SKJ transferring from Kentucky

??? I've yet to trash our program at all. I'm simply pointing out that we are adding guys to compete with players already on the team. I support the practice and am glad UNC does it. "Recruiting over" someone is not something I worry about, and I don't think our coaches do either. The best players will play.

You said we recruited over Seventh with Jalek and Coby. That's a lie. Jalek was already committed, and Coby isn't a PG.

You guys are going to have to deal with Seventh as PG. It's gonna happen.
You said we recruited over Seventh with Jalek and Coby. That's a lie. Jalek was already committed, and Coby isn't a PG.

You guys are going to have to deal with Seventh as PG. It's gonna happen.
If we are going to get technical, most recruiting sites listed Seventh as either a SG or CG, so he wouldn't be a point guard either. Since Roy has said he's going to give Coby a shot at PG, I think it's safe to say that he's just as much of a PG as Seventh was/is.
You said we recruited over Seventh with Jalek and Coby. That's a lie. Jalek was already committed, and Coby isn't a PG.

You guys are going to have to deal with Seventh as PG. It's gonna happen.
A lie? Wow, talk about an uncharitable interpretation.

Many here have called for Seventh to play SG. Regardless of exact position, he is competing for the same playing time as Coby is and Felton was.

If you hate that example, use B-Rob. Both Cam and Nassir are taking his playing time. Both arrived at least a season after him.

Great coaches don't tend to turn down talent, and Roy doesn't either. I am not talking trash at all, I am supporting Roy's strategy.
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So his inability to stay healthy is not a concern to you?
I don't think I am going to say a player cannot play a position because he has been hurt before. He won't be the first or last heel to have injuries.

Theo Pinson probably was hurt for longer than Woods was in his first 2 years. (dunno if actually true)
I don't think I am going to say a player cannot play a position because he has been hurt before. He won't be the first or last heel to have injuries.

Theo Pinson probably was hurt for longer than Woods was in his first 2 years. (dunno if actually true)

Theo missed 14 games his first 2 seasons. Woods missed 17. Even with that, Roy trusted Theo enough to give him 15+ minutes per game even as a freshman.

At this point, for all the people that are saying he's going to "surprise", y'all are setting him up for failure by making him out to be someone he currently hasn't shown the tools to be. Him turning out to be able to start over Coby should be a pleasant surprise, not a required expectation.

EDIT: Theo returned for 2 games in late March but sat out the entire ACC tourney. So it may have been that he only missed 10 due to injury and 4 for rest.
Seventh can help out some, that is where this discussion should end.. We have seen enough to know he is not a 30 minute a game guy , but could do some damage 10 minutes a game..
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Theo had problems too.

Oh, so Theo having problems means 7th is going to be ok? Ah, alright.

The original point was that he hasn't shown us enough on the court. Someone said he's barely been on the court like it's a pass for him. It isn't. If you can't stay healthy, you can't contribute.

Plus, Theo showed a hell of a lot more in his limited action Fresh and Soph than 7th has.

We're going to have this argument all offseason and it's nauseating. My position won't change. Hope he shows me something, but until he does, I'm not expecting it because I haven't seen it.
You said we recruited over Seventh with Jalek and Coby. That's a lie. Jalek was already committed, and Coby isn't a PG.

You guys are going to have to deal with Seventh as PG. It's gonna happen.

Every school recruits the best players possible year after year. It’s the nature of the beast. What are schools suppose to do get a player and then not recruit that position until that kid leaves?
Every school recruits the best players possible year after year. It’s the nature of the beast. What are schools suppose to do get a player and then not recruit that position until that kid leaves?

EXACTLY, that's why the recruiting over a kid comment never really makes sense to me
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He needed a better coach. Talent is there. Diallo the type of player who needed to be in college at least 3 years. Oh well!!!!

Diallo is an ideal example of the difference between linear athleticism and talent. He can jump high and run fast in a straight line, but his lack of awareness and body control prevents him from playing like an elite athlete. Those aren't very teachable traits.

