OOTB Carolina Basketball Discussion Thread

I disagree with much of this. Berry doesn't need to be a different player than he was last year. He's elite. He was becoming elite last year. IMO, he's a top 3 PG in the country this year. I agree with 0910 that his scoring will rise. JJ is kind of hot and cold but I see that as a product of the situation he's been in the past 2 years. Brice and Marcus were the options and JJ played a supportive role. If Jackson knows from the jump this year that we're counting on him, I think he can produce at a high level fairly consistently. But his outside shot has to be dependable. We'll see there, I guess. Meeks is what he is. You can call him a role player but IMO, a guy that averages 10 and 6 is more than a role player. I think we should and can count on 10 and 6 from Meeks along with some skilled passing. Hicks is the one I have the most questions about. He's immensely talented but obviously fouls have been a problem. If he can stay out of trouble, Hicks can really be a beast - especially if he's hitting jumpers like I saw in a practice video.

Duke has some really good players. But it will be interesting to see how K uses them. Can anyone on the perimeter guard? Because they couldn't last year. And how deep do you really expect K to go? And can the guys that don't get much burn come in cold and produce when called upon? That's a big deal and if a player doesn't have that kind of mindset, all the talent in the world won't do them any good.


Well in all honesty u said u disagree with most of what i said then proceeded to confirm it.
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Well in all honesty u said u disagree with most of what i said then proceeded to confirm it.

How so? You said Berry needs to be a different player than he was last year. I disagree. The Berry from last year will do just fine. You said Meeks is a role player. I disagree again. I don't view a starter that produces 10 and 6 a role player. If you believe that, then wouldn't every player on every team be considered a role player? You said Jackson is a hot and cold player. I disagreed once again saying that without Brice and Marcus, JJ will be a lead guy.

On Hicks, maybe we agree.

Maybe I'm in the minority here. I love Theo. But has he really proven to be a dominate player day in and day out? He brings energy, and pep. But has he ever taken over games, or filled a stat sheet like Danny green? I really think the worse will happen when he comes back and not be accustomed to in game play. It seemed to happen when he injured himself before.
Maybe I'm in the minority here. I love Theo. But has he really proven to be a dominate player day in and day out? He brings energy, and pep. But has he ever taken over games, or filled a stat sheet like Danny green? I really think the worse will happen when he comes back and not be accustomed to in game play. It seemed to happen when he injured himself before.
It's a huge blow mainly because of how weak we are at SG. Theo is really the only experience we have there, other than Nate, who's really a PG. Losing Theo really hurts.
Yeah, plus what he provides his replacements do not. The person who replaces him may score more points than him but I think it hurts the total amount of PPG UNC scores and the way the offense will flow (and the defensive efficiency as well).
Maybe I'm in the minority here. I love Theo. But has he really proven to be a dominate player day in and day out? He brings energy, and pep. But has he ever taken over games, or filled a stat sheet like Danny green? I really think the worse will happen when he comes back and not be accustomed to in game play. It seemed to happen when he injured himself before.
I'm with you. I think most are over reacting. I was never a big fan of him at the 2. We have plenty of depth there, although a lot of it is inexperienced. His biggest asset was the energy he brought off the bench, but he can still do that to some extent on the sideline. Our ability to go small decreases, but Roy never did that much outside of when he did it with PJ.
I mean it's not inaccurate though....

As much as I don't like the guy, I'd haveta disagree, CB34 . . IMHO, he's just key punch happy, in that he just likes to hear himself talk . . he knows basketball, but, really isn't up to date on UNC recruiting.

Funny thing is that he and I shared the board for 10+ years and we never had a whole lot of interaction until he wanted to defend one of his buddies and he jumped me a few months back.
You have been named as a "person of interest".

LOL . .

You know @heelbent has checked IP addresses to see if I was involved.

This DSouthrisdumb guy hasn't posted anything, but, has limited his board activity to just the 'Likes' on other peep's replies.

Whats next . . . GodfatherGary . . ?
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LOL . .

You know @heelbent has checked IP addresses to see if I was involved.

This DSouthrisdumb guy hasn't posted anything, but, has limited his board activity to just the 'Likes' on other peep's replies.

Whats next . . . GodfatherGary . . ?
There was a poster on DI a while back making fun of G7. His name was gary4plus3 or something like that. It was actually a pretty funny thread. Not sure if it's still up or not.
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I'm confused as to how they even know who I am.
Simple answer. It's because you are

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