OOTB Carolina Basketball Discussion Thread

Anybody want to go in with me on a Christmas present for @gunslingerdick?


I'll cover the first $3 . .
OK, another example of the problems with radar. @dukephysics goes over there and makes harmless legitimate posts about Knox and people just start dismissing him and try to bait him into doing something that might get him banned. Why the hell can't we have other fans join in a conversation when they are being civil? They have done the same thing to @Coach325 many times as well. God forbid we have multiple opinions on a subject.

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OK, another example of the problems with radar. @dukephysics goes over there and makes harmless legitimate posts about Knox and people just start dismissing him and try to bait him into doing something that might get him banned. Why the hell can't we have other fans join in a conversation when they are being civil? They have done the same thing to @Coach325 many times as well. God forbid we have multiple opinions on a subject.


Seriously. You'd of thought that dukephysics had killed a baby and left it on someone's front porch.
We've had a lot of good fans come from other places and carry on good conversations. MANY of those believed the media on the scandal and got themselves banned, our own fans have taken a real hard look at all who come from other sites because of this.

Many of you give outsiders more wiggle room than our own fans and I find that "deplorable." :cool:
I only post occasionally but read frequently ...but it seems like EVERY outsider who brings a different opinion is either hosed down like a dog or shown the door ..even the ones who are in all honesty more respectful than some of the regulars on THr
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By saying "shown the door" if you mean banned they earn it otherwise we are open to all who post respectfully.
By saying "shown the door" if you mean banned they earn it otherwise we are open to all who post respectfully.

I respectfully disagree, Mikey. People on THR are so goddamn sensitive when ANY dook fan comes over and offers a differing opinion. The few guys that do come over, don't come to cause trouble, yet for some reason we drive them off.

They're biased, just as we are. They're information might not be correct. But at least hear them out without the rest if them throwing a hissy fit.
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I believe so, yes.

He is and NEVER stirs the pot or has folk after him as far as I know. We have some UK fans who posted for years, then the scandal hit and they bought into the media blitz and are no longer with us. Smooth is a Maryland fan and post all the time.
He is and NEVER stirs the pot or has folk after him as far as I know. We have some UK fans who posted for years, then the scandal hit and they bought into the media blitz and are no longer with us. Smooth is a Maryland fan and post all the time.

Look, you claim you don't take sides, but on the other thread it's clear that you are.

All I'm asking is what that physics guy, or coach says that's merits them getting shouted down? Can we not converse with our rivals?
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Of course you can and YES I take sides, I'm on TEAM UNC side.

I'm a Tar Heel through and though make no beans about it.
Of course you can and YES I take sides, I'm on TEAM UNC side.

I'm a Tar Heel through and though make no beans about it.

As am I, Mikey. I have been since I was a kid and I'm damn proud of it.

But I'm also on the side of reason. I believe in discourse. I have a friend who's a duke fan and we get along fine discussing college hoops. I don't believe loyalty to our team means we have to act hostile to others.
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Nor do I, had lunch today with a very good friend and his wife they are rabid Duke fans, so I know what you speak of.
Nor do I, had lunch today with a very good friend and his wife they are rabid Duke fans, so I know what you speak of.

Exactly. I don't frequent radar as much as I used to, which might be a good thing. But all I'm asking is that we give people like coach and physics a shot. If they're condescending pricks like skysdad, give em the boot. But if they just want to share what they know, even if it contradicts what we believe, let them.
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I agree, but I also know our guys got really bummed out by the jerks coming over with all their media info on the scandal. It will take some time but it will get better.
We've had a lot of good fans come from other places and carry on good conversations. MANY of those believed the media on the scandal and got themselves banned, our own fans have taken a real hard look at all who come from other sites because of this.

Many of you give outsiders more wiggle room than our own fans and I find that "deplorable." :cool:
I don't know how you can read that Knox thread and not be embarrassed about it. If you can't recognize it then I don't think there is any hope radar can become a decent board. Maybe I should just do what so many other UNC fans have done and just stop going over there. I would like to have an all inclusive place to talk about UNC basketball, but I don't think radar can be that type of place.
I don't know how you can read that Knox thread and not be embarrassed about it. If you can't recognize it then I don't think there is any hope radar can become a decent board. Maybe I should just do what so many other UNC fans have done and just stop going over there. I would like to have an all inclusive place to talk about UNC basketball, but I don't think radar can be that type of place.

Have not read it top to bottom. But Radar is a great place to talk Tar Heel Basketball. Much better than that other site.

You guys have this horrible hang up about Gary. If he bothers you that bad, ignore him, I disagree with him and have no issues. You go to pick and fight and you will find one. Talk some hoops, share what you have heard or know.
Have not read it top to bottom. But Radar is a great place to talk Tar Heel Basketball. Much better than that other site.

You guys have this horrible hang up about Gary. If he bothers you that bad, ignore him, I disagree with him and have no issues. You go to pick and fight and you will find one. Talk some hoops, share what you have heard or know.
I haven't even mentioned Gary so I don't know why you wanted to bring him up. I've said many times that I don't have a personal issue with him. Your response tells me a lot though. Instead of trying to help find a solution that will stop people from feeling unwelcome and running off, you say that we are picking fights. How many people are going to have to tell you there is a problem before you guys recognize there actually is one?
Have not read it top to bottom. But Radar is a great place to talk Tar Heel Basketball. Much better than that other site.