Same problem McAdoo had and Woods seems to have.
Pretty interesting. Would love to hear the thought process from both parties. I get why SKJ would want to come here.
He's also considering, Clemson, NC State, Notre Dame, Pitt and Wake from the ACC.
He might as well sit out a will take at least that long to pick the splinters out of his arse after having lounged on Cal's bench for so long. At least he's well rested.
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I have been pretty quite about SJK transferring, frankly I expected this last year and was surprised it didn't happen, took some talking for him to stay at Ky for last season so his leaving now didn't surprise me at all. SJK is not a bad kid but he did get his head turned with the 1&D talk and he was very concerned that we were under the NCAA's dark cloud, had it not been for that I do think he would have committed to us out of high school and I do believe that with a couple years of development in Roy's system he would have been a much better player than he so far has shown. Player development is not what Kal does at Ky, you are expected to already be ready to play if kal graces you by showing attention. You get to go against big time talents in practice every day and if you do not improve from that then you live on the bench or get out of town if Kal has your replacement in hand.

Our situation right now is that we have Luke and 2 rising soph big men we all feel good about in we believe will develop in to big timers, we as well have a couple of big men that have a lot of promise (that I as well think will be players for us in time). Here is the problem, love Luke but he is not a dominant big man but more of a not real long stretch 4 by ACC standards, uses his smarts to get good position but athleticism is and will be a concern. Love the brief flashes I saw from both Manley and Brooks, think on a typical developmental curve they are both on track to be future big time players for us, similar tracks we watched with Hicks, Brice, Meeks, Deon but how far that actually does go is still to be seen. I personally think Huff can play, I see him as a much better version of Joel James, I think Marshal for a 6'11" kid has a really nice shooting touch and will in time have folks wondering how the heck he was ever a walk on. These are things I think will happen, these are not things I know will happen and that space between what may happen and what will can sometimes be huge.

So in steps SJK, 6'10" & 221lbs, needs more weight but was considered to be a fringe NBA 1&D kid out of high school, in the same group as Tony, not sure fire but had a chance to be. Factor in that most expect the 2019 or 2020 class to no longer be subject to the 1&D rule. So the I would rather have Bacot discussion could become moot if Bacot can enter the draft right out of HS, Carey same thing. All the sudden the value of a SJK, a kid already with 2yrs of college play under his belt, big game experience, in a program at UNC known to both skill and physically develop kids, AND able to swing in and play with the bigs we already have? I would have taken SJK in a minute over Montgomery and I just do not buy the west coast kid Roy is talking to will end up with us and frankly, not sure I would prefer him over SJK either.

Now consider, the kid's mom works at UNC, Roy recruited him out of HS, in fact many assumed he would be an easy get for us and frankly has to some degree regretted his decision to go to Ky since it was made but didn't want to risk losing a yr of eligibility and was not willing to until now (now that the NCAA cloud has passed from us). I was really hoping and it was a much closer call than many realized, that the kid would have transferred to us last season, so, sure I would take him now and be very glad he is finally where he should have been all along. Just my opinion but one I have held since the kid's frosh season kinda fizzled at Ky!
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He was originally committed to UVA. He wasn’t coming here regardless. He’s not going to play much here. Soft.

The NCAA cloud was the reason the kid didn't come to us, that front is a very different thing today. See my reply in the other thread for my opinion & perspective on this.
I bet he’s very sorry he didn’t sign with UVA or UNC out of high school. I think he would have a tough time winning PT against our then junior big men. But if SKJ wants to come home to Chapel Hill, I would welcome him.
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I bet he’s very sorry he didn’t sign with UVA or UNC out of high school. I think he would have a tough time winning PT against our then junior big men. But if SKJ wants to come home to Chapel Hill, I would welcome him.

AND1 . .
The NCAA cloud was the reason the kid didn't come to us, that front is a very different thing today. See my reply in the other thread for my opinion & perspective on this.

No offense but I’m not reading all that. Sorry not excited about UK’s sloppy seconds.