OOTB Carolina Basketball Discussion Thread

Just posted this on Radar as well, but I got to meet Phil Ford today. He came to an event in my small little town of Pikeville, North Carolina, and I got to talk with him for about 5 minutes. He was so cool, totally humble, just a super nice guy. Here's a picture of the two of us.

Just posted this on Radar as well, but I got to meet Phil Ford today. He came to an event in my small little town of Pikeville, North Carolina, and I got to talk with him for about 5 minutes. He was so cool, totally humble, just a super nice guy. Here's a picture of the two of us.

Great. Now we have to do another roast, don't we?
I had a buddy who went to the FF and had a picture with him. Seems like a great dude.
Harrison Barnes will have his jersey honored in the Dean Dome rafters for being a member of an Olympic Gold medal team . .

I just went back and looked at all our players that have honored or retired jerseys, and Harrison had previously qualified for that honor when he was named 2nd team AA.

My bad . .
That's awesome that he is interacting with other freshman.... Not too sure coaching staff wants to see him doing that on the playground too much though!!!!! Lol
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Would be no debate everyone knows that Marvel rules
I've said in the past that I wouldn't mind if more duke fans posted on this thread or other OOTB threads, but if you are going to make asinine comments like that you need to go back to DI. ;)
Holy mother of god i made the mistake of asking why coach doesnt go through handlers on radar. @heelbent i'm not posting another word in the thread and have no interest in any back and forth with gary nor do i want anyone else to. Wth was i thinking.
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Holy mother of god i made the mistake of asking why coach doesnt go through handlers on radar. @heelbent i'm not posting another word in the thread and have no interest in any back and forth with gary nor do i want anyone else to. Wth was i thinking.

OH, so long as it all goes your way it's fine?:cool:
heelman, you like to dish it out but can't take it. Or have I got that wrong?
You GOT to be kidding me??!!
No Mike, he's not kidding you. There was nothing disrespectful about his posts on that thread. He was simply seeking clarification on the matter.

Look at @gunslingerdick's response to @heelmanwilm 's questions. Perfectly respectful and he answered the questions posed without an attitude. Now contrast gary's response:

"Wow. Just wow."
He immediately opens with condescension, which is his calling card.

"Turn him in to whom, exactly?"
More condescension. How could heelman be so stupid as to suggest that Roy turn in a handler?

"Evidence? Coach just laid it out and you're asking this?"
Even more condescension. heelman is basically made to feel like he's some kind of idiot for even asking.

It's not just this one response, Mike. It's a continued pattern of behavior that has turned that board into a toxic wasteland. You're not going to want to hear this, but you have lost your objectivity as a moderator. You have chosen sides and allowed gary to habitually respond to other posters like this. Even in this thread, you demonstrate that you're tone-deaf to gary's abrasive and condescending posts. Worse yet, you're actually defending him here. heelman can't even vent here without catching flak for it? That's messed up.
I'm not defending him in any way. He and I have had discussions on this. But that's between us.

If you go looking to pick a fight you will usually get one. Sure he can be a hot-head, but we have many.
I'm not defending him in any way.
heelman came over here to voice a complaint. You were the very first response to him, and your response was antagonistic. I realize you're a poster in addition to being a moderator, but how about you just leave it alone instead of fanning the flames? It was out of line.

If you go looking to pick a fight you will usually get one.
Please explain to me, specifically, where heelman was trying to "pick a fight" in this post:
Okay help me out here. Why is going through a handler unethical? Why is that "wallowing with the swine". If coach williams approached a handler and the guy is crooked wouldnt coach just turn him in and move on? are all handlers dirty? Half? Whats the evidence we're going on here thats preventing us from recruiting top 15 recruits.
There's nothing disrespectful or inflammatory in that post. Yet gary jumps on his back and you just let that fly. The problem is you've let it fly 100 times, which is why basketball discussion on that board has seen a mass exodus to this board.

That's no way to moderate a board, Mike. I've just about had enough.

ETA: I'm not going to apologize for calling you out. I've had off-line discussions with multiple posters on this board who feel the exact same way. It's always hard to hear criticism, but you need to take a moment of self-reflection to realize that your moderating style has contributed to the problems on Radar, and now it's creeping into OOTB as well. Something has to give.