court advantage....I think that advantage is about 10% of what it used to be.

Without bringing politics into this - can't we just get some point where we can as a country reassess when we can go back to normal? What measures of positive case rate? How many deaths with COVID as the primary cause for someone who wasn't already dying of something else?

Why can we have 20% or 30% of fan base, wearing masks, but no more? But we can have thousands - maybe wearing masks, maybe not, right outside the stadium mingling with each other?

Why can we have 10 basketball or 22 football people on a field without masks, and 40+ on the sidelines with or without masks (often on their chins) but if a coach doesn't wear a mask (it IS OK if he wears it and pulls it down every 20 seconds to scream and spit out instructions to his team) - he gets major fines?

I just want to know a reassessment date - when we judge the actions we've taken, ask if they have done any good whatsoever, and define clearly a date and measurement level when we can return to normal - in sports, school, business.

Please don't say "this IS the new normal". Then I will have to try to move to somewhere more based in freedom and actual real world.
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They are just glorified scrimmages now
Yep.. it feels like I'm watching scrimmage games. For the most part, I've watched all the Heels games, and while it's great they we are improving, I find it difficult to sit through 2 hour games.

In football, it wasn't as noticeable. And it was kinda cool to hear the qb's and other players calling out lineup changes, etc.
Why can we have 10 basketball or 22 football people on a field without masks, and 40+ on the sidelines with or without masks (often on their chins) but if a coach doesn't wear a mask (it IS OK if he wears it and pulls it down every 20 seconds to scream and spit out instructions to his team) - he gets major fines?
It's about $ and they're creating an illusion that it isn't about $