You guys have this horrible hang up about Gary. If he bothers you that bad, ignore him, I disagree with him and have no issues. You go to pick and fight and you will find one. Talk some hoops, share what you have heard or know.

Mike. Radar has become toxic. And not because we started picking fights. But because a select few decided to set the rules for what you can and can't say. It's a complete mob mentality! I'm not looking to start fights. But if I get attacked for having a different opinion, what do you expect me to do?

This isn't about gary. It's about radar being a decent place to talk hoops, and right now I could not disagree more with your assertion that it is. It's not. And many have and will tell you so.
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I think topps is worse than the physics guy who everyone seemed to hate over there. Then again, I've seen him post on boards other than THR so maybe get his nonsense there confused with what he posts on Radar.
I think topps is worse than the physics guy who everyone seemed to hate over there. Then again, I've seen him post on boards other than THR so maybe get his nonsense there confused with what he posts on Radar.

Always been respectful on radar but maybe like he says, he ain't trying.
He is a project but some sites have him ranked pretty decent. I know ESPN has him as a four star. He has improved his stock over the last year and played well at various camps. He is projected as a four year depth guy though.
Well, @mikeirbyusa (or any other mod that's reading) did you think the following was an appropriate response to @dukephysics latest post:

“I just don't get why you are wasting your time on a UNC board to talk about a player Duke is also recruiting. If you come on here with "duke" in your username, why would you expect to be met with open arms? 99.999% of them are trolls so of course we're going to assume you are one also.

I'm sure you can find a Knox thread on the Duke board to share your opinion.”

Thanks @heelmanwilm for your thoughtful reply to him. Just be prepared to be attacked since you didn't treat him like crap.
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Hes listed as a center which wont fly at 6'9. To paraphrase several takes from the recruiting gurus i read he is not much offensively but a great motor and very aggressive. (I like hearing that). He evidently came from obscurity to being the top center in nc.
He is a project but some sites have him ranked pretty decent. I know ESPN has him as a four star. He has improved his stock over the last year and played well at various camps. He is projected as a four year depth guy though.
So basically what I'm picturing is one of those high energy guys who's going to come in off the bench to grab some rebounds and bring in some toughness. I'm all for those types of players, and they're definitely needed, but man, we need a stud down low in the worst way. With that said, I'm glad he's coming, and hell, I'm just glad we got SOMEONE.
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So basically what I'm picturing is one of those high energy guys who's going to come in off the bench to grab some rebounds and bring in some toughness. I'm all for those types of players, and they're definitely needed, but man, we need a stud down low in the worst way. With that said, I'm glad he's coming, and hell, I'm just glad we got SOMEONE.

Yea i agree. But dayum seems to me some of these studs would see that the line up is WIDE OPEN for one of them to step in and start day one on the biggest stage. With ancouple exceptions 5 star bigs have not been interested in unc for a long time.
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"I've taken Steat to task over his views on Dawkins before as well. And while I agree with @tarheel0910 that Dawkins' situation is a serious and sensitive issue, I wouldn't call for locking the thread. I just ask that poasters tread lightly." @gunslingerdick

Shouldn't be an issue anymore. My posting privileges for that thread have been taken away.
"I've taken Steat to task over his views on Dawkins before as well. And while I agree with @tarheel0910 that Dawkins' situation is a serious and sensitive issue, I wouldn't call for locking the thread. I just ask that poasters tread lightly." @gunslingerdick

Shouldn't be an issue anymore. My posting privileges for that thread have been taken away.

Seriously? I didn't even know that could happen.
Hes listed as a center which wont fly at 6'9. To paraphrase several takes from the recruiting gurus i read he is not much offensively but a great motor and very aggressive. (I like hearing that). He evidently came from obscurity to being the top center in nc.

He's plenty big top cover the 5 spot. He seems to have a long wingspan and I'd bet he's every bit as tall as Meeks right now with a better reach and better hops.

I also think he's really improving and has a tremendous upside if we can ever get him there. He won't ever be Shaquille O'Neal. But he can be a guy that gets 20 mpg his junior and senior years and be pretty productive. But that's the problem. we don't have the luxury of recruiting guys to develop. We need guys that can play tomorrow. Still holding out hope for PJ Washington.
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I didn't either, but I get the following message when I pull it up:

"You have insufficient privileges to reply here."

I'm pretty sure that's the response that everyone gets when a thread is locked (I get the same message and I haven't chimed in on that board in awhile).

While Gary can be abbrassive/argumentative - he at least contributes some sort of knowledge and analysis to threads over there (even if that analysis is sometimes wrong/backwards or overly UNC biased). The same can't be said for that Sk1310 guy. He contributes absolutely nothing of value - and is constantly tirading against any non-UNC fans as well as any UNC fans who like to have reasonable back and forth conversation. He sucks.

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